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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Death List Convention

    When are we sending our quiz team to 'Eggheads' to kill CJ da Mooi? I believe the pot is upto 75,000 pounds.
  2. Windsor

    Deathlist Comedy

    Do you just get off on being some sort of wannabe 'master of ceremonies'? Why did you feel the need to do that exactly? You are as renowned for your comic talent as Ian Brady is!
  3. Windsor

    A Joke

    So it wasn't a joke?
  4. Windsor

    Kate And Gerry

    So killing your children and getting off with it is a great business venture should the media turn against you. Sly bastards those McCanns...
  5. Windsor

    World's Oldest

    The eviction process would be interesting...
  6. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    For a second there I thought Henry Kissinger was dead. Then I remembered that iain is a cnut.
  7. Windsor

    Kate And Gerry

    You'd stop eating too if the authorities were close to finding how you murdered your daughter.
  8. Windsor

    Billy Graham

    What has the Ford family got to do with the Graham family? It is still possible for both Grahams to die in 2007. The question regarding Betty Ford, is whether or not she dies within a year of her late husband. For that to happen, she would need to die anytime before 26th December 2007.
  9. Windsor

    Fidel Castro

    What makes the Bush presidency so special to Catro's heart? I thought, for the most part, he hated all US Presidents equally.
  10. Windsor

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Maybe we could him as a test case. If he snuffs it B4 new year and gets a UK obit, then we'd know that when an equivalent person is dying, we would know to put them in. Each case is different but rule of thumb you know? Or maybe you could pick half famous people to save yourself the worry.
  11. Windsor

    New Here and saying Hi.

    Who's pompous now? By the way please don't see this as 'constant whining and tawdry attempts to pick fights', and therefore an excuse to tamper with my warn logs.
  12. Windsor

    Room 101

    When a bunch of c**ts come charging into a computer classroom screaming and shouting about their placements when I', trying to read Johann Fichte's 'Addresses to the German People'. Arseholes.
  13. Windsor

    Kate And Gerry

    Someone threatened to go to the police about one of my friends after he cracked a McCann joke. There are some strange web surfer out there...
  14. Windsor

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Not if proper care is given. If the infection looks as though it may cause her difficulty, they will simply hack it off. I think you are thinking of bloodclots. They are very common in frail elderly people due to the lack of exercise of the legs. My grandmother almost died due to that in Hospital. Lucky for her, it stuck in her leg which then exploded. Had a patient in the next bed not noticed the blood pouring out of her bed, she would likely have bled to death. In the end she ended up in infection control with suspected MRSA. Oh the joys of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary!
  15. Windsor

    Room 101

    The 'Special Libraries and Archives' Librarian of Aberdeen University. I should probably be ashamed to admit this (studying history) but today I paid my first visit to the SL&A. On searching the Library Catalogue, I found a 3 page manuscript which was of some interest to me - so I went to the said Library. Upon reaching this library, I was approached by some librarian who looked at me as if I was a chav about to cause trouble. The first thing she asked me was if I had read about the conditions of the library. I hadn't - I generally do my reading in the library, not before I get there. She then informed me that I was not allowed to wear a coat in this library (I had to leave it in a locker). Anyway, after being made to feel about the size of this typeface, I told her of the piece I was interested in viewing. I explained to her that I had tried to request it on the computer (all the other libraries in campus use this system) to which she informed me that, "That's not how we do things here". Anyway, I got to request my book to her in person at her desk. I agreed that I would come back the next day to view the item giving her the time she needed to look it out. Before I left, she did a quick search on the code and then informed me that it would take her 15 minutes to look out the manuscript and she would see me tomorrow. I should probably drop-out now.
  16. You're safe from the Portugese - Maddie was only four. HoS, on the otherhand, would be on the first plane to Texas...
  17. Happy Birthday Six. Hope you had a great day.
  18. Windsor

    Deathlist Dreaming

    How can you remember your dreams in such detail? I barely remember any of my dreams. The ones I do remember, I can only give a basic outline. Do you sit with a note pad by the bed and write them down when you wake up?
  19. Windsor

    Colin McRae

    His death has been confirmed. Both he and his 5 year old son died in the crash.
  20. Windsor

    Deathlist Dreaming

    I can remember part of my dream from last night. There was a prowler going around about my sister's house so for some strange reason, me and a friend got some sleeping bags and slept in a park waiting for the prowler to strike so we could catch him. Can't remember exactly how it ended. I was either being chased by the prowler, or by the guy in the next sleeping bag.
  21. Windsor

    Ronnie Biggs

    I'm sure the nurses told you the rules about sharp objects...
  22. Windsor

    Kate And Gerry

    What's worse than Michael Jackson taking your kids to neverland? The McCanns taking them on holiday!
  23. Windsor

    Googling Deathlisters

    I didn't search 'Windsor' for obvious reasons so I tried 'Windsor the Troll'. Number one on google for Windsor the Troll is:
  24. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Former Labour MP. There is a difference. (Ok, so now I'm being picky)

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