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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Spy corner

    Baldrick's War Poem
  2. Windsor

    Freddy Fender

    I agree. His chances of hanging on until 2007 do not look good Yes, I think it would be a good idea for everyone to try and find a replacement for him. Shouldn't be too difficult. I'm finding it difficult to limit it down to 20, too many people dying at the minute...
  3. Windsor

    Near misses 2006

    You can't talk Baseball on these forums. It's like talking to the wall. The UK really needs to become apart of American sports. Canada has done it, Japan probably will, there sport is just so boring. It's all football. And something called cricket. I don't even know what that is. That might be the game of the week at the nursing homes. Cricket is baseball for old men.
  4. Windsor

    A Joke

    Thus we have the first picture of mpfc on deathlist. The smoking fox has given up the fags and instead turned to petty crime to help deal with the stress.
  5. Windsor

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    SEeing this post I was once often even occasionally at times rarely reminded (yes indeedly-do I was wasn't I) that this in some neatly placed nearly sommaliant way reflects on what many newcomers and newts have faced over the time since time immemorial wherein whereas wherat (select one of them) opining opinionated opalescent persons are randomly and hastily criticized from head to toe I know of yet again being that when in the course of human events it turns to to turn out to be that they are not. Guess what it pot boils down to is that Tempuss Fudgit has ceased his/her/it's stalking ways and that in much a similar although perhaps even dis-similar way to the recently arrived Lady Clarisssa that all is not always what it first appears to be as can readily at nearly any moments notice be shown in the case of other out of the gate rapid pissters....make that Posteres. Day 12. However the vicar has recommended SPAM and valium. Did I mention I was hospitalized recently? Is the sun still shining where you are? Why did they sing wait until the sun shines nellie? Who was this Nellie? Bruno this is possibly not the place - if there is one indeed - to ask this, but have you made, ahem, arrangements? If day 12, for example, doesn't go in to day 13, would any of us ever know? Would there be some announcement? Again I know the general point has been discussed before, but if your posts are genuine you look like you might need to make some sort of provision. Wishing you well of course, but better to get these things out in the open, I always think. I am close to the point of bothering to figure out who/what you are Gerry and even more connected to the dots in which there may not even yet somewhere furniture polished gleamingly be the seminal infused influence of nobility involving posibility of understanding where it is you are expressing your message from... Day whatever and the waterfalls are cascading over the alps. (and as always was the case before the sun rose at Campabellowitz, your allegations of concern are noted) Bruno I have read your post with interest and it makes so much sense. Your sagacity is unsurpassed. But something still puzzles me. Why do the lids on American coffins come in two halves? Is it possible that some relatives seek only to see their loved one's feet? Or is it the opposite, that they may not want to see the feet? In which case it would be quite possible to go to the grave trouserless yet with your dignity intact. No, there has to be another reason. Just curious. Just an excuse to make a bit more cash Godot - it is America after all.
  6. Windsor

    Rebecca De Winter

    Yes. I was discussing it in chat, and a couple of days later his campaign started. He provoked me into kicking him as to have an excuse to start the campaign. A real Prince then. You could even say a real Lady, if you catch my drift...
  7. Windsor

    Rebecca De Winter

    Yes. I was discussing it in chat, and a couple of days later his campaign started. He provoked me into kicking him as to have an excuse to start the campaign.
  8. Windsor

    Rebecca De Winter

    That was an opertunist campaign. The moderaters were doing to be going soon anyway.
  9. Windsor

    Charlton Heston

    Aren't birth certificates part of public records? regards, Hein Are they not protected for 100 years? They may be considered personal and confidential documents. I know that families can access them, but members of the public? I don't know...
  10. Windsor

    Rebecca De Winter

    More wasted than wasteland. PS I rather fancy that Tommy Sheridan has been a naughty boy, SC. He's now claiming that it's an MI5 conspiracy. He really does think too much of himself...
  11. Windsor

    Suicidal Celebs

    Jobcentre Plus, might come in hand for the creator of this thread.
  12. Windsor

    Animal Antics

    Bird hounded to death by bird watchers. Looks like Dickie O should be on next years deathlist - especially with Lady C and her sordid needs...
  13. Windsor

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    Ah yes, your second husband. What happened to the first. Did he beat you causing you to leave him? Personally I have no time for husbands who abuse their wives but if he did, I'd like to shake his hand. Mind you, having married you I'd imagine you are most probably a widow due to suicide...
  14. Windsor

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    One thing that worrries me is your knowledge of me. Sounds like you've been speaking to Banshees, Star Crossed, or the mpfc gang. Although not massively popular, I do have certain high held sections of the deathlist members on my list of friends. I just tend to play it down. Secondly, my ancestors have less to answer for than yours given the none of them were in any position to change anything. Your ancestors had that chance, and failed miserably trying to extend their own power. Thirdly, if you don't like it - you know where the door is.
  15. Windsor

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    Too bad she was useless. Her husband died a complete failure and as for her daughter, she didn't do much better. Well that was a fun snipe.
  16. Windsor

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    Bloody hell! Curiouser and curiouser...it seems the kid has a hard road to hoe, and Scotland isn't exactly a place conducive to happiness, is it? I mean, I got so depressed when I was there I nearly drove into Loch Katrine, on purpose! You should learn your surroundings before you start mouthing off. That comment in likely to cause more upset to you than it will to me... And now you're going to tell me that Aberdeen isn't in Scotland? Or Loch Katrine isn't either? I have actually been to Scotland, and Loch Katrine is actually there, and I'm pretty sure Aberdeen is too, although I haven't been there, and if you don't live in Aberdeen, don't blame me , as it was Geronimo who said you did...always looking for an excuse, aren't you...as for mouthing off, I thought you would have won prizes for it by now...and, btw, bite me... Oh no, I wasn't saying that. I was merely warning you not to mouth off about Scotland as many of the most popular members live in or have links with country. They are also more passionate about their country than I am. Just a word of warning before you slip even further down than me on the popularity scale...
  17. Windsor

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    Bloody hell! Curiouser and curiouser...it seems the kid has a hard road to hoe, and Scotland isn't exactly a place conducive to happiness, is it? I mean, I got so depressed when I was there I nearly drove into Loch Katrine, on purpose! You should learn your surroundings before you start mouthing off. That comment in likely to cause more upset to you than it will to me...
  18. Windsor

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Congratulations to Magere Hein on surpassing the 2000 mark. Took you long enough!
  19. Windsor

    Not Exactly Famous...

    I was looking for Canadian Cardinals for my CPDDP (whatever) Couldn't find any...
  20. Just like the moderaters got all the grief.
  21. Ha ha ha. My sides are splitting...
  22. Windsor


    Hurrah for us?
  23. Windsor

    Richard Whiteley

    I'd imagine they'll have a series of guest hosts not unlike HIGNFY. Boris Johnson gets my vote. His sheer stupidity would be enough to get an audience...
  24. Windsor

    DL Members' Secrets

    Is that you Uncle Graham?

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