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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile


    I like the new multiplier, though, of course, 256 languages is going to take a LOT of time. Let me think: Jimmy Carter probably gets these 256 obits, so it's 9*5=45 pts. So Mr./Mrs. cancer celebrity of age 29 or less, needs hits in about 8-9 languages to match it. (12*4)=48. Wow, that's tough. Ok, what about your aging rockstar dying in his seventies? 7 pts. So to match Jimmy Carter, he needs about 40 languages (So that it's 7*6,xx=45). Ok, that has got to be a global star. Let's see how it works. I think the teams will be very different from the DDP.
  2. gcreptile


    Stitches may or may not have cancer (again): http://allhiphop.com/2016/02/22/stitches-says-he-has-cancer-again/
  3. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    In the rare chance that he's going to make it that far: Rugby "hero" Paul Van-Zandvliet diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer that has spread, good bye: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/rugby-hero-paul-van-zandvliet-7433073 Edit: No, it's kidney cancer that is inoperable. This cancer has spread to the liver. But there's also a brain tumour.
  4. gcreptile

    General Pervez Musharraf

    Hospitalised because of spinal cord pain: http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/national/24-Feb-2016/musharraf-hospitalised-due-to-spinal-cord-pain
  5. gcreptile

    Life In Prison

    John Rigas now free and at home because of declining health: http://www.twcnews.com/nys/buffalo/news/2016/02/22/john-rigas-released-from-prison-.html
  6. gcreptile

    5. Pope Francis

    One of his secretaries, Miriam Wuolou, found dead in her apartment. She was 7 months pregnant... by Francis? http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/pregnant-secretary-pope-francis-found-7430464 They say she had diabetes and her pregnancy was dangerous because of that.
  7. gcreptile

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Lucas Kinney, a.k.a. the jihadi whose father is a Hollywood executive, now on the suicide bomber waiting list: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3462008/British-jihadist-son-Hollywood-movie-director-says-waiting-list-Al-Qaeda-suicide-bomber.html I'd like to have a look at that...
  8. gcreptile

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I try to rationalize death as the moment I become one with the great stream of time, and God's plan and all that. So death is basically the fulfillment of my duty. That's why I would definitely announce here if I was diagnosed with a terminal illness.
  9. gcreptile

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Dave Needle, co-creator of the Amiga 1000 (the original one),the Atari Lynx and the 3DO, dead: http://www.develop-online.net/news/co-creator-of-amiga-1000-atari-lynx-and-3do-dave-needle-passes-away/0216908
  10. gcreptile


    Another link to a reddit thread from me, this time about "your saddest celebrity encounter": https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4706sd/who_was_your_saddest_celebrity_encounter/d096hi7 That comment above and the replies to it tell that DMX has been "in a bit of a tailspin for a while now".
  11. gcreptile

    Douglas Slocombe

    RIP.... He slipped through the cracks. I simply forgot to put him in any of my teams. His death this year was obvious, I thought.
  12. gcreptile

    University Presidents?

    Elizabeth Garrett, president of Ivy League university Cornell, has surgery for colon cancer: http://www.ithacajournal.com/story/news/2016/02/20/cornell-president-elizabeth-garrett-has-surgery/80656498/ Probably AP-worthy, so for Shaun's Deadpool.
  13. Yes, it should be moved as she certainly doesn't seem to be a homeless vagrant or tramp. Nor is she a porn star. I'd just put this in the Possibilities thread, unless she qualifies as a Foreign Personality? Yes, at first, I mistook her for a local eccentric. But she is actually revered there.
  14. gcreptile

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    That one was criminally bad! But I still remember it!! Eurovision certainly has changed since I used to watch it. Whatever happened to performers dressing up in their national costume playing the balalaika protesting about wind farms? This is what Eurovision is from how I remember it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXdSQ-Tl7-8 I would like more folklore, and yes, more silliness. It's all a bit mainstream at the moment because too many countries actually want to win. Of course, that makes it even funnier if the attempt fails.
  15. gcreptile

