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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile

    Ice Hockey Players

    Apart from Mark Reeds, and cancer stricken coach Bryan Murray, another Ottawa Senators official, the team owner Eugene Melnyk was in urgent need of a liver transplant but has received it yesterday: http://senators.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=768219 There must be something in the Ottawa water... However, Bryan Murray himself is apparently stable enough to continue coaching for another season: http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/eye-on-hockey/25167415/senators-gm-bryan-murray-intends-to-return-next-season I might have been a bit premature in guessing that the DDP team hit record might get broken...
  2. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    He actually has two types of skin cancer but just can't stop getting tanned: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3086787/He-s-got-TWO-types-skin-cancer-won-t-MP-Michael-stay-sun.html I must say I agree with one of the comments under that article. In the context of skin cancer, the wig actually makes sense (but only there). As for that comment, I need a translator.
  3. gcreptile

    Time Added

    Former national football coach of East Germany, Harald Seeger, is dead at 93: http://www.sport1.de/fussball/2015/05/frueherer-ddr-nationaltrainer-harald-seeger-mit-93-jahren-gestorben(german link)
  4. gcreptile


    Beau Biden, son of US vice-president Joe Biden hospitalised for unspecified reasons, but it's 'serious': http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/05/19/usa-biden-son-idINKBN0O42ON20150519 He already had a stroke in 2010.
  5. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    He actually has two types of skin cancer but just can't stop getting tanned: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3086787/He-s-got-TWO-types-skin-cancer-won-t-MP-Michael-stay-sun.html
  6. gcreptile


    John Templeton Jr., founder of the multi-billion dollar Templeton foundation has died from complications of cancer at 75: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2015/05/19/john-templeton-jr-president-of-foundation-invested-in-science-and-religion-has-died/
  7. gcreptile

    World's Oldest

    The oldest German, Charlotte Klamroth, is dead at 111: http://www.n-tv.de/ticker/Aelteste-Deutsche-im-Alter-von-111-Jahren-verstorben-article15121401.html
  8. gcreptile

    University Presidents?

    The former president of the Drake University Michael Ferrari is dead at 75: http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/education/2015/05/18/michael-ferrari-drake-university-obituary/27526347/ He had pancreatic cancer. Also dead, the former president of the University of San Francisco, The Rev. John Lo Schiavo at 90: http://www.recorderonline.com/news/state_news/former-university-of-san-francisco-president-dies-at/article_59685333-f763-52a3-b488-8a49a29ec5c0.html
  9. gcreptile

    By-Election Bingo

    Hmm, this contest is too british for me..
  10. gcreptile

    The 4th Death Of 2015

    The king of Thailand. On the last photos he literally looks dead already...
  11. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    And now will be unable to attend next week's CBS Corp annual meeting, due to declining health, 'but hopes to attend next year's meeting'. Sumner Sumner Sumner (smh) SC http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/envelope/cotown/la-et-ct-sumner-redstone-to-miss-cbs-meeting-declining-health-20150514-story.html Well, hope dies last.
  12. gcreptile

    BB King

    RIP... shocking to see the quick decline from touring to death. Maybe the accusations of elder abuse were justified.
  13. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    Or maybe he wasn't killed after all? http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2015/05/13/North-Korea-defense-chief-was-purged-maybe-not-executed-says-Seouls-spy-agency/1931431522581/
  14. gcreptile

    Minimalists (and other classical composers/musicians)

    "Legendary harpist" Victor Salvi is now playing the harp on a cloud: http://slippedisc.com/2015/05/a-legend-among-harpists-has-died/ Though he was more a harp maker and sponsor of harp music than a player himself. He was 95 years old.
  15. gcreptile

    End Times - The Rapture

    Billy Graham's daughter says that judgment is coming, so let's pray. Interestingly, some consequences of the Rapture will be that "Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The stock market will plunge." I don't know why I should care about my investment portfolio at the end of the world, but other signs are that "Planes will fall out of the sky." and "Cars will crash on the road." So be prepared that the next traffic collision marks the end of the world." Also, God's judgment will apparently only affect the USA since "In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us." It sounds as if she means other countries, not demons from hell. http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/billy-grahams-daughter-issues-mayday/
  16. gcreptile

    João Havelange

    He turned 99 last week: http://www.diez.hn/internacionales/838387-99/jo%C3%A3o-havelange-ex-presidente-de-fifa-festeja-hoy-99-a%C3%B1os My Spanish isn't perfect but I think there's nothing in the article on how (or whether at all) he actually celebrated his birthday.
  17. gcreptile

    Helmut Kohl

    I guess he's healthier than I thought. Last week, he got a new hip: http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/helmut-kohl/bekommt-neues-hueftgelenk-40865568.bild.html(link in german) The operation went well and now "he wants back home as fast as possible". The article says that he wanted to reply to the many birthday congratulations he received, but because of the operation this has to wait for a while and will be diminished.
  18. gcreptile

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    Joost being at a golf tourney for a charity he founded: http://sport360.com/video/uae/36577/video-joost-van-der-westhuizens-j9-sox-challenge-dubai
  19. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    First or last name? Both? Last name only, it's a she after all, so David might have been a step too far. Well I was thinking perhaps they had changed their first name to Bowie, although that might be bordering a bit too far in the stalker realm of things. But then again I know someone who changed their last name to Danzig... With my question I meant she might have changed her name to Bowie Bowie. Not pretty, but it would show real commitment. In the Netherlands name changes are rare. The law allows a change of family name in specific cases only: adoption, getting the name of a stepparent or when the old name is a source of ridicule. A family name change is done by Royal Order, so the Minister of Justice has to approve. The process lasts about half a year. Changing a given name is easier, but only for a good reason and a court of law has to approve the application. Bowie named his own son Zowie Bowie. Today he is known as Duncan Jones, director of 'Moon', 'Source Code' and the upcoming World of Warcraft-movie. Of course, Bowie named himself Bowie, since his birth name, Davy Jones, was already "occupied" by a member of the Monkees.
  20. gcreptile

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    Heh, that was quick.
  21. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2015

    Normally I don't care much about wrong URLs, if I can I fix them and that's the end of it. In this case I can't, so I have to ask: what's got Derek Davis to do with that Horsley prick? Damnit, corrected.
  22. gcreptile

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    The father of U2's Larry Mullen has died at 92: http://www.rte.ie/ten/news/2015/0512/700570-larry-mullens-father-has-died-aged-92/ But their tour will commence as planned.
  23. gcreptile

    Academic Footnotes

    "One of the pre-eminent historians of his generation", Peter Dead is gay at 91: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/13/arts/peter-gay-historian-who-explored-social-history-of-ideas-dies-at-91.html Born in Germany, he fled the Nazis but his career still showed much interest in the modenr history of central Europe, for example, by his biography of Sigmund Freud, or his writing on jewish life in Germany. (Peter Gay, for the search machine)
  24. gcreptile

    Life In Prison

    The accused murderer of South African Strip Club boss Lolly Jackson, George Louca, has succumbed to lung cancer: http://www.enca.com/south-africa/murder-accused-george-louca-has-died-lung-cancer I'm angry, I wanted to pick him for the Deathrace next year, news of his terminal disease went through the South African press. Louca tried to get released for treatment but it was denied.
  25. gcreptile

    Dead Pop Stars

    New York DJ Ben Deitz, founding member of the DJ club collective Trouble & Bass has died: http://www.musictimes.com/articles/38407/20150512/ben-deitz-trouble-bass-member-math-head-passions-died.htm It's the second shock to the New York electronic music scene after Fool's Gold Records founder Dust La Rock died earleir this year at 38.

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