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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    Did we conclude on our earlier discussion as to whether or not she will get a State funeral?
  2. Windsor

    Peace Activists In Iraq - Brave Or Barmy?

    Well you never know. You get caught by forensics with as little as a fart these days...
  3. Windsor

    Slobodan Milosevic

    Classical heart failure? As opposed to what. Rock heart failure? Pop heart failure? Jazz heart fa.... Edit: Damn you, One Shot Paddy! You stole my joke.
  4. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    I'm a very unforgiving person who does not like the tone of that last post.
  5. Windsor

    Jack Nicholson

    It's times like these that I regret encouraging iain to join...
  6. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Just looking for an excuse to give a warning over this:
  7. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Yes, thats who she married. Funny isn't it? Charles wanted to be the tampon yet it was Diana who got covered in blood...
  8. Windsor

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Well put Bruno. I bet iain reports the deaths on wikipedia just so he can get about 4 posts out of one undead celebrity. For example: -"I can now report that 'so and so' is dead". -"Wikipedia are now saying hes alive I shall have to enquire". -"They said that people often report deaths as a joke." - "I feel so betrayed!" By the way, we don't really need you to "confirm" a death after someone else has already reported it. We get the point first time round!
  9. Windsor

    Peace Activists In Iraq - Brave Or Barmy?

    If anything this could help free the remaining hostages. They have his body, somebody must have seen something. The body could give them clues as to the whereabouts of Kember and co so there may still be some hope. Even though it's unlikely.
  10. Windsor

    Slobodan Milosevic

    Yes it says he died of natural causes in the news articles, maybe i just like to specualte There must be some foul play. That's two of them died within a week.
  11. Windsor

    Tom Weir

    If he was dead I would be kicking myself. I took him off my DDP last minute. Can we give iain a warning. His antics have been fairly annoying this week.
  12. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Entropy - what do you know about the rumours about Prince Andrew? I've heard he doesn't shun the company of men... if you get my drift Well, there have been rumours that just about all the royal men are homosexual, so it's not surprising that someone would have come up with a rumour about Prince Andrew. I suppose that sort of gossip sells papers. This thread is about Di - what the f**k has ER2s parasite no 3 got to do with it? And number 4? And let's not forget about number 5.. She only has four children Banshees. The rest of the 'parasites' belong to her children, cousins, etc etc. Busby, mind your language. It's getting a bit excessive these days on this forum (not just from you).
  13. Windsor

    John Profumo

    So deathlist is back on track going by the 'at least one per month' target. I heard he was dead on the radio but I didn't know he was on the list so this was a nice surprise! Anyway, John Profumo is deathlist's 3rd success in 2006. He is the 140th success since 1987. The 2006 list is now in 15th place shared (1989 and 1990), out of the 20 deathlists since 1987.
  14. Yes well, it's evident that some people take this dead pool business a tad too far....
  15. Windsor

    Peter, Paul and Mary

    I may be ugly, but I'll be damned if I'm fat and rude.
  16. Windsor

    The Unwritten Rules...argue About Them Here

    Windsor are you trying to be sarcastic or are you just speaking in general? Speaking in general, Banshees. Bou: Rocket Surgery?
  17. I'm afraid I don't know that Fraser.
  18. Thanks for that, but you know what I mean Lady Die.
  19. The Grand Committee of Distinguished Moderaters, Moderators and Admins voted to delete this thread. However, we changed our minds last minute. Phantom may be black and we don't want to offend him be deleting it. That would just be plain racist.
  20. Stop your moaning iain, the deathlist has standards to maintain. Indeed, we have missed one or two that we probably should have got which is fairly annoying. What is even more annoying is when members start a 'deaths door' rant whenever a candidate so much as sneezes!
  21. Windsor

    Norodom Sihanouk

    I wish. He's worth 8 points on my DDP.
  22. Windsor

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Lung Cancer you say? He's in with heart trouble iain.
  23. Windsor

    Sir Patrick Moore

    iain, by any chance was your great-great-great grandfather known as the boy who cried wolf?
  24. I heard that they changed 'Jack and Jill went up the hill...' because it implies they had sex. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they just have a filthy mind. Also, Humpty Dumpty never fell off the wall because it may offend people. I have a complaint, 'Little Bo Peep' implies that midgets can't look after sheep....
  25. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Let's just say that I'm very selective in the facts I put forward from the Daily Mail. I'm rather sure that they are right with this one though. Diana fans are already making up excuses such as Lord Stevens was bribed with a peerage...

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