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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon


    Maybe the final Scavenger Hunt hit!
  2. Bibliogryphon

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Ghostlight and Curse are the direction th show needed to be going in but I think if it had continued there would have been a totally new team. Shame for McCoy.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Happy to be joint 7th with my theme team
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Murray Walker

    I would have to agree.
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Nicholas Parsons

    Giles Brandreth tweeted yesterday that he tried to phone NP to wish him Happy Birthday but he was in a meeting sorting out dates for his 2018 tour. Pick to avoid for false flag by GB?
  6. Bibliogryphon

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    McCoy tries his best with some woeful scripts, bargain basement production values and hostility from senior management towards the show.
  7. Bibliogryphon

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    It depends which street. Kate Bush paved the way for artists like Tori Amos, Jessie and even possibly Alanis Morissette. NME described The Hounds of Love as the only sexy prog rock album. I suggest you listen to that one and reevaluate. Yes she never really broke America partly because of her fear of flying but in the UK she is a household name.
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    There is a missing word "Duo" Whoops.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    Can we just review the significant impact of Kate Bush and the influence she had. First female artist to have a self penned number one single. First solo female artist to have a number one album. The one tour she did do was doing things that Madonna was acclaimed for 5 years later. and on the subject of the Eurythmics the song writing of Lennox & Stewart have produced more hits than any other excepting Lennon & McCartney.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    Well I didn't know that. Kate didn't even get a mention but the scope was too broad. Her stock has risen considerably in recent years.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Predictions

    If you vote you can see the status of the current voting. There needs to be a massive influx of votes for Kate Bush. If there was a UK version she would be one of the first just behind Beatles, Stones, Bowie & Queen.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    Baroness Trumpington to retire from The House of Lords.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Toupee or not Toupee....that is the question

    In and Out Burger is not an inspiring brand name. Which route will it be going out?
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Britney Spears, Kerry Katona, Heather Locklear et al.

    My Auntie arranged a Golden Wedding for my Grandparents a year early to ensure a suitable gap before her own 50th Birthday.
  15. Bibliogryphon


    It is very hard. Last Autumn we lost two of our older cats in less than two weeks but it got to the stage where keeping them going was going to be worse. They have grown with you and you have given them a good life. Mourn them but then remember their whole life. Thoughts are with you Joey.
  16. Bibliogryphon

    Nobel Prize In Death

    I don't see her dying in the next 10 years.
  17. Bibliogryphon

    Nobel Prize In Death

    I think if they had given it to her this year they may have been accused of popularism because of the high profile adaptation. She will win it sooner or later probably sooner.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    I have come to this very late but was watching the Sky adaptation of Terry Pratchett's Going Postal. It is very good. Superb cast.
  19. Bibliogryphon

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Literature goes to 62 year old Kazuo Ishiguro so it will be a few years before we can use the headline The Day of Remains.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

    Happy Birthday to Dudley Simpson who is 95 today.
  21. Bibliogryphon

    Tom Petty

    That's Matthew Wilder.
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Last Word

    There is a hierarchy on Radio 4 that should be noted. Politics, High Culture (this includes Pop Music if the producers listened to it at Uni (e.g. David Bowie), Business, Public Service, Sport and finally Low Culture. For Radio 4 purposes Cricket is considered as High Culture and not Sport.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    Bollywood Stars

    I do not think that the Deathlist names are purely clickbait. I mean how many times does Perez de Cueller appear in the Daily Mail sidebar of shame?
  24. Bibliogryphon

    8. Sandy Gall

    My favourite Sandy Gall story is that the producer of the News at Ten used to summon Reginald Bosanquet to his office at about 9pm every night and make him walk along a line he had marked out on the floor. If he was unable to walk the line the producer would yell Send for Sandy Gall. Which may explain while we are still discussing Sandy Gall, 30 years after Reggie was pushing up the daisies.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    That Guardian obituary is a travesty. I saw his Falstaff and it was fantastic. The whole production was so good we went again.

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