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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Room 101

    I was in Tesco today and these are two of the things that annoyed me: 1) People who walk through the aisles inexplicably slowly. 2) People who stop to chat just inside the front entrance of the shop, right in the way of every other fucker. Only two things. Today was a good day...
  2. Windsor

    David Cameron

    I'd vote for a pig fucker over SNP scum anyday of the week. For clarity, I voted for the school collapsers. Children get on my wick...
  3. Windsor

    The 7Th Death Of 2016

    Bruce Forsyth
  4. Windsor

    Jimmy Carter

    I was hoping that I would have won this sweepstake by now...
  5. Windsor

    Nancy Reagan

    Father and son with Kim Jong il and his dad.
  6. Windsor

    Nancy Reagan

    I'm sure someone will know the answer....but is this deathlist's first ceebrity couple?
  7. Windsor

    Nancy Reagan

    Good timing. She died just in time to spin in her grave when the GOP elect Trump to be the Republican candidate.
  8. Windsor

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Hmmm. Not sure about this one. bbc.co.uk/programmes is not on the list of acceptable obits from the Beeb... Award the points. It is in keeping with the new DDP standard: the people-you've-never-heard-of-but-are-now-dead standard.
  9. Windsor

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Not this shite again...
  10. Windsor

    Room 101

    Because your 'team' consists of people of very little note, and contains few people of any note. Your team is not a guess as to which celebrities may die, more it is a list of people who will die. The fact that you will probably fail to differentiate between the two is a demonstration that the DDP idea died years ago.
  11. Windsor

    Room 101

    Let me be clear. My criticism is not of you. People are just taking the piss for the sake of winning the competition. I think it would be advantageous to introduce a rule banning picking people who are famous simply for being ill. Until they are banned or penalised against, there will always be a temptation to pick them.
  12. Windsor

    Jimmy Savile

    Waiting for the first allegations to surface about Sir Terry. It's fair game as he is dead, and not able to defend himself or his reputation.
  13. Windsor

    Room 101

    No. Then again, even if I did, at least you would still have 19 fairly famous folk on my DDP. Which is more than can be said for the present shower of shite at the top of the leader board. Au contraire... I will admit though when filling in the picks for the Shameless team it was kinda dispiriting... Explain to me how that is comparable to the kind of hits/choices on the 'leading' team. At least 15 big names there. By big names I mean actually famous. People will know who they are. 3 have made their without just being ill. 2 were famous for being ill (depite one being well known with the God squad).
  14. Windsor

    Room 101

    No. Then again, even if I did, at least you would still have 19 fairly famous folk on my DDP. Which is more than can be said for the present shower of shite at the top of the leader board.
  15. Windsor

    Room 101

    Cuts like a knife... Twat.
  16. You forgot Bush. Lol I literally forgot he existed... anyways I guess he has 2% then and Paul no chance. I think Bush might do better than expected. He does have name recognition, and he is part of a political dynasty which appeals to arch-conservatives. Even if he doesn't. If he does better that the other under 20%er, he might emerge as the sensible candidate. Then again, it seems that both parties would elect a sensible candidate only begrudgingly.
  17. Windsor

    The 2nd death of 2016

    Stephen Hawking. Seems to have been a few big deaths this month, so why not.
  18. Windsor

    Room 101

    It is not about the rules. It is the principle of it! Two of the deaths which gained points have had their names coded so they don't turn up on search engines! What does this prove? It proves that even the organiser of the DDP knows things have gone too far, and that the rules need to be fixed to bring the game back to something which it used to be! Either that or he should uncode the names, and take the consequences of running a dead pool that accepts that sort of thing.
  19. Windsor

    Jimmy Savile

    I've never worked for the BBC. Just saying...
  20. Windsor

    Room 101

    What does that even mean? I don't get it. I'm old.
  21. Windsor

    Room 101

    No. You need an equivalent DDP for the anything goes crowd. I'm sure my view of the DDP is more in line with how its founders envisaged it.
  22. Windsor

    Room 101

    are you just salty becuase you're not winning. Jesus its just a game get over it, come on. Looking at your profile I see you are old enough to have a kid but instead you whine, grow up. I don't mind not winning. But I do mind losing to the likes of the teams that have already gained an insurmountable lead by picking dying nobodies. What I mind even more is that there are more valid teams than mine who will do well, but again be bashed into mediocre placings due to the aforesaid. One last thing...salty? What the fuck is that? And as for your other comment, I'm Scottish: we have our kids from 12 up you prick.
  23. Windsor

    Jimmy Savile

    Well there are not many popular shows on the BBC nowdays let alone popular ones. A regular suggests that its a show that has characters that are not in every episode so..........Eastenders?? My feeling was that it may have been one of many of the perv-like men who appear on the antique hunting programmes...
  24. Windsor

    Room 101

    All the rules say is that they have to get an obit from a major British news network. Nobody ever said they have to be Deathlist-level famous, where even Angelil isn't considered famous enough. In fact, the folks who are in the lead deserve it. While folks like us stuffed our teams with Grahams and Gabors (who probably won't even die, and only give us 4 points if they do), people like DeathImpends or SirCreep actually did some hard research on obscure people. They deserve it! Fuck off brown nose. Its a game. These people are helping to suck the fun out of it. I recall a time when Rotten Ali was the worst I had to contend with, but fuck me we're way beyond that now! For all his numbers and calculations at least they were about people we may even have vaguely heard of, or people who had done something in life other than get cancer under extra-tragic circumstances in their 20s! Research should indeed be rewarded, but lets keep it to those who are actually notable.

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