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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    None have any kind of months to live type cancer at the moment, but enough are in in their 80s or 90's that law of average should see one of them drop this year. Glad to see your irony filter is installed and in full working order CC. :-)
  2. Bibliogryphon

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Shaun, there are probably other with better experience on here than me to advise you but remember we are thinking of you and wish you all the best.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Deadio Times

    Word is he won't be coming back and his show is being axed, with Dermot O'Leary replacing it http://radiotoday.co.uk/2017/01/dermot-oleary-hosts-his-last-radio-2-afternoon-show/ I may be new on here but if that Dreary 0'Leary takes that spot thats one less listener for Radio 2. Yes but hopefully it will get him off Saturday afternoons
  4. Bibliogryphon

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    Hope everything is OK. Biblio Snr went into hospital on Christmas Eve and had to spend Christmas Day there he had fluid on the lungs. He is back home now and getting better. 88 next week.
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Star Wars Deaths

    Disney is a massive commercial entity and they will merchandise a film to death. However since the moving on of Michael Eisner they have had enough commercial sense to allow the creative talents sufficient freedom to provide good quality entertainment that they can then merchandise to death. Both Rogue One and The Force Awakens benefited from not being written by George Lucas. Remember in recent years Disney have given us Pirates of the Carribbean, Frozen and the entire Pixar studio output. Mrs B and Baby B went to see Moana just before Christmas and they really enjoyed it.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    On the plane on Sunday I watched Your Name which is a Japanese animated movie (not Ghibli) with subtitles (I don't know whether there is a dub available) but it starts out as a high school body swap comedy then about half-way through goes in an unexpected direction. I would recommend.
  7. Bibliogryphon

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    I have just PM'd my list
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Star Wars Deaths

    Haven't seen it. I have absolutely zero interest in a "dark and gritty war film" version of Star Wars, which is what i have heard it described as. It would appeal to me even less than the main films do. I hold on to the slim hope that Valerian might be a good film. I like the comics so if they stay true to that and don't turn it into a big dumb action film it might be okay. It is hardly dark and gritty. It is still basically a Star Wars film. It can get a bit clunky with them trying to shoe horn references to the original movies in and I was not happy about the necromancy of reanimating Peter Cushing (though Guy Henry) does a fair impression of the voice. The star of the film is undoubtedly the droid. Okay, thanks. I still won't see it. (The only tempting thing is my inner seven year old would like to see Vader's castle but that wouldn't be enough for me to give Hollywood my money.) Are you interested in seeing Valerian? Haven't seen it. I have absolutely zero interest in a "dark and gritty war film" version of Star Wars, which is what i have heard it described as. It would appeal to me even less than the main films do. I hold on to the slim hope that Valerian might be a good film. I like the comics so if they stay true to that and don't turn it into a big dumb action film it might be okay. It is hardly dark and gritty. It is still basically a Star Wars film. It can get a bit clunky with them trying to shoe horn references to the original movies in and I was not happy about the necromancy of reanimating Peter Cushing (though Guy Henry) does a fair impression of the voice. The star of the film is undoubtedly the droid. Okay, thanks. I still won't see it. (The only tempting thing is my inner seven year old would like to see Vader's castle but that wouldn't be enough for me to give Hollywood my money.) Are you interested in seeing Valerian? I had to look that up. This is a new one on me and I am not familiar with the source material. I see it has Rihanna in it. Will it be as good a Battleship? ;-)
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Star Wars Deaths

    Haven't seen it. I have absolutely zero interest in a "dark and gritty war film" version of Star Wars, which is what i have heard it described as. It would appeal to me even less than the main films do. I hold on to the slim hope that Valerian might be a good film. I like the comics so if they stay true to that and don't turn it into a big dumb action film it might be okay. It is hardly dark and gritty. It is still basically a Star Wars film. It can get a bit clunky with them trying to shoe horn references to the original movies in and I was not happy about the necromancy of reanimating Peter Cushing (though Guy Henry) does a fair impression of the voice. The star of the film is undoubtedly the droid.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Star Wars Deaths

