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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. I voted yes - but only because I can't be bothered finding other idiotic things to do.....
  2. Windsor

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    Also, I noticed that if you post directly after yourself, your second post joins with your previous post to make one big post. The most users online thing hasalso resetted - it now says 98 instead of 347(or whatever).
  3. Windsor

    Edward Heath

    Pocket lint to Mrs. Astor, who's given almost four times that much to charity over the last 35 years... Still, I'm really surprised that the QM was worth so much, which is probably reflective of my complete lack of knowledge of British monarchy and their relatives Yes, I know Astor is worth Hundreds of Millions/Billions, I was commenting on our already dead folk. The Queen claims to be have less than 100 million pounds but if the Queen Mother had half that, I think she may be lying.
  4. Windsor

    Edward Heath

    The Queen Mother was worth 53 million. She 'graduated' in 2002.
  5. Windsor

    Deathlist Interview

    I heard that gin is what depressed people drink.
  6. Windsor

    The Kings Of Tonga

    The Crown Prince has not packed in any day job, but his brother the former Prime Minister has. It's been on the table for quite some time. The country is under pressure both internally as well as externally for democratic change. So this move has absolutely nothing to do with the King's health. Merely a misunderstanding by who ever posted that link.
  7. Windsor

    World's Oldest

    Not really. I would imagine they don't know what day it is let alone their position in the age world ranking.
  8. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate. In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9. But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy. Thanks Mr Windsor! Why did James II abdicate? The English Parliament forced him out basically because the Protestant majority feared that he was appointing Catholics to senior positions within Government, especially in Ireland. So they chucked him out in favour of his protestant nephew and son-in-law, William of Orange. The Scottish aspect is different. He fled to France and so the Scots Privy Council saw it as him neglecting his duties as King. They chose William III as king after James decided to send them death threats. Thats my understanding anyway...
  9. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    James II was forced to abdicate in 1688. He is the only other English Monarch to abdicate. In Scotland the same applies to Mary Queen of Scots who was deposed in 1567, and James VII who was seen to have given up the throne by the Scots Privy Council in 1688/9. But thats about it. There may have been more in the early days of monarchy.
  10. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen Juliana, in 1980, you mean? Abdication is quite normal in Dutch monarchs. regards, Hein And of course Queen Wilhelmina (or however one may spell that). She abdicated in favour of Juliana in 1947/8 having been Queen since 1890.
  11. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Can we the mods please rename this thread 'Queen Elizabeth II' The 'QEII' is annoying me. Thanks
  12. Windsor

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    I agree, it is a shame. Replying to guests is, according to Star Crossed, my only purpose here at deathlist. I must admit, I won't miss some of the guests.
  13. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Indeed, King George VI and the Duke of Windsor died young due to cancers brought on by excessive smoking. On the other hand Queen Victoria lived to 81 in 1901, Queen Mary till her mid eighties in the 1950s and ofcourse the late Queen Mother lived until 101. She only gave up smoking aged 100 for health reasons. His parents are also doing not to bad with the Queen and Duke turning 80 and 85 respectively in 2006. So going by genes, he still has some time left in him yet. I don't know what the average life expectancy of a monarch is. Queen Victoria is the oldest British Monarch on record aged 81. But that was over 100 years ago.
  14. Windsor

    ***deathlist Planned Maintenance***

    Indeed, the new look is fantastic. Himler will not have access either, unless he joins. You can also do lots of annoying stuff with the font. Which is nice.
  15. Windsor

    DeathList "Dead" Chat!

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. What happened to the Dickie O thread?
  16. Windsor

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Thats you off the Christmas card list....
  17. Windsor

    Name Shame?

    Banshees, that wasn't me. I don't even know who Demi Moore is....
  18. Windsor

    Name Shame?

    No, Windsor your name will not be changed. It's even worse then Tempus Fugit's 24 hour name "Maybe" I was being sarcastic.
  19. Windsor

    The Kings Of Tonga

    Don't look at it like that. With your Kings death - you will get a new one. Perhaps even less obese...
  20. Windsor

    Al Lewis

    Perhaps we should rename you Mr.Stats. No no - Windsor I shall remain. I am not worthy of 'Mr. Stats'.
  21. Windsor

    Gordon Hinckley

    Whos that then?
  22. Windsor

    Numéro Trois

    Al Lewis died today (Number 13). Incidently, Ibrahim rugova was Number 13 on my DDP and he died first. If I believed in the unluckyness of nuber 13 I should have chosen Gerald Ford. On my poolofdeath list, number 12 (Coretta Scott King) and 14 (Rugova) are dead leaving number 13 (Ford) surrounded. I guess he'll be brickin' himself if he sees you list then Windsor To add to that, on my personal DDP list, Rugova was number 13 (died 1st), Coretta number 14 (died 2nd) and number 15 is no other than Gerald Ford.
  23. Windsor

    Numéro Trois

    Al Lewis died today (Number 13). Incidently, Ibrahim rugova was Number 13 on my DDP and he died first. If I believed in the unluckyness of nuber 13 I should have chosen Gerald Ford. On my poolofdeath list, number 12 (Coretta Scott King) and 14 (Rugova) are dead leaving number 13 (Ford) surrounded.
  24. Windsor

    Numéro Trois

    I also voted Pinter.
  25. Windsor

    Al Lewis

    Anyhow, Al Lewis is deathlist's 2nd success in 2006. He is the 139th success since 1987. The 2006 list is now in 17th place out of the 20 deathlists since 1987. Number 13 on the list - certainly unlucky for him.

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