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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    I am going to say three more. One from the remaining top five.Either Richard Adams or Peter Sallis and one UK sport related. Keeping my options open.
  2. Bibliogryphon

    Radio 4

    Won't hear a word against the man since he's - almost - one of us Stick around Eddie! Incidentally, he had a problem with drink - alcoholism in the full-blown sense isn't really the issue, apparently: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2908922/BBC-Radio-4-host-Eddie-Mair-reveals-s-sober-summer.html That article uses an old photo. The contrast between that and the BBC one is shocking. Either he has been on a Nigel Lawson diet or is ill.
  3. OK this poll is a bit out of date re the Republican side but with Hilary still showing strong I thought here might be the best place to put this list. If you look at all the living presidents, former presidents and vice presidents first and second ladies the total comes to 20 which is precisely what you would need for a DDP team. I will not be entering this team so it is a freebie to anyone who wants it Jimmy Carter Rossalyn Carter Walter Mondale Nancy Reagen George H W Bush Barbara Bush Dan Quayle Marilyn Quayle Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Al Gore Tipper Gore George W Bush Laura Bush Dick Cheney Lynne Cheney Barack Obama Michelle Obama Joe Biden Jill Biden
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Thoughts On The 2016 List

    We are now two deaths behind 2003 & 2013. Three behind 2015 & five behind 2008. Still ahead of mediocre year 2014. Someone on that list has to be looking a bit grim
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Radio 4

    They have just done a survey about best loved radio voices and Eddie Mair comes out on top but the photo on the BBC website looks shocking. Is there something he is not telling us? No link as on phone.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    Shaun`s Death By Numbers 2016I

    J T McNamara gives me 75 much needed points.
  7. Bibliogryphon

    Crew Of USS Enterprise

    Did anyone see this pic from San Diego Comic Con and thought Scott Bakula looked a bit off.
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Doctor Doctor

    I heard it on Radio 4. Very sad situation.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I think id feel safer in Benidorm, Bognor or Palma Nova than I would in Bodrum or Marmaris.... I'm going to San Francisco. I figure my chances at 50-50. Have you got the flowers? (for your hair).
  10. Bibliogryphon

    Rio 2016

    You wait until Tokyo 2020 when Godzilla devours the entire Olympic swimming pool.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Rio 2016

    Why is there not Olympic Deadpooling. then we can all be atheletes
  12. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    John Woodvine is 87 today.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    World's Oldest

    Oldest in Britain say Bessie Camm and they are usually very reliable.Apparently Bessie was William Hague`s childhood nurse.You learn something new everyday.Incredible she made 112 after that trauma!Wiki have now added Bessie Camm.On Britain's oldest Vera is only 5th.
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Class Of 1926

    I think Michael Bond should be on the list.
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Shaun`s Death By Numbers 2016I

    I had Susannah Mushett Jones as a Joker. So I think I am owed points.
  16. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    This sent me scurrying to the SHBD masterlist but sadly no hit for William.
  17. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    Death Notice from the Perthshire Advertiser indicates she sadly died on 14 May 2016 aged 97: http://www.bmdsonline.co.uk/perthshire-advertiser/obituary/bentley/47084017?s_source=tmsc_pe A disgrace there has been no coverage of her passing. Valerie gets her Guardian Obit: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2016/jul/19/valerie-lush-obituary She was my first reserve/substitute on my DDP team. Saw this yesterday and didn't make the connection until I saw the photo. Valerie was the guest star in an episode of The Ghosts of Motely Hall where she played the medium Emily Tiffin. It is worth seeking out for the very clever scene with Peter Sallis and Freddie Jones where they are both holding converstions with her but Peter Sallis is unaware the ghost is also present. They don't seem to make kids TV that clever and witty (and well cast) anymore.Thought she had died years ago.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    Shaun`s Death By Numbers 2016I

    What is your subject?
  19. Bibliogryphon


    Mine goes into round 2 unchanged.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    Speaking right now...who else is going to win it? After the last three weeks I am not making any predictions. We don't know what the political landscape will look like by 2020 and she still has to get there. She inherits Cameron's slender majority. Who do we think are going to get the top jobs in her cabinet? She does not seem to have a cabal of pals around her. Dominic Grieve might succeed her as Home Secretary. If she is feeling generous then Andrea Leadsom might get Business I suspect Philip Hammond will stay put and Gove might become Chancellor unless he is seen as Damaged goods now. I think she will take the opportunity to sack Hunt from Health and I hope that Whittingdale goes from Culture. Who can she afford to leave on the backbenchers?
  21. Bibliogryphon

    World's Oldest

    So who is Britain's oldest woman now? According to Wiki it is Vera Pigott but Bess Camm is almost a year older than her but not yet verified.
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Political Frailty

    I saw that and thought one of two things either he is really ill or the green room was very well stocked. He was back on TV this morning saying what a wonderful woman Theresa May was and he looked in good health. I think he may have been a victim of hospitality on the previous occasion.
  23. Bibliogryphon

    Shaun`s Death By Numbers 2016I

    Have points been awarded for Caroline Aherne yet?
  24. Bibliogryphon

    Brian Rix

    His big sister is still going strong. Would putting him on the list be a farce?
  25. Bibliogryphon


    So can I get this straight. If I pick 50 people, can I keep them for the duration? Or do they all get swapped around whenever someone dies? Whenever someone dies a new round is triggered.You can then change all your picks none of your picks or anything in between.Just let me know after someone conks it if you want to change anything or withdraw your team! I won't be making major changes to my team unless someone dies.

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