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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    There is another thing that you could do to help cheer us up...
  2. You should have agreed. You had no money to pay for haircut thus hair grows.
  3. Windsor

    Stranger Than Death

    Not the same - but rather spooky. Or not.
  4. Windsor

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Probably the wrong thread but. There is a God. It could be fatal if it happend again...next year...
  5. Windsor

    The Boys Of '66

    Remind me - what happened in 1966? It's not as if we have constant reminders every 4 years...
  6. Windsor

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Blair introduces dawn raids for living too long.
  7. Windsor

    The Weatherman Death Pool

    Grumble grumble grumble.... I hate 2007 - none of my teams are doing well anywhere. My only hit has been Josie Grove in the DDP, and John Inman as an 'any one of...' hit at Handrejka's deadpool. My only success has been in my shadow Rotten Ali list (below) which counts for nothing. By all accounts the DL isn't doing too well either.
  8. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    No - I'm not. Just far too busy to learn, and far too tight to pay.
  9. Windsor

    Boris Yeltsin

    Perhaps therein lies the problem with this list. It is far too reliant on old age being the reason of death. I guessed Yeltsin, but it I regarded him as an outside chance - much like John Inman.
  10. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Do you know what? Sod it. As much as it pains me to say it, perhaps SC was right. I'm out of here.
  11. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Actually you went a way for a while and I somehow managed to forget about you. (A luxury I do not award to the regular deathlisters).
  12. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Sir, You are quite correct, it was boring and is boring, who cares? Vulgarity? Yes of course. Comic Intention? You have none, how can you comment. Am I bored with it? Yes. Do I give a flying f**k what you think? No. Does anybody else give a flying f**k what you think? Probably not. Regards Lord FELLATIO Nelson. PS: Bollocks. So tell me then, what is your intention here? There is no point in me taking issue with you - I've learned from previous arseholes such as yourself. The less I get on with them - the longer they seem to stay. Lets just save the hassle - leave now.
  13. Windsor

    Room 101

    People who stand in a door way and have a conversation. Especially groups of male (you don't tell them to move in fear of a thumping).
  14. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    This act got boring before he joined - now it's simply tiresome. The name is vulgar and lacks any comic intention. I'm sure he'll get bored somewhere along the line. I hope he gets bored of it sooner rather than later.
  15. Windsor

    Janez DrnovšEk

    Utter tosh. If half of the worlds leaders were like him, they would simply be pushed over by the otherhalf of leaders. Besides, he is a weirdo.
  16. Windsor

    Room 101

    Are you sure there wasn't a tiny drop at the bottom?
  17. Happy Birthday ie+. Hope you have a nice day.
  18. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Good for her. Personally I've never heard of her or the AAVSO - then again I'm not the Oxbridge sort...
  19. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Oh yes, him. I heard he has had his IP banned because he was spamming the forum or something. Then again I may have just made that up, or got the wrong end of the stick (the side with the poo on it).
  20. Windsor

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Sound's like a Prince Rainier. Multi-organ failure. Very likely that he won't pull through and see 2008.
  21. Windsor

    Room 101

    Hmmm a potential for the 2008 list, murdered by an irate death lister? I'm rather hoping he pulls a John Smith in the next 19 days. His party is nothing without him. Instead of putting 'SNP' on the ballot paper, they have opted for 'Alex Salmond for First Minister'. It's not the bloody X-factor!! (no pun intended).
  22. Windsor

    Room 101

    A new nomination for Room 101 - Alex Salmond My MP since 1987 and future First Minister of Scotalnd. For those of you familiar with my fued with Rotten Ali, you will know that smugness makes my blood boil. This man is smugness personified. He knows that he has already won the election and he has done it too bloody well. He does not argue his own policy - his style is to dismiss everybody else's policy with a laugh, that bloody smug grin and then a little smart arse comment to finish with. The only reason he is so popular is due to the fact that he has promised basically everybody what they want. The fact of the matter is that the nation cannot afford this and he knows it. Three years along the line he will have bankrupted my nation but he will not take the blame. No, no, no. He will blame devolution. He will claim that were it not for devolution Scotland would be coping quite well. He knows he cannot win a referendum on Independence with the current standard of life. That is why he must destroy my country to create good conditions to enter an independence referendum. That is why I hate Alex Salmond. The fat bastard.
  23. Windsor

    Sir Bobby Robson

    As you leave Fraserburgh on the Aberdeen road there is a small place called 'Gash'. I believe that is a slang term for a vagina?
  24. Windsor

    Where [was] Kurt Vonnegut?

    I removed him from my list too. Thinking that he looked fine albeit a tad frail.Other than that he seemed to be in good spirits and not likely to drop dead for at least another year. Weird though, i just lent a copy of Slaughterhouse Five to a work colleague of mine only yesterday Well in that case - not wanting to be left out - I removed him from my shadow list too!
  25. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Kaiser Wilhelm II's last surviving grandson has died at the age of 85.

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