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Dead Wait

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Everything posted by Dead Wait

  1. Dead Wait

    The 4th Death Of 2015

    Jake Lamotta
  2. Dead Wait

    BB King

    Headline suggestion for the DDP: King Gone
  3. Dead Wait

    Geoff Duke

    How can you post this in a thread titled GEOFF Duke and still write Jeff?!! Even worse - 6 HOURS after the original post!!! Grrrr
  4. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2015

    What an odd way of forming a sentence!
  5. Dead Wait

    Dead Pop Stars

    Louie Louie singer dies! Me neither.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-32507885
  6. Dead Wait

    Chris Woodhead

    Any relation to DLT?
  7. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2015

    Makes a change to see the words "Childrens Entertainer" along the Sky News ticker tape without it also featuring words like questioned, arrested or Yewtree. Although, saying that, Orville may have a few stories to tell now without Keith around.........
  8. Dead Wait

    Mary Tyler Moore

    Normally these sweepstakes are for those we think will definitely peg it in the next 2-3 months for sure - what is with the sudden influx of sweepstakes for people who may live to at least the end of the year?
  9. Dead Wait

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    30th April
  10. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2015

    Things are a bit different where I'm from - we haven't even finished our 4th month yet!
  11. Dead Wait

    Dead Pop Stars

    They already have someone to take the place of Zayn Malik at least for the rest of the tour. I'm sure they'll audition someone to come into the band full time for however long their popularity lasts. Is it Jeremy Clarkson?
  12. Dead Wait


    Looking at that pic on my iPhone i thought she had about 3 rolls of neck - just badly positioned hair!!
  13. Dead Wait

    Terry Pratchett

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-31858156 BBC link
  14. Dead Wait

    The 3rd Death Of 2015

    Chris Woodhead
  15. Dead Wait

    The Archers

    On screen daughter? I only remember The Archers as a radio show......!
  16. Dead Wait

    The 2nd Death of 2015

    Bill Maynard
  17. Dead Wait

    Biggest Death Of 2014

    Surely this thread should be retrospective only. It seems rather dumb to list a lot of people as the big misses of the year IF they die - the list COULD be endless.......!
  18. Dead Wait

    Political Frailty

    What is a procudure - sounds painful....?!
  19. Dead Wait

    Fidel Castro

    that should say stroke not strole No shit
  20. Dead Wait

    The Dead Of 2015

  21. Dead Wait

    Deathlist Under 45

    Either I have déjà vu or I'm reading something I last read FOUR months ago when she died!
  22. Dead Wait

    Houston, You Have A Problem!

    Thutch a thame. regards, Hein That post is so wrong, but so right...I salute you! Are you saying that you know it's not right, but it's OK? Love this post!
  23. Dead Wait

    Leslie Phillips

    uncionfirmed rumours are saying he's in his final days. cant say how accurate they are though What exactly is the difference between a confirmed rumour and an unconfirmed rumour?!
  24. Dead Wait

    Leslie Phillips

    He was released on the same day as he had a "minor seizure"....
  25. Dead Wait

    Sam Simon

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2943075/Dionne-Warwick-hospitalized-two-weeks-slipping-falling-shower.html Funny you should say that....... She has just spent 2 weeks in hospital after falling in the SHOWER!

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