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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Deathlist 2011

    Mitch Miller can now be removed from the list as he died on the 31st of July 2010. So was he 99 in 2007, or 99 in 2010?
  2. Windsor

    Deathlist 2010 Feedback

    I think the performance of this year's list is representative of 2010 in general. Pretty shit.
  3. Windsor

    A Joke

    We should probably call social services now.
  4. Thanks to all for their kind birthday wishes both here, and on facebook.
  5. Windsor

    A Joke

    If told that joke on a public street, there's an 80% chance you'll die.
  6. Windsor

    Britney Spears, Kerry Katona, Heather Locklear et al.

    I did like this one.
  7. Windsor

    A Joke

    The people at Emmerdale have a sense of humour. But the general public don't...
  8. Windsor

    Est.1993's Half-year Deathpool

    DDT and me get points for Alex Higgins' death.
  9. Windsor

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Let's hope she sees the New Year in. DDP here I come... "Not looking good" http://www.popeater.com/2010/07/23/zsa-zsa...ical-condition/ If she pulls through do you think she will sue the person who telephoned her?
  10. Windsor


    It gets worse.
  11. Windsor

    The All Coppers Are Bent Bastards Thread!

    To be fair? I'm speechless. We all know people like him. Being difficult for the sake of it. If we have learned anything from this its if your going to be a difficult arsehole, don't put your hands in your pockets because you won't be able to break your fall.
  12. Windsor

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    He's doing pretty good for being in his 90th year. Name another 89 year old man who could perform a tour of Canada, before going on to the USA, before flying home to Britain, before resuming a full list of engagements two days later. That is why he's not on the list. He is old - but not ill or ailing.
  13. Windsor

    John Tyndall & Nick Griffin

    Phillip just won't tolerate any lefties in the house. "Release the hounds Harry... release the hounds!" Come on now. Philip finds the BNP's policy of repatriation of immigrants utterly disgusting. He doesn't want to live out the last of his days in Greece...
  14. Windsor

    Denis Healey

    Mrs Edna Healey dies aged 92.
  15. Windsor

    The All Coppers Are Bent Bastards Thread!

    To be fair the guy was taking the piss by being slow. He should act his age the stupid bastard. (Note: I am speaking about the photo on the right).
  16. Windsor

    World's Oldest

    Eunice Bowman dead at 111. Points for Maryport?
  17. Windsor

    Ronnie Biggs

    He doesn't look too well in these photos.
  18. Windsor

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Breaking several bones at 93? I think shes finished.
  19. Windsor

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    BP is also responsible for global warming, the hole in the o-zone, paedophilia and Anthea Turner...
  20. Windsor

    Raoul Moat

    We should post the jokes here. Seems to be the place to go if you think Moat should have gunned down more 'pigs'.
  21. Windsor

    Raoul Moat

    Do you suppose the prospect of being befriended by Gazza was what tipped him over the edge?
  22. The best I can do is that my great aunt was also my step-great grandmother, and my great grandfather was also my great uncle. (My maternal great grandfather married my dad's aunt).
  23. Windsor

    Room 101

    What a nob. If he's already being dictated to by her before they're even married, just think what a pussy he will be 10 years down the line. Ditch him Winds, you can do better than that! I think he is one of those people who are terrified of being alone. He got engaged to this one after a month or two. He always rushes into things like this then I have to listen to his depressive rants when it all goes pear shaped. Watch out - he could be the next Rauol Moat.
  24. Windsor

    Room 101

    I'm not allowed to comment my friend's facebook anymore becuase some of my comments have upset his 'future mother-in-law'. Prick.

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