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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Ronnie Biggs

    I think millwall's trying to tell us something here.... By the way, its either very small writing or a very big forehead. Mind you, he is getting rather bald.
  2. Windsor

    Norodom Sihanouk

    I had never heard of Brooke Astor before I started visiting deathlist. Or Sister Lucia. The fact of the matter is that their deaths still count as a score for deathlist as will Sihanouk's when he dies (provided he's on the list).
  3. Windsor

    Ross Davidson

    I think if you read the thread from the begginning you will not feel like that. Unless you read my posts. So the anonymous posts are actually you then Windsor. You only seem to have posted officially once in this thread. Really? Must have been in some other cancer victim's thread. Oh well....
  4. Windsor

    Ross Davidson

    I think if you read the thread from the begginning you will not feel like that. Unless you read my posts.
  5. Windsor

    Remembrance Sunday

    The white poppies are for peace, they first came about in 1933. Really? I really must return to my secondary school and beat the teacher who told me that. She waffled on about her white poppy for a whole period! She was also a feminist, socialist, pacifist, die hard labour supporter. So her class was always fun with me being a male monarchist.
  6. Windsor

    Remembrance Sunday

    My guess would be decoration. In the North East of Scotland, we only get the plain red poppy with the black centre. One wears a white poppy to honour the allied soldiers shot for being cowards I believe.
  7. Windsor

    Ronnie Biggs

    i'M FAILING TO SEE THE CONNECTION HERE . Are you trying to say that because one prisoner died, another prisoner (Biggs) will? If so, I'm rather glad I'm not a member of the prison population with such contagious death going about.
  8. Windsor

    Deathlist - The Band

    There is a very simple solution to your problem Elspeth. If you haven't caught on yet, just ask Banshees .
  9. Windsor

    DL Members' Secrets

    If I'm not mistaken, that site is a fine example of why the deathlist members decided to troll the Royal Forums. In my opinion, this shows that Diana herself was not as good as people believe. It was people, like the creators of that site, that have helped glorify her name by using it to promote what is seen to be a good cause. It was created four years after her death. She had no involvement in this site but yet it seems to make her look like she cared! Personally I feel its bad manners to use a dead woman's name to promote your site.
  10. Windsor

    Michael Jackson

    What we may have here is a polish guy with very bad spelling. Or in other words, Poland's answer to me.
  11. Windsor

    Deathlist Memories

    Our main war of words was mainly fought via PM.
  12. We may be related then, I was Rusty Savage.
  13. Windsor

    Deathlist - The Band

    A petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child who cannot keep his promises. Fizzle ye Windsor, fizzle. Tempus has changed his tempo. His posts are concise, intelligent and often witty. Yours are only numerous. Tempus, how does it feel to be elevated to Windsor's lofty plane? I made no promise, I said it was probable. Unfortunately for you the probability shrunk and I'm still here posting as many times as I feel fit. I'm actually getting a bit fed up of your obsessiveness towards me. Do you keep notes on people or something? Well this is my new promise; I'm here to stay (unless I get banned etc). I'll also have you know that there are a number of members who do enjoy my posts even if you don't. Therefore I will not break my posting habits because these other members are more important to me than you are.
  14. Windsor

    Deathlist - The Band

    Elspeth: You're so delightful. Gunjaman: I only share the aspects of my private life which I feel appropriate. By the way, I have no plans to leave this forum yet so you as may as well get used to me. And I may be 'a petulant, small-minded, tantrum-throwing child' but I feel I have made a bigger impact on this forum by acting in that way. I feel that Tempus Fugit and I have sped up the pace of this forum and for that I'm not ashamed.
  15. Rusty Savage Interesting....
  16. Windsor

    Bloody Fireworks!

    Oh no Elspeth, I think I know who is responsible for that one. A former friend of mine. Last night I was accused of being jealous of a diabetic because he has a natural way of dying. I was confused too.
  17. Windsor

    Bloody Fireworks!

    No but in the regional paper (the Press and Journal(I think)) there was article about a firework being tied to a wee dogs leg. It killed the dog dead.
  18. Windsor

    Titanic Survivors

    Yes, what about the other 2?
  19. Windsor

    Bloody Fireworks!

    Yes, fireworks are nothing but an annoyance. The vast majority of them are sold to neds/chavs who blow things up with them. Which is fairly annoying. I was telling Boudicca a few days ago that there was an incident in my town where someone decided it would be a good idea to stick a firework though a letterbox. The local paper (crime desk section) reported extensive damage to the letter box and burns to the door. Yes, I do live in an exciting town.
  20. Windsor

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Am I the only person who finds this funny: How can one person be so unlucky?
  21. Windsor

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    So lets stick him on the 2006 list.
  22. Windsor

    Brooke Astor

    To hell with it, I'll post again just to get that status . I did tell the mods and admin that I wanted no special treatment but they do insist om changing the rules for me..... Now I can die happy! [Edit] Thank you Lady G.
  23. Windsor

    Brooke Astor

    I have 1000 posts - thats all I care about. And now I'm a twunt. All of the above again.....so on and so forth......blah blah blah.
  24. Windsor

    Brooke Astor

    I have always guessed that Astor would die next, then next, next again, and again and again. Brooke Astor has played such a huge part in my deathlist career and so it is an honour to post number 1000 here as a tribute to her. I do wish she would hurry on and die! Entropy, get on your phone to the Queen. I want a telegram! Oh thats right - you don't actually know her. You just think you do. 1000
  25. So thats what IYG does nowadays.

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