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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    Death List Convention

    Clearly a Premier Inn is not good enough for you. :-)
  2. Bibliogryphon

    The Generation Game

    In just over two years I will be L
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Just doing a bit of Research and Donald Pelmear tuns up in the new Sheila Hancock movie that has been discussed in another thread. Still a possibility but moved down the list a little.
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Shaun's time of my life pool.

    Raheem Sterling.
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Create a really pointless list. Whilst gardening yesterday Mrs Biblio was playing her favourite J-rock in the kitchen and one teack was called THE WAY BACK, which many of you will know is also the title of the first episode of Blakes' 7. So I came up with B7 episode title playlist THE WAY BACK - One OK Rock Moonlight SHADOW - Mike Oldfield WEAPON of Choice - Fatboy Slim HORIZON - Genesis KILLER - Adamski The Final COUNTDOWN - Europe Dance on a VOLCANO - Genesis The huge evergrowing pulsating brain that rules from the centre of the ULTRAWORLD - The Orb RESCUE Me - Madonna I Have the POWER - Snap ANIMAL - Def Leppard Love GAMES - Belle and the Devotions Circle in the SAND - Belinda Carlisle GOLD - Spandau Ballet I am sure there are better ones and some that I have missed. Feel free to add your own.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    The Generation Game

    Except Joey
  7. Bibliogryphon

    20 /20

    1920 Fanny Waterman/Michael Anderson 1921 Elizabeth Kelly/ Michael I of Romania 1922 Jean Barker/Rex Richards 1923 Judith Kerr/ Freeman Dyson 1924 Rosamunde Pilcher/Clive King 1925 Ysanne Churchman/Richard Baker 1926 Cicely Berry/Leonard Fenton 1927 Babs Chinnery/Frank Windsor 1928 Kate Wilhelm/Peter Firmin 1929 Patricia Routledge/David Fisher
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Just as a heads up Anthony Webb and Donald Pelmear do not have wiki pages. If someone sneaks in before you even if they died back in March you would lose the title. However I will take Toby Hadoke as a relable source assuming you are not Toby Hadoke.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    Five players are waiting on anyone of 22 deaths. msc & Rotton Ali can get a third unique. Everyone else is waiting for a US presidential pick. Toast & Death Impends still on a Bush Anderson tie breaker and Rover & Out looking out for Ross Perot. Still wouldn't like to pick a winner.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    except I wasn't taking account of the unique nature which means the following will now hand victory to msc. Honor Blackman David Gooderson Donald Pelmear Anthony Webb John Sainsbury Might be heavily reliant on Toby to confirm some of those.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool

    That is another hit for MSC which doesn't really change anything. As you were.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    George Bush Senior

    Prince Charles might disagree.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Rolf Harris

    Maybe Pointless celebrities should have a post yewtree special.
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Holiday Thread

