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En Passant

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Everything posted by En Passant

  1. En Passant

    Guess The Song

    Ah well, I'm old. I saw them as a support act once otherwise I'd have never remembered them, or their weird stuff. Hate trying to think of things...always make them too hard or too easy, getting the balance right is tough. or maybe Depeche Mode.....:P Anyway: Lets go with: A weekend in autumn distributes everything equitably. See if that lasts 10 mins.
  2. En Passant

    Guess The Song

    Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol or You can whip it, whippet or something like that by Devo. Just filling a spare minute and amusing myself - even if nobody else. didn't look anything up.
  3. En Passant

    Dead Pop Stars

    Too awful.
  4. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    With a flap on the front for getting at the fluff? *Yes yes, I know it's a spelling lame. I'm sorry, I'm just a twat like that sometimes.
  5. En Passant

    A Joke

    So Martin, exactly how long have you lived in Fracne (sic)? Edit: Some days later Martin realises and changes it to France. Which whilst an actual country, is still untrue. Damn socks.
  6. En Passant

    Andy Fordham Memorial Darts Thread

    Darts player. Who'd have thunk?
  7. En Passant

    The World of the Snowflake

    Personally not a single one, I don't watch broadcast tv as I find the vast bulk of it tedious in the first place so I can just sit back and laugh. I get/got as much Phil news as I require (and more) from this place in a few clicks. However: One* channel devoted to the bloke is plenty, it covers those who wish to wallow in the endless repetition and cry into their sherry (hello Iain) whilst the rest can get on with their lives and watch something else. The complaints are totally reasonable, people are paying a licence fee for this. I reckon this is about the bbc waving the flag and politics rather than providing a service to its viewers. *In fact they should just have stuffed it on the bbc news channel since as far as I know that's available to nearly all now on digital or satellite and left even bbc1 alone.
  8. En Passant

    reasons for ban

    The exact opposite of what you are now doing. Join and within an hour... Make 12 posts with no point. Start a new thread with no point. Change quotes into a foreign language for no reason. Annoy people. Thread closed once an admin sees it. You banned if you keep it up shortly thereafter. Top work.
  9. En Passant

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Most significant death is a stupid overly repetitive load of shite that will still be being argued here when hell freezes over. The above however makes reading all today's entries worthwhile and, Mr @Lord Fellatio Nelson, I am so stealing it for use elsewhere.
  10. En Passant

    Each Year's Most Significant Death.

    Because this forum is the other side of the pond from you. Another bloody rapper that doesn't even have a proper name and uses some old kids bike instead. Septics pft. Think everything revolves around them not the sun. Oh and this is the country that believes it sets the moral standard for the world, but still has a system that was just asking for this.... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/toddler-3-fatally-shoots-baby-brother-after-picking-unsecured-gun-n1263738. Nowhere is perfect, but most don't look down their noses at everyone else as if they had just crawled from under a rock. /rant over.
  11. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    If he is, he's rubbish, he forgot this:
  12. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    The list uses the age people will be at their birthday that year, can't know in advance whether they'll make it or not. Something of a 50/50. Don't really see that it's disrespectful at all and even if it were has it therefore been disrespectful to all those that have gone before (that died before their birthday)?
  13. En Passant

    Harry Potter

    Fabulous piece of television. Not nearly enough like this around. I wish others put as much effort into getting it right as Craig Mazin did with his research, sure there's a couple of nods to artistic licence but they're minimal and necessary, it's a fine balance to make a drama that's not a documentary and in my view he gets it spot on. If interested there's a podcast here.
  14. I used to do the channel 5 thing, was fun. But not since they stopped it and put Johnny Gould out to grass on crappy gameshows.
  15. En Passant

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    It's like that about everywhere, depending on exactly which local nascent Pulitzer winner submitted the entry. I thought Basildon got off quite lightly compared to some.
  16. En Passant

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Oh it's dirty all right.
  17. En Passant

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    https://www.ilivehere.co.uk/basildon-bstatistics-vegas.html Detroit has a certain reputation of course, but on balance I'll take the 6 extra beds I think. Massively off topic. Hey ho. Marginally back on topic Billericay is quite nice. For Dickie, who's doing very well.
  18. En Passant

    Famous celebrity births , pregnancies and babies

    This thread is clearly the natural progression of a topic that most recently raised its ugly head in the Bob Dole thread, namely the premature creation of threads for people who are nowhere near death. It's an ideas and possibilities for 2121 thread isn't it? On that note, I take it all back, I'm massively grateful to @Gooseberry Crumble for not creating a new thread for every entry here and it as it turns out in fact being a model of concision. Nah, cobblers to that, it's still shite. .
  19. En Passant

    Bob Dole

    I was referring to the list I quoted, and in general to some degree, rather than this specific thread which just happens to be where it was brought up. That said the point is fair. Incidentally, whilst I accept that wandering off topic on a thread is sometimes annoying, was it not clear I was responding to what I quoted and not a specific reference to Mr Dole? Odd to pull me on something I didn't actually do, even if i did it in said location.
  20. En Passant

    Bob Dole

    Simply evidence of pillocks posting threads way before the subject has any realistic prospect of shuffling off this mortal coil. Has it changed? Has it fuck, it's got worse.
  21. En Passant

    A Joke

  22. En Passant

    Famous celebrity births , pregnancies and babies

    I'm not a rich man but I'm willing to start a go fund me page...exactly how much money would stop you posting this sub okhellosunmirrormailslebs drivel?
  23. En Passant

    Holly Johnson

    I don't know for sure, but something is going on. @gcreptile reported the same elsewhere, probably the what are you listening to thread, cba to look it up. It's not limited to you tube though, some photos that I 'drag an dropped' from facefarce have been replaced with "May be an image that has text that says 'bla bla bla'" and the actual image is gone.
  24. En Passant

    Holly Johnson

    Ah well, one presumes you're just not old enough then . Then again neither is he. It's more a question of "Why the fuck?" Than "Who the fuck?", at least if you're old enough to know who it is.

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