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Everything posted by DevonDeathTrip

  1. DevonDeathTrip

    The 16th death of 2017

    Jill Gascoine, shortly to see a pale horse looming on the horizon, or something.
  2. DevonDeathTrip

    Joni Mitchell

    Yes, it's widely believed to be a psychological, rather than a physical illness and is also known as delusion of parasitosis. Either way it can be incredibly debilitating, but it is never fatal.
  3. DevonDeathTrip

    Harvey Weinstein

    I don't really do Hollywood, but I always thought Harvey Weinstein was gay and sang torch songs with a croaky voice. A bit of Googling tells me I'm not the only one. Gay producer Harvey Fierstein is getting a ton of abuse from people who have the wrong Harvey
  4. DevonDeathTrip


    Not rude, but who could forget Charlton Athletic's classic naughties defensive line up of: Young Fish Costa Fortune.
  5. DevonDeathTrip

    Boxing Clever?

    Downes was shockingly overlooked for any honours and only belatedly awarded the more lowly British Empire Medal, when, as a world champion, he deserved an MBE at the very least. Also, I quite like the fact that he once lost to an opponent called Dick Tiger
  6. DevonDeathTrip

    Time Added

    Hull will be holding a minutes silence for Les Mutrie before their next home game. Hoping this will get mentioned in the BBC text commentary, although slightly disappointed the national press have completely ignored his demise.
  7. DevonDeathTrip

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    I do agree to an extent, but he had been suspended twice before for doing exactly the same thing. So, yes, immaturity perhaps rather than malice, but what else can a mod do when someone refuses to stop posting porn? I am mindful that we have under 18s on these forums, and others may be in an open plan office, so without getting all Puritan about it, I really don't think this is the platform for posting explicit images. Perhaps we should just suspend him for, I dunno, thirty-seven years or something. But knowing Mad Hatter he'd just come back and immediately post a picture of a dragon raping some poor waif, rendering the whole thing a pointless exercise. Confused about your BBC reference, as a licence fee payer I'd like to know what I've been missing out on?
  8. DevonDeathTrip

    Shauns Death By Numbers 2017

    Sean is there any chance this game could go back to having squads of forty in the team next year? Not a criticism as such, I just liked that format better.
  9. DevonDeathTrip

    I hate you all

    Thread locked. But while I have your attention Mad Hatter, post any more porn, even in cartoon format and you're gone, permanently. Starting threads like this won't do your long term prospects much good either. We really don't like banning people and you are capable of being halfway amusing on rare occasions, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule these days and all this attention seeking twattery is starting to grate a bit.
  10. DevonDeathTrip

    Alain Delon

    Which one is the cocaine snorting old lady? Presumably she is long dead, but looking at the scene again, she doesn't appear to be that ancient, so might still be alive and freebasing somewhere.
  11. DevonDeathTrip

    Internet Celebrities

    Lovesick Russian blogger and snake expert Arslan Valeev live streams his own suicide by allowing a black mamba to bite him.
  12. DevonDeathTrip

    Death And The Scrabble Deficit

    Mentioned on the pop thread, the recently deceased Nashville indie singer Jessie Zazu strolls into scrabble deficit territory (28:35)
  13. DevonDeathTrip

    Dead Drummers

    I'm really sad, but not that surprised to read about the death of Grant Hart. In my view his musical and songwriting talents were incredibly underrated and I hope history will be kind to him, as he never achieved the recognition he deserved in life. There aren't that many drummers who sing lead vocals, and Grant Hart was right up there with the best of them. Years ago, when I was a teenager getting into grunge, lots of these bands cited Husker Du as a huge influence on them, so bought their live album on cassette and was blown away. Eventually I ended up owning all of Husker Du's albums and, to this day, some of them still get played regularly. As Vinegar Tits points out above, Hart's next project, Nova Mob, were pretty damned good as well, but he never saw much in the way of chart action. Nova Mob's concept album The Last Days of Pompeii really deserved far more airplay than it actually got, but Hart seemed destined to forever remain in obscurity. His solo career never took off and he spent years playing in bars for very little money. There were rumours going around a few years ago that he had HIV, which given the fact he was a promiscuous gay man with a raging heroin habit in the late 80s and early 90s, may have had some substance to them. Grant Hart never made much money; he lived in his late parents' home until he accidentally set fire to it a few years ago. But he kept of writing and performing right up to the end, in the face of complete indifference to anyone but his minuscule fan base. If ever there was a case of life not being fair, Grant Hart probably fits the bill as a prime example. Oh, and the name of the album that got me hooked? The Living End.
  14. DevonDeathTrip