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    That one was criminally bad! But I still remember it!!
  16. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2016

    Too bad. Last chance is the coverage of the Isle of Wight festival, I guess.
  17. Sticky Vicky now definitely obitable: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/benidorm-legend-sticky-vicky-retire-7415755 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3458122/Benidorm-tourist-favourite-Sticky-Vicky-72-retires-35-years-sexy-magic-diagnosed-cancer.html
  18. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    Queen and synth pop??! Next thing you know you're going to mention FGTH as a gay group... (Honored to be the one to break the 100 pages in this thread. Thank you.) Once they replaced the drums with a drum machine on Radio GaGa, they weren't really Rock anymore. Or A KInd of Magic, or the Invisible Man. Like Genesis, they ceased to be Rock in the 80s, in my opinion.
  19. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    I don't think Vince Clarke is gay? I thought he was married with children. Not that that proves anything of course, he might be bi, but still. He was a good sport to do this, because you just know it was Andy's idea Thanks! Pop culture knowledge - updated.
  20. gcreptile

    Shaun`s Death By Numbers 2016I

    My points for Big Ang are missing.
  21. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    Didn't almost everyone in the 80s like "gay" synth pop? I mean, it was the time. Erasure, Pet Shop Boys, Culture Club, Queen went a bit into that direction as well. I'm still surprised noone in Depeche mode was gay, that is, after that one guy left and formed Erasure. The alternative was hair metal, I guess. Or The Smiths, who require a special mentality, and are also sort of gay. In this regard, 80s music was the child of gender-bending David Bowie.
  22. gcreptile

    Denise Robertson

    So if must of use know, why bother to post it again? I daresay there's a thread for agony aunts somewhere anyway. why bother posting Paul Daniel's cancer agin. Why post Sidney poilters poor aging but if you must ask it's because I don't want to repeat this year by forgetting a shit load of celebs with cancer i.e Dan heggerty and Pat Harrington. Well, keep a fucking list then, like the rest of us do. This forum is not your personal note pad. Any chance you could pm me your 2017 list Toast? This business of doing any work is what has prevented me from submitting a team on time the past couple of years. I mean obviously I'd make a few changes, that can't be too much effort. Actually the offer is open to anyone. Certainly, do you want it now or in December? Come on, it's hardly time consuming. It's just a matter of keeping a list. It can be a word doc on your PC, a piece of paper in your wallet or the back of a fag packet. Whenever you come across a possible candidate while browsing DL, or elsewhere, you simply add the name eg "Denise Robertson". Then cross them out when they inevitably die before the starting date Yes, I made my first ever DDP list in mid-december 2014 because my work was done for the year and I had no other straining mental activity to do. At that time, the King of Saudi Arabia had his pneunomia, so I put him on a list, and it was a hit. I got four hits that year out of scribbling a couple of names on a piece of paper. So just pay attention to to those cases everyone knows about and you'll get a respectable team. This year, it was hard not to know about Joey Feek or René Angelil. Then add a couple of December hospitalisations. You can always get 1-2 hits out of this, Pat Harrington, Alfredo "Chocolate" Armenteros,...
  23. gcreptile

    Sidney Poitier

    Obvious Death List pick beginning with 2017.
  24. gcreptile

    Country For Old Men (And Women)

    Merle Haggard resumed his tour earlier than expected, after his life-threatening double pneunomia. But he is struggling to perform: http://www.wideopencountry.com/merle-haggard-struggles-to-perform-after-pneumonia-scare/ (I'm thinking he deserves his own thread, if an admin would like to collect the previous posts on him.)
  25. gcreptile

    Paul Daniels

    Tony Blackburn is already leading the tributes: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/tony-blackburn-leads-tribute-paul-7406974 So I guess, Daniels will never be seen in public again, and it's a question of weeks.

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