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Everything posted by gcreptile

  1. gcreptile


    Tom Brokaw talks some more about his blood cancer: http://pagesix.com/2015/04/15/tom-brokaw-how-i-dealt-with-blood-cancer-shock/ His doctors told him in 2013 that his statistical life expectancy is five years, but he will probably beat it.
  2. gcreptile


    Oles Buzyna, pro-russian ukranian journalist and one-time political candidate, shot dead from a car: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/16/pro-russia-journalist-shot-killed-ukraine-kiev-oles-buzyna It happened a day after pro-russian ukranian politician Oleh Kalashnikov was found dead at home. As a member of the party of former Ukranian PM Yanukovich, he continues the recent series of fatalities among that former government.
  3. gcreptile

    Rag Traders

    Did you (meaning all of you) notice how many Australian celebrities have skin cancer? Richie Benaud died of it. Also Hugh Jackman. I can't recall a couple of others immediately. Still the consequences of the ozone hole...
  4. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    I remember that the police did investigate some MPs back in the day. Greville Janner was caught up in a massive child abuse trial in Leicester when Frank Beck tried to implicate him in his trial. Janner was not charged with anything. Beck died shortly afterwards in prison at a relativly young age. I am not sure how widely this was reported outside of the East Midlands. Greville Janner will not be charged owing to the severity of his dementia. Interesting, some accused politicians at least have the manners to die of shame. So the dementia might work in this man's favour.
  5. gcreptile


    German TV correspondent Klaus Bednarz is dead at 72: http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/klaus-bednarz-nachruf-auf-den-verstorbenen-tv-journalisten-a-1028753.html(link in german) He was basically the most recognizable foreign correspondent because of his long-time position in Russia. Posted because this year, there've been a lot of relatively important german deaths.
  6. gcreptile

    Nobel Prize In Death

    So he wasn't a robot in disguise then..... I almost posted that myself BBC Obit, if needed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32093573 I think I have to apologize to Uschi who suggested him for 2015 (or already 2016?), but I thought that Grass was still too active to be considered. But then, he died of a lung infection, showing that at a certain age, there are always things that could happen... It seems that the best medicine money can buy, can get you to 90 years unless you have a debilitating disease like cancer or Parkinson's and the like. But beyond that, your body gets vulnerable to things like pneunomia. Case in point, King Abdullah... Now Grass did not have access to the best medicine money can buy, so he died a few years sooner.
  7. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Three days no internet, it was like living on a lonely island... When I saw how many top teams had chosen Percy Sledge, I immediately thought it's a great pick. He's one of these trivia question guys, you don't know the name, but you know the song. I probably made the mistake to go for too many big names in my first entry to the competition. But it's those smaller names who matter more. There are not THAT many "breaking news" events triggered by the death of really great names.
  8. gcreptile

    Peter Sutcliffe

    He is to be moved to a low-security prison because he no longer says that he hears voices from God: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569994/Yorkshire-Ripper-Peter-Sutcliffe-moved-low-security-Priory-Broadmoor-prison But what if God told him to say that?
  9. gcreptile

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    New Game of Thrones. The first four episodes of the new season have leaked. Should I watch them right away and then wait five weeks for the next one, or should I watch them week by week? I guess I'll watch the first one tomorrow and then see...
  10. gcreptile

    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking covers Monty Python for Record Store Day: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/apr/12/listen-to-stephen-hawking-cover-monty-pythons-galaxy-song
  11. gcreptile

    Birth List

    20th of April, 4:45 in the morning.
  12. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    The death of Poker Player Dave Ulliott possibly triggered this interview with Norwegian Poker Player Thor Hansen: http://www.pokerzeit.com/thor-hansen-die-aerzte-kennen-niemanden-der-laenger-mit-krebs-im-endstadium-gelebt-hat-96265 The interview is in german but the headline translates as: "The doctors don't know anybody with terminal stage cancer who lived longer (than me)." The doctors found nine tumours in his body. While the American doctors had already given up on him, he returned to Norway and those doctors apparently managed to treat him, somewhat.
  13. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Wow, I'd never have expected to Daily Mail to come through with it.
  14. gcreptile