    Donald Fagen

    I like the Steely Dan album Katy Lied, just because they put a type of cricket called the katydid on the album sleeve. Puns like that appeal to me.
  15. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    As one of the bigger names in Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, pretty high I would have thought.
  16. DevonDeathTrip

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    We haven't got a thread about sewing (see what I did there), so here will have to do. Renowned seamstress Nancy Zieman, who hosts a long running programme called Sewing With Nancy, which broadcasts across much of the USA, has retired following her diagnosis of inoperable cancer.
  17. DevonDeathTrip


    Noel Edmonds says he has previously attempted suicide due to financial worries, and also holds his bank responsible for his diagnosis of prostate cancer in 2013.
  18. DevonDeathTrip

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    The one and only time I've emailed to request an obit was to the Guardian in 2010 when I told them it was unfair Stella Nova nee Steve New - a unique pick for me on the DDP - hadn't had a write-up. I obviously wasn't very subtle as I got an email back minutes later basically asking me if I had a deadpool team called The Living End and I was so disturbed at being outed that I've never done it again. That said, New/Nova did get his/her obituary in the end, but I couldn't honestly claim it had anything to do with me. As for Cameron-Blackie, I can't see her getting an obit now, which means my run of unique picks could be coming to an end
  19. DevonDeathTrip

    Nicholas Parsons vs Denis Norden

    I think there's a reasonable chance Parsons could still be presenting Just A Minute when he turns 100. Or 200 for that matter - the man seems completely indestructible.
  20. DevonDeathTrip

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    We're not really big on permanent bans here, although Mad Hatter is heading in that direction.
  21. DevonDeathTrip

    Dead Pop Stars

    It was me apparently in 2008, not that I have any recollection whatsoever of posting it. @YoungWillz and @Thatcher, I'll move these posts to the Pop thread in a minute, once I've checked on my fish pie. Please, both of you, just chill out.
  22. DevonDeathTrip

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I've had an idea about a potential radio show: "Celebrities Make Jam With DDT". Basically, the format will be to find two celebrities - it doesn't really matter who - who then spend the next forty eight hours with me, without sleep, in a non stop session making industrial amounts of jam. The highlights could then be condensed into a one hour show. My thoughts were that as the celebrity gets more exhausted, they are likely to become delirious and start spouting all sorts of nonsense, which might do wonders for their public profile. In addition, the celebrities' increasing fatigue will enhance the risk of them sustaining burns or other injuries as they struggle to handle the boiling vats of sugar and fruit, which would make for great listening. The winner will be the contestant who produces the most consistently high quality of jam. As a prize, they can take the jam home with them. For the pilot episode, I was thinking of inviting Taylor Swift and Nigel Farage to participate. I quite like the idea of seeing how 'nice' Taylor would be as I asked how she really felt about Jay Z when she's gone nearly two days without sleep and is struggling to stir a massive amount of bramble jelly mix in a stifling hot kitchen. Similarly, I feel that an equally tired Nigel would reveal his true self and scream at me to fuck off when I started to ask him about his near lethal plane crash, just at the point where he's trying to decant his latest batch of boiling liquid into sterilised jars. Radio gold. It might be that some celebrities would turn down the opportunity to take part, but such is the need for media exposure these days, that there's bound to be hordes of willing participants desperate to get on the show. I just thought I'd post my idea here, as if a similar programme ever starts, I want it on record that I thought of it first.
  23. DevonDeathTrip

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    I'm not really a sci-fi man, but Aldiss' Super-Toys Last All Summer Long and Other Stories of Future Time was actually a very good read. I tackled it a few years ago when I was going through my post-apocalyptic fiction phase.
  24. DevonDeathTrip

    The 11th death of 2017

    Pierre Cardin, a dedicated follower of fashion.
  25. DevonDeathTrip

    I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue Radio 4

    When listening a few days ago, I noticed that Graeme Garden, virtually ever present on the show since 1972, was no longer on the panel. According to Wikipedia he's actually been absent since January last year and a bit more googling mentions he had to cancel a festival appearance earlier this year due to a "stubborn chest infection". Then I found this message from the man himself on a Goodies fansite. But he doesn't seem to have made a public appearance for a while, so he could have some significant health issues. Garden does have a Twitter account and he may give away some clues there.

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