    It is a very important date to me. Yesterday was my daughter's 21st Birthday
  15. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Well spotted. I will update the missylist.
  16. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    To be honest it is a price I am willing to pay.
  17. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    1. Diane Abbott bg, sd, ms, gd, jr, yw, tm, sc, sw, ml, ro 2. Debbie Abrahams jr 3. Rosena Allin-Khan yw 4. David Amess bg, yw, sc, sw 5. Stuart Andrew tm 6. Edward Argar bg 7. Tonia Atoniazzi jr, dr 8. Ian Austin jr 9. Richard Bacon jr 10. Adrian Bailey sc, sw, ml, ro 11. Kevin Barron bg, sc, sw, ml 12. Margaret Beckett bg, sd, ms, gd, sc, sw, ml, ro 13. Hillary Benn sd 14. John Bercow ms, jr, sc, ml, ro 15. Paul Beresford bg, sc, ml 16. Clive Betts sc 17. Mhairi Black ms, gd, sc, sw 18. Ian Blackford jr 19. Bob Blackman tm 20. Paul Blomfield ro 21. Crispin Blunt gd 22. Nick Boles bg, sd, ms, gd, yw, sw, ml, ro 23. Peter Bone bg, ms 24. Peter Bottomley bg, sd, ms, sc, sw, ml 25. Ben Bradley dr 26. Mickey Brady bg, sc, ro 27. Tom Brake yw 28. Jack Brereton tm 29. Deidre Brock yw, dr 30. Lyn Brown sd 31. Nick Brown dr, sc, sw 32. Chris Bryant yw 33. Richard Burden sw 34. Vince Cable bg, sd, ms, yw, ro 35. Gregory Campbell ro 36. Ronald Campbell bg, sd, ms, yw, sc, sw, ml, ro 37. Dan Carden dr 38. Alistair Carmichael sc 39. Bill Cash bg, sd, ms, gd, sc, sw, ml, ro 40. Maria Caulfield tm 41. Sarah Champion ms 42. Douglas Chapman tm 43. Joanna Cherry tm 44. Christopher Chope bg, ms, dr, sc, ml, ro 45. Kenneth Clarke bg, sd, ms, gd, yw, dr, sc, tm, sw, ml, ro 46. Simon Clarke yw, dr 47. Geoffrey Clifton-Brown bg, sc, sw 48. Ann Clwyd bg, sd, ms, gd, yw, tm, sc, sw, ml, ro 49. Ann Coffey sd, yw, sc 50. Vernon Coaker bg 51. Julie Cooper jr 52. Rosie Cooper sw 53. Jeremy Corbyn bg, sd, jr, dr, sc, ml 54. Stephen Crabb gd, yw, tm 55. David Crausby ms, sc, ml, ro 56. Angela Crawley tm 57. Mary Creagh ms 58. Jim Cunnigham bg, sd, ms, gd, sc, sw, ml, ro 59. Ed Davey jr 60. Geraint Davies sc 61. Glyn Davies sc, ro 62. Mims Davies jr 63. Philip Davies ms, gd, ro 64. David Davis sd, gd, jr, ml, ro 65. Thangam Debbonaire bg, jr 66. Marsha de Cordova jr 67. Tan Dhesi jr 68. Jonathon Djangoly yw 69. Martin Docherty-Hughes yw 70. Julia Dockerill jr 71. Nigel Dodds ro 72. Jeffrey Donaldson bg, yw 73. Nadine Dorres bg, ms, sc 74. Peter Dowd yw 75. Jackie Doyle-Price ms 76. Iain Duncan Smith sd, sw 77. David Drew ms 78. Jack Dromey sd, ms, dr 79. Angela Eagle sw 80. Louise Ellman sd, ml 81. Bill Esterson jr 82. George Eustice tm 83. Nigel Evans sd, dr, sw 84. David Evenett jr, sw, ml 85. Michael Fabricant bg, sd, sc, sw 86. Michael Fallon sd 87. Paul Farrelly tm 88. Tim Farron yw, dr, sw, ro 89. Mark Field jr, dr 90. Frank Field bg, sd, ms gd, yw, sc, sw, ml, ro 91. Paul Flynn bg, sd, ms, gd, tm, sc, sw, ml, ro 92. James Frith yw, dr 93. Gill Furniss jr, dr 94. Roger Gale bg, sd, gd, yw, sc, sw, ml, ro 95. Mike Gapes bg, ms, sw, ml, ro 96. Mark Garnier sc 97. Stephen Gethins ms, tm, ro 98. Michelle Gildernew dr 99. Cheryl Gillan bg, sw 100. Roger Godsiff bg, ms, tm, sc, sw, ml 101. Zac Goldsmith ms, dr, tm, ro 102. Robert Goodwill yw 103. Michael Gove gd 104. Chris Green tm 105. Neil Grey tm 106. Phillip Hammond sd, ms, gd, ml 107. Matthew Hancock ms 108. David Hanson sw 109. Harriet Harman sd, ms, sc, sw 110. Richard Harringtron tm 111. Trudi Harrison tm 112. Susan Hayman yw 113. Oliver Heald sc, ro 114. James Heappey jr 115. Gordon Henderson sd 116. Stephen Hepburn dr, tm 117. Nick Herbert jr 118. Sylvia Hermon bg, ms, tm, sw, ml 119. Wera Hobhouse jr 120. Kate Hoey bg, sd, ms, jr, sc, sw, ml, ro 121. Margaret Hodge bg, sd, ms, sc, ml 122. Kate Hollern jr, dr 123. Philip Hollobone bg 124. Kelvin Hopkins sd, tm, sw, ml 125. Stewart Hosie ml 126. George Howarth bg, sc, sw 127. Nigel Huddleston jr 128. Jeremy Hunt gd 129. Boris Johnson gd, dr, tm, sw, ro 130. Gareth Johnson jr 131. Liz Kendall gd 132. Ged Killen jr 133. Greg Knight bg, sd, ml 134. Ben Lake dr, tm 135. John Lamont dr 136. Mark Lancaster tm 137. Andrea Leadsom gd 138. Karen Lee yw 139. Edward Leigh sc, sw 140. Chris Leslie ms, gd 141. Oliver Letwin gd 142. Andrew Lewer tm 143. Brandon Lewis gd 144. Ivan Lewis dr 145. Julian Lewis sw 146. David Liddington sc 147. David Linden jr, tm, ro 148. Stephen Lloyd dr 149. Jack Lopresti yw 150. Jonathan Lord jr 151. Khalid Mahmood yw 152. Alan Mak dr 153. John Mann ms 154. Racheal Maskell dr 155. Paul Masterton tm 156. Theresa May bg, sd, ms, gd, jr, yw, dr, sw, ml, ro 157. Elisha McCallion tm 158. John McDonnell sd, ml 159. Conor McGinn gd 160. Craig Mckinlay bg, sd, ms, gd, yw, dr, tm, ml, ro 161. Patrick McLoughlin bg, sd, yw 162. Anna McMorrin dr 