    Cunning Linguists

    Currently oldest person with non-longevity claim to fame, economist and linguist Zhou Youguang has outlived his last child according to wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhou_Youguang The source is this article in mandarin: http://www.chinanews.com/cul/2015/01-26/7005575.shtml. It already happened in late January, but I just noticed it now, a bit late considering he is the joker of my theme team. Now, if one uses the google translator from simplified chinese to english, one can read a bit more information. For example a passage that gets translated as this: "Mr. Xiaoping told me that he had just returned to his home where his father due to post-operative recovery was not good enough , going to rest for a week to go to his father . And then go about my week stay home, the activities to the weeks old report ." I assume, it means that Youguang had an operation with a bad recovery, although it could also be the son that had the operation although the previous section said that his death came unexpected... Edit: Something else, the list of oldest famous living people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_living_centenarians is predominantly male, but the list of oldest people: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_verified_oldest_people is generally female....interesting...
  15. gcreptile

    Ennio Morricone

    He's playing London on Feb 5th and Dublin on Feb 7th, tickets still available, for those wanting to check out the prospects! My mother and her sister went to a concert of his two weeks ago. It was originally meant to take place last year but had to be re-scheduled. She enjoyed it, but said Morricone had to conduct sitting down sometimes. She wanted to send me pictures but forgot it. I didn't want to question her too much about his life expectancy.
  16. gcreptile

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Judith Malina, revolutionary American theater director, is dead at 88. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/11/theater/judith-malina-founder-of-the-living-theater-dies-at-88.html Her death was caused by lung problems related to smoking. She also played occasionally in films and on TV, like on The Sopranos and on Dog Day Afternoon.
  17. gcreptile

    Rotten Dead Pool

    So today, I've submitted a team as well... I understand, I can change names within the first month? So far, it looks like this: Prince Mikasa B. B. King - dead Jean Doré - dead Zsa Zsa Gabor Francis Cardinal George - dead Daniel Buechlein Bhumibol Adulyadej Oliver Sacks - dead Percy Sledge - dead Billy Graham There are indeed a couple of names I would have liked to choose but which weren't available. It's obviously an America-centric database. On the other hand, the terminal disease celebrities are missing, which I like. Edit: Replaced Mary Tyler Moore with Comical Ali Edit: Replaced Larry Kramer with Daniel Buechlein Edit: Replaced Robert Bennett with B. B. King - a shameless change, but I'm in it to win it. However, it also feels like a huge risk to replace someone with pancreatic cancer Edit: Replaced Comical Ali with the King of Thailand.
  18. gcreptile

    Political Frailty

    Rahul Gandhi, member of India's most prominent political family has been missing for 9 weeks now. http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/04/09/india-rahul-gandhi-missing-idINKBN0N01C320150409 Apparently, he's about to return though, but nobody knows any specifics.
  19. gcreptile

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    Interesting. I was actually wondering about him after Tangerine Dream mastermind Edgar Froese died. The Anglo-American music press loves Krautrock, more than Germans themselves loved it. If he died, he'd obit for sure. @ Sir Creep: Look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can_%28band%29#Influence Can influenced artists such as Talking Heads, Joy Division, David Bowie and more.
  20. gcreptile

    The Dead Of 2015

    Not a good time to have the surname simon. Third well known simon to die in 8 weeks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Simon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Simon now lisa . I bet Paul Simon is shi##ing himself !! Or Carly Simon.
  21. gcreptile

    Bill Clinton

    It's because of the heart surgery he had in 2005. That's how old this thread is.
  22. gcreptile

    Houston, You Have A Problem!

    That's bullshit, hasn't he created enough reasons to hate him? Now this. He has no right to deny points. SC What points? Nobody chose her for anything??
  23. gcreptile


    Hold the hell on! How the hell is a 96-yr old the HEIR to the throne? Someone got some splainin to do SC To be perfectly accurate, he was "heir to the Manchu throne under the rule of primogeniture, but he repudiated his claim": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_Youzhi The last emperor Puyi had no children, so the claim fell to his brother who then also died, and then Youzhi, also known as Puren, was next in line. In fact, many deposed dynasties still claim thrones that no longer exist. For example, "According to them (the Legitimists), the current heir to the French throne, if restored, is Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_living_legitimate_male_Capetians
  24. gcreptile

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    I reckon your hits record is pretty safe. Points record is in danger. Overall hits? Touch and go... I'm not sure about the hits record. As far as I know, only Gino Odjick is a sure miss for Death Impends. I guess he's looking at 16-17 hits.
  25. gcreptile

    Deadio Times

    It sounds like he chose to believe in all the good developments of his illness, but also to ignore the negative developments.

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