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Dead Wait

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Everything posted by Dead Wait

  1. With the New Year just around the corner ideas for 2014 are almost definitely too late! So, a new thread to discuss contenders for 2015......
  2. Dead Wait

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    Pauline Cafferkey admitted to hospital for a third time........let's see if I was right in the post above!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-35639748
  3. Dead Wait

    Magicians And Hypnotists

    Paul Daniels diagnosed with incurable brain tumour! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-35621313
  4. Dead Wait

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    So in addition to being a comedian he was also a pantomime??
  5. Dead Wait

    Boutros Boutros-Ghali

    Do we think Ali G will be commenting on his death???
  6. Dead Wait

    The 3rd death of 2016

    Prunella Scales
  7. Dead Wait

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    Even though this is already in the Betty White soap thread, I do love the part of this Daily Mail report that states she is "tied to the long running SITCOM until March next year"
  8. Dead Wait

    Next Music Shock Death!

    i'm sorry but i never heard of him, i doubt it would be a global shock if he dies :/ Why don't you two just shaddap you face.....
  9. Dead Wait

    Joey Feek

    I'll go for the 8th
  10. Dead Wait

    The 2nd death of 2016

    Vera Lynn
  11. Dead Wait

    Biggest 'miss(es)' by the DL Committee 2016

    Um....His health hasnt had media coverage. Therefore it's not a miss at all. Sorry Guesty we don't wear 20-20 Hindsight glasses around here. It's only a MISS if we've posted about that person a time or two and said person is left off DL. Saudi King last year e.g. SC I would add that a miss is someone who was on DL in the past and then dropped. Well that's what I would view as a miss I agree with SC - if many people have been crying out a name to be added and it isn't and they die - that is a miss! Someone who has been on the list before who dies isn't a miss in my mind. I wouldn't call Eddie Large a miss if he went as the general consensus seemed to be that he wasn't right for the list in the first place
  12. Dead Wait

    Biggest 'miss(es)' by the DL Committee 2016

    Why do you have to say things like that and build my hopes up? John Goodman, Robbie Coltrane, Eric Pickles - surely these would be real examples of BIG misses.....!!
  13. Dead Wait

    Magicians And Hypnotists

    Doesn't Bill Bailey do that......?
  14. Dead Wait

    Celine Dion

    You don't have to give your heart out to her. Hers will go on just fine. Exactly. Guest needs to think twice before posting comments like that
  15. Dead Wait

    Harry Potter

    If there is one........Robbie Coltrane would be a good bet.....
  16. Dead Wait

    Hugh Hefner

    Surely we'll only know if that is true when we've reached 31st Dec......?!
  17. Dead Wait

    "biggest" Death Of 2015?

    I thought Cilla's death was indeed a surprise surprise....
  18. Dead Wait

    David Bowie

    All these reports on the news and once have I seen Labyrinth mentioned!! Unacceptable......
  19. Dead Wait

    The dead of 2016

    Brand new information!
  20. Dead Wait

    Olivia De Havilland

    The most extreme case is Kirk Douglas. He turned 99 less than a month ago, yet he also appears on the list as a centenarian. I guess only the year was given in the database, so their age is calculated as if they had been born on the 1st of January. I guess these would be corrected if the full BOD was given. BOD - birth of date???
  21. Dead Wait

    The 1st death of 2016

  22. With most lists for 2015 settled upon bar a few last minute tweaks - time for a new thread to start thinking about the candidates that may be suitable for 2016........
  23. Dead Wait

    Lemmy From Motörhead

    For that remark you're the Joker of the day. Shame on you.I'm gonna miss him. Feels weird seeing his name up on news sites with "dead at 70", "died 2 days after his 70th birthday".... I'll never forget what he said to me shortly before buying me a beer after I bumped into him as I was heading to the medical tent at Donnington after getting my nose broken. He put his hand on my shoulder, looked me straight in the eye and said "You look a right fucking mess. Get yerself cleaned up and we'll get some beers down ya" Not sure which news sites are telling you he died 2 days after his birthday but his birthday is the 24th and he died on the 28th. You might be reading that he died 2 days after being diagnosed with agressive cancer.....
  24. Dead Wait

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Looks like he has his heart attacks every 5 years so maybe one for the 2017 list.....
  25. Dead Wait

    Celine Dion

    Sounds like a great way to celebrate!!

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