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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    Kiwi Karkers

    Upgrade that to liver cancer.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Deathray, I understand that all 156 episodes of the BBC's ill-fated Eldorado are available on YouTube. Tackling that lot in one go might be interesting? (I know this after falling down a Wikipedia rabbit hole while trying to work out where I'd seen that bloke on Holby City before)
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    Death, Italian Style

    Only The Independent gave Lara a proper obituary in the end. She remains languishing in the List of the Lost and loses the chance to be (possibly?) the first Eritrean to be a successful pick. Personally, I agree that the Indy's exclusion as a DDP obit source deserves a rethink for 2019, because paper is on the way out and they give obits to interesting people.
  4. DevonDeathTrip

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Alleged 'IS Beatles' El Shafee Elsheikh and Alexanda Kotey, currently detained in Syria, were discussed on R4 news tonight. The correspondent who interviewed the men spoke of the legal complexities involved in extraditing them and then casually remarked that the simplest way of resolving the issue would be for their Kurdish captors to go ahead and execute them. I don't think it is beyond the realms of possibility that such an event could come to pass. Should this execution occur extra-judicially - the PKK having no legal authority in Syria and unlikely to trouble themselves with the niceties of a trial - then could it potentially make these men eligible for DDP points with unnatural death points bonuses on top?
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Glen Campbell

    Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's disease. Like A Rhinestone, uh ...duh
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Tempted to add this to my wish list...
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    The Dead Of 2015

    Thread locked, miscellaneous insults moved to the drunk, bored, psychopath department.
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Think I'll lock the thread in an hour or so. Feel free to insult each other until then
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    Sporting Bravery

    Only one bike, which I lumber about rather slowly on. Not enough flat road around here. In the mid 90s the only pro in the top hundred believed to be clean was Chris Boardman. Of course you can reply doper, but, as you well know, you can't say it with 100% accuracy, however forcefully you make the point. Accept I probably shouldn't have bitten, but it's the vitriol I find mildly offensive. I maintain that Phillippe Gilbert is a very brave man to cycle 60km with a broken knee, as is Lawson Craddock who has now cycled 3000km with a broken shoulder. I'm not sure what drugs you think they're on which would diminish their agony, in fact even if they were dosed up to the eyeballs on morphine - which they're not - I'd still think they were brave. My thread. Cyclists count! Yours Subhuman Scum
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Sporting Bravery

    I'm not sure you get the point of this thread tbh. I understand (but don't particularly care) that cycling isn't a sport that meets with your approval. So if you can name a jockey who has battled through adversity, go ahead and name him or her and I'll do my best not to denigrate and belittle whatever you come up with.
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    Sporting Bravery

    Cyclists fall at higher speed on to harder surfaces and then carry on. Jockeys just lie there. I don't think they're allowed to even remount anymore? (in the unlikely event of their trusty steed waiting around for them). Mind, I can't see the cowardly cry baby Neymar cutting it in either profession tbh.
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    Sporting Bravery

    At the risk of making this thread all about cyclists, check out Phillippe Gilbert's crash during today's Tour De France stage. Impressively he got back on his bike and rode on for another sixty kilometers, over two mountains, to finish the stage. Only when Gilbert was eventually carted off to hospital was it established that he had in fact broken his kneecap .
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Life In Prison

    Beverley Allitt suffering from sepsis according to The Sun.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Sporting Bravery

    Good stuff, keep them coming. Another cyclist, Riccardo Palea lost an eye in a collision with a horse-drawn carriage during the 1914 Giro D'Italia, but overcame this trifling inconvenience by getting back on his bike and carrying on regardless.
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    FIFA World Cup Players

    I'm pasting the following report from @camelclutchgirl below, as it appears they used the report function by mistake instead of actually posting. camelclutchgirl Submitted 1 hour ago Great job. Luís Morais, nicknamed Cabeção ("the big-headed one"), the reserve goalkeeper of 1954 Brazilian National team, is still alive. He was born in 1930-08-23.
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    Mad Mike Hoare

    Welcome to the forum. We've also got a thread about Nick Du Toit, Simon Mann and Mark Thatcher which might interest you, although it hasn't seen much action recently.
  17. DevonDeathTrip

    Mad Mike Hoare

    I was reading about Mad Mike's disastrous attempt at overthrowing the government of the Seychelles. Apparently one of his cohort, with a suitcase full of guns, accidently walked through the 'something to declare' aisle at the airport. His stash of weaponry was promptly found, leading to a subsequent firefight started by other members of Hoare's team. Then they all hijacked a plane and flew back home again Beats office work, I suppose.
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Cause of death prostate cancer? That wasn't what it said on the tin when I was doing my DDP shopping.
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    @The Unknown Man's lack of an avatar always amuses me for some reason. A decade of loyal service to DL and he remains...unknown. (And he only joined with encouragement, having posted as a guest for a few years before that!)
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Life In Prison

    Alas Sidney Cooke, now 91, is still wasting valuable oxygen. However I am led to believe that he may be extremely unwell at the moment - definitely one for 2019 if he makes it that far.
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    Old Folkies Home

    She's had emphysema for a long time, so one to keep on our radar. I think she said about ten years ago that she couldn't walk and talk at the same time... PS I'm off to Cropredy next month MPFC for the first time in years, mainly to see Brian Wilson & Friends perform Pet Sounds, but will keep an eye out for ailing folkies and report back.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Thanks everyone, especially @msc for all your hard work. Commiserations @Sir Creep, I hope you clear the final hurdle next year. It is nice to still be winning deadpools. Would still like to get a Hartlepool DP win to add to my collection, so I'm not going to be retiring any time soon.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    I'm celebrating thirteen years as a Deathlister today.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    Shaun's Death By Numbers 2018

    No changes for me either please. I'm sure my troops will deliver in time.
  25. DevonDeathTrip

    Nick Du Toit / Simon Mann / Mark Thatcher

    A bit late with this one, but Ely Calil, the reclusive, rarely photographed multi-millionaire who was widely believed to have funded the 2004 Equatorial Guinea coup plot, died after falling down the stairs at his London home last month. Meanwhile, I believe all three subjects of this thread are in good health and Nick Du Toit, my joker pick in the 2006 DDP, was last heard of running a car dealership in Yemen. (Although, thinking about it, there might possibly be another reason why this lifelong mercenary and arms dealer is choosing to spend time in a nation perennially ravaged by war, but who am I to speculate?)

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