    I thought Rogue One was quite good and probably more respectful to A New Hope than Revenge of the Sith was.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

    I bet Toby has a database.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

    So many Doctor Who actors are dying now. Soon we won't have any left ! I am going to take issue with that. I have been running Scavenger Hunt Bingo since the beginning of June and this is the first hit in the Doctor Who actors category which was by far the one with the biggest number of picks. Burt Kwouk died just before the game started. any show with alot of actors that has been running for a long time will have alot of dead names attached to it. Just look at the Simpsons. I'd rather not thank you.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Hilary Bailey. Helen Bailey is the author who was murdered, along with her little dog, by her scumbag of a partner and dumped in a cesspit. Currently on trial but it couldn't be more obvious that he dunnit. Whoops my bad.
  14. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

    So many Doctor Who actors are dying now. Soon we won't have any left ! I am going to take issue with that. I have been running Scavenger Hunt Bingo since the beginning of June and this is the first hit in the Doctor Who actors category which was by far the one with the biggest number of picks. Burt Kwouk died just before the game started.
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Just last week we were watching the BBC 1983 version of Mansfield Park where Gordon Kaye played Doctor Grant. Can't believe Bernard Hepton (who played the character in Secret Army which Rene was based on) outlasted him
  16. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Two for the price of one collaborators Emma Tennant & Helen Bailey died within two days of each other. Helen Bailey was the former wife of over-rated fantasy writer Michael Moorcock.
  17. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Update for Peter Thomas (thanks to eagle eyed YW) brings the first hit in the Doctor Who category. Still waiting for the US Presidential team to get a hit (do we know if any of them are ill?) SWITCH sw 0/1/0/1/2 YOUNGWILLZ yw 0/1/0/1/0 RADGUY rg 0/0/0/1/1 TIME ti 0/0/0/0/0 IMNOTHADES ih 0/0/0/1/1 MSC mc 0/0/0/2/2 DEATHRAY dr 0/0/0/2/1 HANDREJKA hj 0/0/0/0/0 ROCKHOPPERPENGUIN rp 0/1/0/1/0 DEATH IMPENDS di 0/1/0/2/3 CAPTAINCHORIZO cc 1/0/0/0/1 GCREEPTILE gr 0/1/0/0/2 ROTTON ALI ra 0/1/0/2/0 ROVER & OUT ro 0/1/0/3/1 TOAST to 0/1/0/1/3 Still at least two hits away from a conclusion but there are a number of teams looking good and Time still reckons he can bag it.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    What Ever Happened To?????????

    He playing catch up
  19. Bibliogryphon

    Music For Your Headphones

    Mrs B has recently started playing a lot of J-Pop export band ONE OK ROCK which she blasts round the house whilst decorating. Some surprisingly good songs
  20. Bibliogryphon

    Last Word

    That was really annoying I was in the car at 4pm and had to listen to Feedback
  21. Bibliogryphon

    Dead Pop Stars

    All the old dudes....
  22. Bibliogryphon

    David Prowse

    There are a good number of likely hits. David Prowse and Sandy Gall look like the sorts of picks who you might um and ah about adding in but if they go you feel but if they were left off an went you would be thinking Patrick Moore all over again.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    My theme team has a lot of uniques probably because Book em Danno's Mum didn't let him out to play this year.
  24. Bibliogryphon

    Thoughts On The 2017 List

    OK if we are going to break the record then we need 15 hits. Here are the 15 that I think most likely to do it for us. Billy Graham Tony Booth Leah Bracknall Leslie Phillips Robert Mugabe King Michael of Romania Nobby Stiles Jill Gascoine George Bush Snr David Rockefeller Pope Benedict XVI Bruce Forsyth Desmond Tutu Joost van der Westhuizen Errol Christie However in compiling that list my first draft contained twenty names so hoping for a good year. There are three ladies who I am not sure are worthy of inclusion this year The Queen, Betty White and Honor Blackman.and there are four people whose illness trumps their fame (in my eyes) but I think we could see a good score.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    If no-one else is doing it or have done it. I am going to do bios for H. There are an awful lot of them.

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