163. Esther McVey jr 164. Mark Menzies yw 165. Johnny Mercer gd 166. Ed Milliband sd, gd, sc, sw 167. Andrew Mitchell ms 168. Francie Molloy ro 169. Carol Monaghan jr 170. Madeleine Moon bg, ml 171. Damien Moore tm 172. Nicky Morgan gd 173. Stephen Morgan jr 174. Grahame Morris sd 175. James Morris dr 176. Wendy Morton yw 177. David Mundell bg, sc 178. Ian Murray jr 179. Sherryll Murray sw 180. Lisa Nandy gd 181. Jesse Norman gd 182. Brendan O’Hara jr 183. Jared O’Mara ms, dr, ml 184. Guy Opperman yw, ro 185. Kate Osamor jr 186. Ian Paisley jnr gd 187. Stephanie Peacock jr 188. Toby Perkins ml 189. Claire Perry gd 190. Jess Phillips gd, dr 191. Bridget Phillipson dr 192. Christopher Pincher yw 193. Stephen Pound ml, ro 194. Lucy Powell jr, dr 195. Victoria Prentis yw 196. Mark Pritchard sd 197. Will Quince yw, tm 198. Dominic Raab jr 199. Faisal Rashid jr, yw 200. John Redwood sd, ms, sc, sw, yw 201. Ellie Reeves jr 202. Rachel Reeves gd 203. Jonathan Reynolds yw 204. Marie Rimmer sd, ms, sw 205. Geoffrey Robinson bg, sd, ms, gd, tm, sc, sw, ml, ro 206. Mary Robinson jr 207. Chris Ruane tm 208. Amber Rudd gd, yw, dr, tm 209. Naz Shah gd 210. Jim Shannon ml, ro 211. Grant Shapps ms, gd, yw, ro 212. Virenda Sharma yw, sw, ro 213. Barry Sheerman bg, sd, ms, gd, sc, sw, ml, ro 214. Tommy Sheppard bg 215. Gavin Shuker dr 216. Keith Simpson yw, ml 217. Dennis Skinner bg, sd, ms, gd, yw, dr, tm, sc, sw, ml, ro 218. Chloe Smith gd, tm 219. Nick Smith dr, tm 220. Owen Smith gd 221. Royston Smith ms, dr, tm 222. Nicholas Soames bg, sd, ms, yw, sc, ml, ro 223. Anna Soubry sd, ms, gd, yw, tm 224. John Spellar jr, sw, ml, ro 225. Chris Stephens dr, tm, ro 226. Jo Stevans jr 227. Bob Stewart bg 228. Ian Stewart tm 229. Gary Streeter jr, sc, sw 230. Wes Streeting gd 231. Graham Stringer bg 232. Robert Syms jr 233. Ross Thompson dr, tm 234. Emily Thornberry sd, dr 235. Stephen Timms dr 236. Craig Tracey yw 237. David Treddinick sc, sw 238. Anne-Marie Trevelyan yw, dr 239. Jon Trickett sd 240. Chuka Umunna gd, ro 241. Keith Vaz bg, sd, gd, sc, ml, ro 242. Valerie Vaz ml 243. Theresa Villiers tm 244. Charles Walker jr 245. Robin Walker tm 246. David Warburton yw 247. Matt Warman dr 248. Giles Watling jr 249. Tom Watson sd, ms 250. Alan Whitehead dr 251. Craig Whittaker dr 252. John Whittingdale bg 253. Hywel Williams sd, tm, ml 254. Chris Williamson dr 255. Gavin Williamson yw 256. Phil Wilson dr 257. Sammy Wilson ml, ro 258. Pete Wishart tm, ro 259. Sarah Wollaston gd 260. Mike Wood ml, ro 261. John Woodcock gd, dr, sc 262. Nadhim Zahawi tm 263. Daniel Ziechner jr
  18. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    So welcome to the list of players and the abbreviations used in the masterlist. I have adopted MPFC's notation style so a big acknowledgement to him there. The players are listed in order of receipt but this will become the basis for future scoring updates. If we get that far. Thanks everyone for putting in the effort to get these lists up and running and I look forward to a decisive winner in 2022. Bibliogryphon bg Shaun of the Dead sd msc ms GraveDanger gd Joey Russ jr YoungWillz yw Deathray dr Torva Messor tm Sir Creep sc Switch sw manuel ml Rover & Out ro The main list contains almost three hundered names so I will post it all in one go but please can any discussion avoid duplicating the post. Red names are unique picks. I have tried my best to transpose accurately but please feel free to point out my mistakes.
  19. Bibliogryphon

    Barry Norman

    You may not akways have agreed with Barry Norman but you could always judge a film by his review. He was at his best reviewing bad films.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    Barry Norman

    I think Barry Cryer would find that funny.
  21. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    I bet they weren't paying Lynton Crosby that.
  22. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    I will hopefully post the master list later today. Thanks for playing everyone. However it has been observed that on the Conservative web site there are a number of adverts for campaign managers. Those in the know suggest these posts are normally only appointed if there is an election in the next 12 months.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    Shauns Death By Numbers 2017

    Out Ray Davies Cher Willie Thorne Billy Connolly Stiliyan Petrov In Stefan Karl Steffansson Leah Bracknell Greg Gilbert Jill Gascoigne William Gaunt
  24. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Got it now that makes 12 entries look out for the masterlist next week.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Not had it yet Rover! PM again?

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