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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    Ask A Deathlister

    Buy is the important thing here. Before Atlanta (1996?) they used to just give them away.
  2. Bibliogryphon

    Ian Brady

    he said he'd only do it when he was about to die.It looks as though this long ,sad saga is finally drawing to a close... I disagree. From what has been reported on the news this is not a current action from Brady but comments from his mental health advocate who says he has given to her (no indication as to when) a letter for Mrs Johnson which was only to be opened after his death. She has been arrested and her house searched. There is nothing to suggest a change in Brady's attitude or health. Keith's brother has asked for privacy at this time with his mother being in a critical condition.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Yeah but he's not just any pensioner and is not treated in an NHS hospital Actually I live just down the road from ARI, which is where he's being treated currently. It couldn't be more NHS. Well they're hardly likely to drag their feet where he's concerned, I think most would agree Having once worked in the NHS I can assure you they don't drag their feet with patients like this. Patients like auld Phil get the very best care, only the best doctors and consultants work their cases and only ward sisters and senior nurses take care of them. Their NHS experience is very different to that you or I would have. He'll be going nowhere soon, barring a surprise heart attack or stroke he'll be plodding along and offending all races and religions for at least a decade to come In all honesty, I have no major gripes with my experiences on the NHS, but then I've never been seriously ill Has everyone installed irony filters on their computers? Do I really have to put an emoticon after every statement that is not meant to be taken at face value?
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    When it pays them to do so
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Sun Myung Moon

    Do you think his passing might foretell the end of the world and thereby confirm all those dire predictions for December?
  6. Bibliogryphon

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    You have to remember about all those stories where staff in hospitals neglect pensioners. What number of nights in hospital within any 12 month period gets someone a definite listing on the DL?
  7. Bibliogryphon

    From Cleric To Relic

    Damn - I was going to include him for 2013. But it ain't over until Adele....
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Another opportunity for Brian Aldiss to remind us he is still alive by commenting on the passing of a contempory (but better) writer.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Macaulay Culkin

    A little thin perhaps!!
  10. Bibliogryphon

    The Monkees

    Mike Nesmith is definitely the most talented but they have demonstrated that they can (will) tour without him but as Micky & Davy shared vocals they are what the public would perceive as the sound of the Monkees. Mike Nesmith released an ironically titles Best of collection entitled " and the Hits Just Keep on Coming"
  11. Bibliogryphon

    The Monkees

    It will be more the Monkees than Queen would be Queen without Freddie Mercury. Mickey Dolenz sang on the better songs.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    Hollywood Possibilities

    How good can they be if we have never heard of them.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Bill Clinton

    He looks elderly not infirm. To be honest he had some weight to lose. I think George Bush Snr will be the next presidenterd interred (rather than interned!)
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Or should that be cooling down?
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Now Gore Vidal has gone I have had to draft in Eric Hill (of Spot fame!) and I have A.S. Byatt and Salman Rushdie warming up on the bench
  16. Bibliogryphon

    Geoffrey Hughes

    He was also one of the few actors (who did not have a lead role in the series) whose likeness adorned an adaptation of a Doctor Who Book - His role as Mr Popplewick in the Trial of a Timelord (13/14)
  17. I think there is something in this and I have been thinking about it myself. Is there an age at which your chances of survival actually impove in some form of statistic. Having said that there are a lot more people alive who are in the 60-70 age bracket. Maybe we should send a question to More or Less on Radio 4.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    The 9th Death Of 2012

    I went for Billy Graham
  19. Bibliogryphon

    The Ones That Got Away...

    Subway vigilante of justice/racist nutjob (delete as applicable) who shot four black guys who tried to mug him/begged for change back in the early 80s. Yes I researched that after I left yesterday. I'll put that up to 4 then.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

    Nooooooooooooooooo every death counts, so yeahhhhhhhh, it´s a great day for DL!!!!!!!! Only if people are going to score points and if you see the discussion above she wasn't even featuring on the radar. Did anybody get points??
  21. Bibliogryphon


    Danny Devito looked quite sprightly in his Big Issue interview this week and is appearing in the West End opposite Richard Griffiths in Neil Simon's Sunshine Boys
  22. Bibliogryphon

    British Science Fiction Series

  23. Bibliogryphon

    London 2012 Olympics

    Sympathy - Zero Surely this was a potential outcome when you bid for them! You do realise that if people who know you have read this and see you at the match - they will turn up at your house with a brick
  24. Bibliogryphon

    The Ones That Got Away...

    I would go with 3 (QEII, BB & Mr Zimmermann). I will freely admit that I have no idea who Bernard Goetz is.
  25. Bibliogryphon

    The Ones That Got Away...

    What you mean he stays sober for long periods of time and had incredible will power.

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