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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    So. Are you sure you still want an elected Head of State? Absolutely. Elected by us, not one appointed by HRH as her proxy. If we stuff it up and put some pillock in the position, at least it'll be our mistake. What kind of head of State are you after? Would it be like a US President - or would it just be like an elected Governer General? Or doesn't it matter - as long as they are of Australian birth?
  2. Windsor

    Gerald Ford

    No. Nixon is best remembered for lying to his people when trying to cover up the Watergate Scandal. He didn't have the sytle to be a pervert - he was an ugly bastard. Clinton survived impeachment. Nixon quit before Congress had the chance. As for sin - Nixon and his pal Kissinger are responsible for the death of up to 600,000 Cambodians are they not. Again, Nixon went ahead with the bombing campaign of Cambodia before he was officially given permission by Congress. So as well as being a liar and a war criminal - he is also a murderer. But as longs as he is not a pervert that can be excused...
  3. Windsor

    Alphonsin's Broadsheet 13

    I won't be entering this one. It sounds too high class for the likes of me. Broadsheet 13... Plus the money thing. I'm not entirely sure whether or not I trust you. Word has it you are a journalist.
  4. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    So. Are you sure you still want an elected Head of State?
  5. Windsor

    Alphonsin's Broadsheet 13

    I was going to let this one go but changed my mind... We know how the word count option on 'word' and 'works' works! Besides, Barbera deserves more words than Niyazov - I've actually heard of Barbera. I have a headache now and it's all your fault!
  6. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    Well I can see that you and Windsor have something in common Right. I've changed my mind. I'm a Republican now.
  7. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    According to Wikipedia (trust at your own peril) it's Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. or indeed The Queen of Australia for short. As an aside: I presume Xenon II has no problems with a female monarch. regards, Hein OK, fair point, I mistakenly replied on the presumption that Xenon II had given her her full title, so I didn't check it out. It would make sense I suppose, I don't admit to having much royal knowledge. Still, do Aussies refer to her as the Queen of Australia, or the Queen of England, or just the Queen? And do they think of her as their queen or someone else's queen being in charge? I was aware of the referendum victory, I was just thinking that if they did (or maybe they do) think of her as the Queen of Australia she might be even more popular there? Of course if they do already then that's a bit of a non-question. She is not that popular. The only reason the monarchy was saved was due to a split on the Republican side. They didn't have a clear vision on what would replace her so they lost a lot of votes. The monarchy is becoming more unpopular as the population changes. As time goes on there is less of a identity with the former 'motherland'. For some strange reason the Queen is very popular in New Zealand - or so I've heard. I'd imagine that she is known as 'The Queen of England'. For some reason that title seems to stick. I'm fed up telling people off for that. (The monarch ceased to be King or Queen of England in 1707 when England ceased to be a sovereign state due to Union). For the record, I believe that the Queen's title should be 'Elizabeth I of the United Kingdom etc etc' because technically a new sovereign state was formed in 1707 (technically in 1801 and 1921 as well). Thus she became the first Queen Elizabeth of the new British State. It was all just badluck with the whole title thing.
  8. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    My country has had a queen as head of state for more than a century. The UK, Denmark and Belgium also allow such creatures, Belgium only recently. I don't know how it is in Sweden and Norway. Does Spain count as a germanic kingdom? regards, Hein Perhaps I should have just said Germany. By Germanic I was meaning the German states before Unification in 1871. I think Spain had a queen once. Didn't she end up in Mexico? I don't know.
  9. Windsor

    The Monkeys

    I was only joking....
  10. Windsor

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    No, but feel free to have a go at the poms. Honez, was it not ruled by a court that 'poms' is not offensive enough? If you want to upset the English, try this: Link or this: Link or this: Link or this: Link I play a Mary Whitehouse type figure...
  11. Windsor

