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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    George Bush Senior

    Only the National Enquirer.
  2. Bibliogryphon

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Lamb Lies Down - The Genesis album that die hard Genesis fans only reluctantly admit to owning let alone actually playing.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    George Bush Senior

    I like that George W has his arms around two of the women and Bill is bouncing around at the back. Michelle is a beautiful woman.
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Humble Crumble
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Big Brother

    I have just finished watching Season 6 of Drag Race so I know who Courtney Act is.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    I remember watching that once and thinking that they hadn't thought it through. Once they limited the number of deaths the sense of menace evaporated. I did like the big gold cross at the end though.
  7. Bibliogryphon

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    That is the one about the leper ship and not an adaptation of the James Herbert book
  8. You forgot to add Fag selling
  9. Bibliogryphon

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    I did watch Voyage of the Damned this week which is almost The Poseidon Adventure and has the added benefit of Kylie Minogue in a maids outfit
  10. Bibliogryphon

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    Should I know who these people are?
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Rosalynn Carter

    I think the term you are looking for is Second Lady and Lynne will out live Dick.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    The Poseidon Adventure Cast

    That is a very long list for two useful names
  13. Bibliogryphon

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    The Remain campaign was awful from start to finish. It started with David Cameron who with his negotiation asked for nothing and got slightly less. The focus should not have been project fear but impress on people the benefits of European Union membership including ease of travel, investment in the poorest areas, cultural protection and the safeguards on workers rights and the environment. It should also have included a commitment to reform and lead in Europe. There were elements of dog whistle racism to the Leave campaign to target a certain demographic. Many on the left have always been suspicious of the EU and I understand their motives but the likes of Farage, Rees-Mogg, Patel, Gove and Davies (and Hoey) make me shudder. After the vote I was hoping that there would be some coming together but nothing has been offered to the Remainers to bring us on board with project Brexit. In the opposite scenario there would have been a concerted effort to understand the concerns of the Leavers. We are now left in an appalling divided society. Where each side is suspicious of the motives of the other.
  14. Bibliogryphon

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    As a Remainer my problem is that I do not trust the motives of the architects of Brexit. I do not believe they have the best outcome for the UK in mind only the removal of inconvenient barriers to their wealth and power. Europe has a big impact on my work.
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Barbara Bush

    and Rosalynn Carter recovering from intestinal surgery. Little gem hidden a the end of that article.
  16. Bibliogryphon


    No changes to mine..
  17. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    He was almost on my DDP team this year.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    Room 101

    At my previous job we had to do extended days to supervise junior staff who were working. One guy and I were meant to be on alternate weeks of earlies and lates after one day we decided to permanently switch I would do the early and he would do the late. It worked better for us both.
  19. Bibliogryphon

    42. Raul Castro

    Raul Castro is planning to appoint a successor so he can appear on more Deathlist teams next year.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    Barbara Bush

    Will be a useful form spotting opportunity at the funeral. George, Bob Dole, The Carters, Walter Mondale, Dan Quayle, The Clintons, Donald.....
  21. Bibliogryphon

    The 5th Death of 2018

    Clearly the one who actually has some votes.
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Thoughts On The 2018 List

    On my graph I have eight previous year's data. At the moment 2018 is laying in the middle 4 above and 4 below. If that is to continue the next window for death is between 29th May and 7th June. We are still ahead of record breaking 2017.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    The 5th Death of 2018

    Herman Wouk the second most popular pick atm.
  24. Bibliogryphon

    20 /20

    1920 Fanny Waterman /Michael Anderson 1921 Elizabeth Kelly/ Al Jaffee 1922 Jean Barker/Rex Richards 1923 Gloria Whelan/ Freeman Dyson 1924 Rosamunde Pilcher/Clive King 1925 Ysanne Churchman/Richard Baker 1926 Cicely Berry/Leonard Fenton 1927 Babs Chinnery/Frank Windsor 1928 Estelle Harris/Peter Firmin 1929 Patricia Routledge/Eric Carle

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