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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Michael Foot

    It's Michael Foot's 93rd Birthday. No reports of his death thus far. He is now the longest lived British Party leader beating Callaghan's 92 years, 364 days. Iain lost his bet.
  2. Windsor

    Michael Foot

    No need to be jealous Windsor, you can be the apprentice idiot, iain's understudy. Hahahaha. I suppose, the best thing about insulting people over the internet is that you don't need to 'get away for a bit'.
  3. Windsor

    Michael Foot

    It doesn't matter any way iain. I have no means to force you to leave if he doesn't die. You also have most of the Moderators and the mighty Tempus Fugit (knob) objecting to me warning, suspending or banning you. So do whatever the hell you like. Because as they said in the moderater forum to justify your actions, "Every village needs an idiot".
  4. Windsor

    Are You A Post Whore?

    He could do it, but that is not saying that he will do it. These days he goes for the 'posting highground'. Being moderaters he insists that we post by example.
  5. Windsor

    UK Heatwave

    Ah yes, that was after the inaugural Fraserburgh International Sprout Eating Contest if I remember correctly...... Well actually it was just after the inaugural Fraserburgh International Cabbage Throwers Contest. After the wind came, we burned the last Provost at the stake because we felt that or cabbage throwing had angered the Gods. He had to be sacrificed....
  6. Windsor

    Rotten Ali's 2006 Page

    My apologies, just thought I'd point it out. The way things are going, Cowboy Ronnie will have full right to laugh in my face shouting, "Haha, I told you so! Ha ha ha ha....HA!". Which is rather annoying.
  7. Windsor

    Michael Foot

    Thats no use. You claimed Michael Foot would die, and before his 93rd Birthday. Not some random, after his 93rd Birthday. PS. Something like 3 days left...
  8. Windsor

    UK Heatwave

    The weather here is hotter than normal which basically means that we have had our first summer ever. It hasn't rained for almost four days now, that must be another record. Fraserburgh holds/did hold a weather record once. For a time in the 1980s we had the strongest gust of wind ever recorded in Britain (just one gust mind). So basically, the weather here is just right.
  9. Windsor

    Rotten Ali's 2006 Page

    Rotten Ali, how often do you reassess the candidates on your master list? I saw two of my 'hot favourites' on your list and felt that they were in the wrong order; Sihanouk and the King of Tonga. Sihanouk started off as being my pick of the year (he is my DDP joker) yet nowadays he claims to have been cured by the Chinese doctors (W**nkers). On the other hand, T4 started off as being mildly dying but now he's basically dead. As well as that 'the four horsemen' says that the King's doctor, who he knows, says that the King has severe diabetise and could die at any given minute. On your list Sihanouk has a better chance of dying than T4. Is this still justified?
  10. Ooooooh! Is BB Laura as well? No its not BB. However his alter-ego of BC does have a link to this well-known deathlister.
  11. Windsor

    Are You A Post Whore?

    Congratulations on your 2000th post. You have now become a skiving legend!
  12. I would also try to encourage Laura to join, were it not for the fact that I have it on good authority that she already has a deathlist account.
  13. Happy Birthday Phantom.
  14. Windsor

    The Kings Of Tonga

    On the advice of his doctor, the King will not attend the double funeral of his nephew and his nephew's wife on Friday. Link. Given the popularity of that Prince and the nature of his tragic death, I'd imagine the King is now living his last days. (I know that last bit sounded iainish but at least I have good reason, backed up with information from the King's doctor (through Cowboy Ronnie) to back my statement up (therefore TF cannot accuse me of hypocrisy as he has tried to do on previous occassions)).
  15. Windsor

    Nelson Mandela

    Mandela is in our local news at the minute (on ITV ceefax page 331). He was due to meet players from Aberdeen Football Club but the engagement had to be post-poned because Mandela was feeling too tired after a recent trip. You know, there is is such a thing as over doing it...
  16. Windsor

    Alf Pearson

    Goofy - May I direct your attention to possibly one of the most useful threads on this forum, created by our very own DLWG (I'm sure I'm missing an initial in this acronym but I can't remember what it is! ) Point #6 should satiate your curiosity. BTW - welcome! I think thats a spammer, ie.
  17. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Is it just me, or does that paramedic look to be naked on that picture (he looks sleevless anyway). You may be on to somethiong MPFC .
  18. Windsor

    Ariel Sharon

    Lets not forget that the rebels in the area promised carnage when he breathes his last. So perhaps he has been kept alive for political reasons up until now. Ofcourse, now that Israel has flattened all of their hostile neighbours, it could change. Another reason to switch off the machine now.
  19. I know people who have bought a lottery tickey purely because a bird shat on them. It's meant to mean luck. Crazy, eh?
  20. Windsor

    Gerald Ford

    The American people pardoned Bill Clinton even though he lied to the entire country and sullied the reputation of Monica Lewinsky. Who can forget that whopper of "I did not have sexual relations with THAT woman"...which when one thinks on it implies that he is admitting to the Katherine Willey incident and a whole host of others including possibly Madeline Albright and Linda 'Blabber Mouth' Tripp. Now that I have spewed that, could we get this back on track to being about Gerald Ford and his lack of need for any pacemakers...What?...you never heard of Gerry and the Pacemakers? Oh, I haven't forgotten about good ol' Billy B*ow Job. On the Hilary Clinton topic (off the top of my head, I can't remember who posed this), someone wondered what Bill Clinton would be if Hilary were president. Would he be the first gentleman? I posted that he'd still be just a dirty old man. That was me. Another thing, there was some sci-fi show with a female US President and they called her 'Madame President', not Mrs. President. This whole female President thing is nothing more than confusing...
  21. Windsor

    Near misses 2006

    So your not too keen on him either? No worries, he only has 5 days left here due to his Michael Foot prediction...
  22. Windsor

    Ariel Sharon

    I wonder if the Israeli government will quietly turn off his life support now that the peoples' attention has been diverted to the Lebanon conflict.
  23. Windsor

    Docter Docter!

    Excellent news Bruno.
  24. Windsor

    Fat And Fearless

    To tell you the truth I'd never heard of this woman until now. She may have laughed in public, but I'm quite sure she was deeply depressed inside. Thus she got very fat. The thing that disturbs me most is your denial. You claim that everyone loved her, shared food with her etc. Well congratulations, you should hold yourself responsible for her death. Being a extremely big boned person I will asume that, as many overweight people do, she craved acceptance. Here comes another sad fact, her friends were only there for the whole 'fat Carol' hypeand fame. She probably felt that if she lost the weight she would lose her friends to become just your average fat blokette. People clung to Carol for what little fame she had and in the end, it was that fame that killed her. You call yourself friends and family? You may as well have stabbed her in the heart! (End of rant)
  25. Oh yes, and iain, theres only 6 days left in our little bet and no word of Foot being ill. Are you expecting sudden death? I know I am but not Michael Foot's....

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