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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    Beauty Queens

    I would like to suggest Miss Wyoming World 1973, Joyce McKinney, just because she hasn't been mentioned before. McKinney was accused of kidnapping a missionary, driving him to Devon and keeping him as a sex slave, resulting in the infamous 'manacled Mormon' case which kept the British press happily occupied in 1977. Since then, she has occasionally made the news again; for cloning her deceased pitbull in South Korea, aiding and abetting a teenager to commit a burglary to raise funds to buy an artificial leg for her horse, before more recently being arrested for vehicular homicide after allegedly running over a holocaust survivor.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    Hollywood Possibilities

    What's on Chris Rock's face? Fresh Prints!
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    Basil Brush's Misters

    Basil and Mr Roy reunited for the day.
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    From Cleric To Relic

    Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill sells his soul to the devil and backs Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, in Kiev, the 93 year old Patriarch Filaret of the breakaway Ukrainian Orthodox church soldiers on. He survived covid last year, but his secessionist tendencies have annoyed Putin, so a sudden demolition of the cathedral while he is inside can't be ruled out.
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    The Ukraine Crisis

    An interesting new development
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    Covid is so 2020/21. I thought this year we were giving nuclear war a chance instead.
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    The Dead of 2022

    Just use the search facility? Then you could skedaddle over to Google and search for 'superiority complex', because I reckon you have quite a bad case of it
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    Oldest Living football league players

    No longer blowing bubbles...
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    One of my squad, Les Jenkins, also known as Stupid Evil Bastard, dead. Chances of anything approaching an obituary rather negligible I would have thought
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Notable Victims of the Russo-Ukrainian war

    Also on Twitter, a photo of a downed Russian pilot who is believed to have previously bombed Syria has been released.
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Thanks for dropping by and sharing this bold prediction with us. Going forward, please try and evidence your cerebral function by posting sensibly. Many thanks!
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    Vladimir Putin

    $1million reward on offer to assassinate laughing Vlad. I would have thought if that reward snowballed, it might gain some real impetus. Then there could be retaliatory measures, with Johnson, Macron and Biden all being taken out via sniper rifle before Christmas
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Dogger was my go to book as a child and, later, I loved reading it to my own children. RIP Shirley Hughes.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    @Spade_Cooley your inbox is full.
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Lynch Mob

    David Lynch, possibly my favourite human, veers off from his weather-forecast to warn Vladimir Putin about the dangers of karma (once he has contained his excitement about it being Friday again)
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy

    We could have some serious action on the Scrabble thread in weeks to come.
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    Winter Olympic Deaths

    Not a death, but Finnish cross country skier Remi Lindholm suffers 'unbearable pain' defrosting his penis after the particularly chilling 50km event.
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    Time Added

    No obituary yet, but Ivor Doble, former Exeter City owner and chairman, has died. Will be interested to see if he obits, as I thought of picking him for the DDP. Edit - obit from local news site https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/exeter-legend-ivor-doble-died-6699643
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Queen Elizabeth II

    BBC news says Brenda is continuing with "light duties". Presumably she's been given a day off her shift at the foundry then If she were to go expire, would the planned double bank holiday for the jubilee go ahead?
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Man has leg cut off with circular saw in public park and succumbs to injuries shortly afterwards A 'friend' has been arrested for murder. This appears to have been a mutually arranged activity, although details are still emerging. The article doesn't state what happened to the removed leg.
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    The Weather

    It's pretty blowy on the North Devon coast right now. I know this because I've just walked along about a mile of it.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    Vladimir Putin

    Indeed I do. Hence the "where nobody admits responsibility" bit of my post. Anyway, Putin is a bit of a connoisseur of extrajudicial killings on foreign soil. An irony he may even get to consider for a brief moment, before life slips away.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    Vladimir Putin

    I wonder if there is any possibility that the sanctions which will inevitably follow conflict in the Ukraine may include personal sanctions against Vladimir Putin, and perhaps even the ultimate sanction? Taking him out may create a power vacuum which might in turn strengthen the West's hand. An assassination - perhaps by sniper rifle - where nobody admits responsibility could make things interesting.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    Captain Tom Moore

    I've never even heard of Ladbaby. What am I missing?
  25. DevonDeathTrip

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    This Zouma cat thing made me think of Panamanian footballer Luis Moreno, who fatally attacked an injured owl, eventually resulting in a sentence of community service at a zoo.

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