    The Monkeys

    Does no-one read th Irate Visitors thread anymore? Han made a hateful rant against gingers. As a Scot (my population being 95% ginger) I'm offended! But hey it's ok! As longs as no-one upsets the Jews it's fair f*****g game eh!? You're all a bunch of racist bigots. I'm off to join the Scottish Liberation Army...
  12. Windsor

    The Bible

    You mean the promise of an afterlife's just a ruse to keep us downtrodden in the anticipation of something better? Dammit I'm off to rape some mammals. Well if you do not obey the laws of the King who is, surely, God's representative on earth, you will go to hell? That was the route I was taking on that one. As well as the churches saying, 'Give us your money, or go to hell'. People don't rape (women or animals) just because the bible says not to. They don't do it because of human rights laws and civility (if that is a word).
  13. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    According to Wikipedia (trust at your own peril) it's Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth. or indeed The Queen of Australia for short. As an aside: I presume Xenon II has no problems with a female monarch. regards, Hein I was going to point out that in Japan and most germanic kingdoms, females were not and are not allowed to take the throne. Then I stopped myself due to Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Then I sort of told you by posting this. It's a funny old world.
  14. Windsor

    The Bible

    The bible is merely a tool which the Christian Church of all denominations use to enslave the people. Before enlightenment (I'm still waiting) it was used to keep the people in their place - a means to keep up the order of the day. Kings would use it to secure their power going on about their divine right. The people would have to stick by it's example or face exclusion from society. Even in the 20th Century the church was used to condemn the 'unmarried mothers' and their children. The book which is meant to preach love, was spewing out hate. The churches have since redeemed themselves. Now instead of imposing power over the people by force, they use the morality card. The bastards!
  15. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    Maybe if it was Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and Australia there might be more reason for Aussies to give a sh*t? Just asking. Superb sentiment by the way, wanting to abolish a democratic political party in the name of defending multiculturalism... The Australian people voted in a referendum in 2000 to keep the Monarchy in Australia. It was a narrow victory but a victory all the same. The Labour Party of Australia, with that referendum, are only permitted to remove her of head of state and not remove the monarchy. Unless of course they take it upon themselves to abolish the monarchy without the full consent on the people. TLC, in Australia she has the title Queen of Australia. Or so I'm led to believe. It would make sense.
  16. Windsor

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Windsor, since you clearly hate everyone, it follows that you hate Jews too. You anti-semitic bastard, you! Actually I'm allowed to hate the Jews. You can't accuse me of being anti-semitic because I have a big nose too.
  17. Windsor

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Han - why don't you just ask HCW for a fight and get it over with?
  18. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    I'm still saying she'll see her Diamond Jubilee. What's that? They have put a notice up at the Palace gates....
  19. Windsor

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    My grandma always said that you shouldn't trust arabs. A bunch of dirty, theiving, two faced bastards who would sooner slit your throat than do a days work. Well - that's my contribution to World Racism Day...
  20. Happy Birthday Carol Ann! Hope you get that blender thing. The one you showed me. Yes, that one.
  21. Windsor

    Rebecca De Winter

    So. What have you got against diarrhoea. I can't spell diarrhoea so I copied the spelling from you. Hope you don't mind. By the way, are you speaking about maryportfuncity?
  22. Windsor

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Oh well. The Christmas TV guide is almost worth commiting suicide over I suppose. Honey, this is how you would like to spend Christmas - watching TV????? The mind boggles...... Yes, that was the plan. However, I'm not sure I want to watch Harry Potter so I'll most likely be on the computer.
  23. Windsor

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Oh well. The Christmas TV guide is almost worth commiting suicide over I suppose.
  24. Windsor

    A Joke

    Q) What is the difference between Mr. Kipling and the Suffolk Strangler? A) Mr. Kipling put 6 tarts in a box.
  25. Windsor

    Number 13

    I voted Brooke Astor because: 1) I want her out of the way. 2) I want a Christmas bonus. 3) She is worth less in next years DDP.

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