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Paul Bearer

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Everything posted by Paul Bearer

  1. Paul Bearer

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    Trick????? It got mine wrong 2 times out of three attempts
  2. Paul Bearer

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Graham Roberts http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/t...dio/3963225.stm Altogether now.... rum te tum te tum te tum rrrrrrum te tum te ta da Disclaimer... I do not and have never listened to the Archers
  3. Paul Bearer

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    Serious contenders..... Sorry You can remove it if you want!
  4. Paul Bearer

    Arafat's (Inevitable) Death

    looks like yasser's on his way out! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3960237.stm [Yasser already has his own thread Arafat's Death - GR]
  5. Paul Bearer

    Rolf Harris

    Also did 'sun arise'. Makes you wonder why Jake the peg wasnt a hit
  6. Paul Bearer

    John Peel

    It was to him
  7. Paul Bearer

    Rolf Harris

    Can we forget about that Jonathan King thingy now?
  8. Paul Bearer

    Jonathan King

    Aaaahhhhh, Gottit now. Think I should change my name to Kenneth cant wait?
  9. Paul Bearer

    Rolf Harris

    Two little boys is the only one to reach the top of the charts, but I dont know if he wrote it.
  10. Paul Bearer

    Dead Losses (2004)

    here's hoping these bloody pink bunnies follow him
  11. Paul Bearer

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Bill Nicholson.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...pur/3757030.stm Surprised no-one has mentioned his passing. Obviously no spurs fans out there
  12. Paul Bearer

    Jonathan King

    Have I got it without realising it? Or am I wearing my " Unbelievably thick as mince" head this week?
  13. Paul Bearer

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Lord Chapple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3761276.stm
  14. Paul Bearer

    Jonathan King

    Sorry Teddy, youv'e lost me as well. Maybe I'm looking too hard
  15. Paul Bearer

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    26 years to go........ Jeezzuzzz
  16. Paul Bearer

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    Raymond Baxter? I think he's 82. Would he be famous enough? I suppose to people around 35 - 50 would agree he would be.
  17. Paul Bearer

    Lynda Lee-Potter

    Would she have been famous enough to qualify though?
  18. Paul Bearer

    Jonathan King

  19. Paul Bearer

    Marc Almond

    Good one
  20. Paul Bearer

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    Wasn't Tony Booth ( Cherie Blairs dad) unwell recently? Or am I thinking about someone else?
  21. Paul Bearer

    Rabbi Philip Berg

    Aparently got 5 days to go, but to you, 3 days
  22. Paul Bearer

    Pope John Paul

    Oops! Boy is my face red!
  23. Paul Bearer

    Pope John Paul

    About the same chance of dying on your birthday.
  24. Paul Bearer

    Jonathan King

  25. Paul Bearer

    Norman Wisdom

    Could he be on his last legs? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/3749652.stm Alistair Cooke 'retired' and a couple of weeks later......

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