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Everything posted by Bibliogryphon

  1. Bibliogryphon

    The 6th Death Of 2012

    Following my success with Ray Bradbury. I used the same technique and voted for Mubarek but this time I seem to be in touch with the mood of the nation (or at least that part of it that frequents the Deathlist)
  2. Bibliogryphon

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    Another one I was convinced was dead. I had Robert Vaughan on my list but not Peter.
  3. Bibliogryphon

    Elton John

    Watched the Diamond Jubilee Concert and whilst he did not look at Death's door he certainly looked worse than a lot of people who were older than him, Macca, Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, Cliff Richard, Rolf Harris & The Queen!
  4. Bibliogryphon

    Who's Going To Be Around For A While?

    Ken Dodd & Val Doonican both still active.
  5. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    I haven't seen much discussion on this forum about Jackie Stallone, not that I want an indepth discussion but just news about her iminent demise. However since she is in tune with the stars and can predict the future with absolute certainty she can plan the whole event herself. I am presuming she will not outlive Sylvester.
  6. Bibliogryphon

    Nobel Prize In Death

    Sir Andrew Huxley's facing a brave new world. I was convinced Doris Lessing was dead. I need her on my database. I had pencilled in James Watson and already had Nelson Mandela and Henry Kissinger. You could have kept this to yourself and played a devestating theme team in 2013 or did you just want to get them in before the inevitable happens. Excellent work that man.
  7. Bibliogryphon

    Charles Taylor

    Where he serves his sentence will be a significant factor when determining whether he is a viable candidate for future years. If he serves it in The Hague or even the UK I think that he will last a fair while but he might want to serve it close to his people in Africa (shoe in for 2013). How does this work, whose decision is it?
  8. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    What you mean he will be putting on all the celebs he think will die next year? Well he is in the position to know. Anyone older than him I presume. If what you actually mean is that Bruce Forsyth should be added to the list I will disagree with you unless he retires. When he is no longer on telly will be the time to put him on the list.
  9. Bibliogryphon

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2013

    Guy Hamiton who directed four James Bond films between 1964 & 1974 will be 90 in September. No information on health but 90 is 90.
  10. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    For your consideration veteren theatre actor Richard Pasco, CBE (b.1926) who is married to Barbara Leigh-Hunt (b.1935). Barbara is best known for her performance as Lady Catherine de Burgh in the BBC adaptation of Pride & Prejudice which was made in 1995 and I was surprised to find she was still alive.
  11. Bibliogryphon

    Jeremy Thorpe

    Nothing to add since 2008? Considering how ill he is meant to have been he must be worth a revisit. Apparently (according to Wiki) he has contributed to an official biography which may clear up some of the circumstances surrounding his resignation but will not allow it to be published until after his death. The Author has tried to get it published but each time it has been blocked by a court injunction. The publishers must be just waiting for that particular payday and will probably break records from announcement of death to hitting the bookshelves.
  12. Bibliogryphon

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    At the moment I think that considering how quickly he came through the heart scare at Christmas and that he looked pretty hale at the wedding, (Joking with Camilla about the evil look Liz gave her!) and considering the excellent medical attention he would receive I think that we will see a longer slow decline and perhaps when he stops appearing in public. However he will probably prove me wrong and have a massive heart attack during Jessie J's performance at the Jubilee concert.
  13. Bibliogryphon

    Nancy Reagan

    Good news. Nancy has agreed to an all in wrestling match with Zsa Zsa Gabor - to the death!
  14. Bibliogryphon

    Bee Gees

    DeathList royalty cheque (in Drachmas) in the post to Bibliogryphon for that catchy reworking being used on the main page - Cheers I am honoured and humbled at the same time
  15. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Peter Ackroyd (b. 1949) was on Desert Island Discs on Sunday (repeated on Friday at 9am) in which he revealed that after completing his book London:A Biography he suffered a massive heart attack and his mother was told he had a 50:50 chance of survival. He also revealed that he smuggled a bottle of wine into his hospital room whilst recovering and didn't beleive in giving things up. This is now several years behind him but he should be on the radar.
  16. Bibliogryphon

    Dead Pop Stars

    So sad and so sudden. Tuned my ipod to Donna Summer on Thursday night and enjoyed.
  17. Bibliogryphon

    The 5th Death Of 2012

    Ray Bradbury for me! No reason just feels right.
  18. Bibliogryphon

    Bee Gees

    I hope no-one will ask Barry "How deep is your Bruv?"
  19. Bibliogryphon

    Celebrity Chefs

    Does anybosy know exactly how old Rusty Lee is? She is one of a few people who I cannot reliably find a date of birth for. I have pencilled in 1955 but not from any reliable source or Wiki. I think she would be worthy of adding to a theme team of chefs or loud annoying people.
  20. Bibliogryphon

    British Character Actors

    Roy Dotrice (father to oooh Betty Michelle) will be 90 next year but he is said to be appearing in the Game of Thrones mini series
  21. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    I did! Three even, and in English: Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children, Ian McEwan's Amsterdam and Yann Martel's Life of Pi. The last two I remember as a good read. regards, Hein To be fair my wife has read Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantell and says it is a cracking read so I will probably get round to that soon.
  22. Bibliogryphon

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Its time for another list of people who still breathe: Booker Prize Winners 1971-2001 Author (Year of Birth) V S Naipaul (1932) John Berger (1926) Nadine Gordimer (1923) Ruth Prawer Jhabval (1927) David Storey (1933) Salman Rushdie (1947) Thomas Keneally (1935) J M Coetzee (1940) Anita Brookner (1928) Keri Hume (1947) Penelope Lively (1933) Peter Carey (1943) Kazuo Ishiguro (1954) A S Byatt (1936) Ben Okri (1959) Michael Ondaatje (1943) Barry Unsworth (1930) Roddy Doyle (1958) James Kelman (1946) Pat Barker (1943) Graham Swift (1949) Arundhati Roy (1961) Ian McEwan (1948) Margaret Atwood (1939) I have omitted the deceased winners such as Kingsley Amis & William Golding I don't have any specific health information but apart from those that are well into their eighties I would perhaps begin thinking about James Kelman if only because of the obvious gift if he does go (How late he was, how late). All of them will be obit worthy (especially on Radio 4) Don't be fooled I have never read a Booker Prize winning novel
  23. Bibliogryphon

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    We have been running for 5 years and now have thirty players. As we have less than 200 people in the organisation that is a pretty good proportion and there are significant number of others who only didn't play cause they were too lazy to fill in the form.
  24. Bibliogryphon

    Tom 'DFS Leatherette Sofa' Jones

    OK we have evidence every Saturday & Sunday night that Tom is not close to death but has he actually name dropped anyone who is still alive. On Saturday he compared a young girl to Janis Joplin and suprisingly she didn't deck him. If he name drops a living person they should automatically go on the list!
  25. Bibliogryphon

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Hi Bibliogryphon here, I have been visiting as a guest for several years and did occasionally post as a Guest but managed to persuede my IT manager at work that the site should not be categorised as offensive material and thereby blocked. So I have registered. Unfortunately it was too late to join the competitions for 2012 but I am looking forward to 2013. I run a Deadpool for some colleagues and found that this is THE best source of data and ideas so keep up the good work.

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