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En Passant

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Everything posted by En Passant

  1. En Passant

    Shadow Lists

    Yeah, and I predicted bitcoin would be wildly popular and hit a tenner.
  2. En Passant

    Six people, six months

    Whale Dole Trintignant Halim Lorimer Tanaka Edited for rumours of Lorimer DNS. If confirmed, 5. Gulpilil.
  3. En Passant

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    In the same way that anyone half famous who dies but isn't on the list is a miss? Yes, of course.
  4. En Passant

    A Joke

    Ah well, I'm getting old. 13 hours is 12 hours longer than I need to completely forget something.
  5. En Passant

    A Joke

  6. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Can confirm this as categorically so, used to work in the IT department of a well known one. They used to be updated on an irregular basis and more regular if the person concerned had a thread on here, OK, not the second part but when there was more reason to shall we say. Not that it was ever in doubt, common sense really.
  7. En Passant

    A Joke

  8. En Passant

    Hilary Lister & other sailing nutjobs

    Well you haven't, so that's one opportunity gone by the wayside. We'll have to wait and see.
  9. En Passant

    Tiger Woods

    ? Then... Surely?
  10. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    May have posted this before in some thread, don't care, there's room for a little more levity in 20 pages of conjecture.
  11. En Passant

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    As a writer one assumes the man is a master of the written word, now I'm not a master of the written word (or of anything else) but adopting a nom-de-plume of 'Gash'? Really? It's not even as if his starting point was Reg Dwight, Maurice Micklewhite or Marion Morrison.
  12. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Only because he's not allowed to drive since spearing into an innocent Renault Megane.
  13. En Passant

    Famous celebrity births , pregnancies and babies

    At least there'd be a point to this godawful thread then. That would at least be somewhat amusing. Subscribe to OK or Hello or whatever the current version of those minor celeb wank mags are are and peruse them in the bog. I know, I sound like Creepzoid now and you know what? I don't care.
  14. En Passant

    Electoral Deadpool

    And suddenly cooling down again apparently...
  15. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    There's a couple of posters hereabouts we could point his way...
  16. En Passant

    Dying Bigots

    Do give it a rest. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. Fucks sakes we've seen enough of that around here to know.
  17. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Not for the first time rumour has it. ETA: and then ofc I see that this isn't even the third post to make this gag, never mind the second one. Such is the ferocity of interest in this thread. Back to the drawing board.
  18. En Passant

    Hugh Bonneville

    There are occasions when I fear I have become too forthright in my posting. This isn't one of those days.
  19. En Passant

    Hugh Bonneville

    And this is important because.....?
  20. En Passant

    Dying Bigots

    'Ave at it TQR, you got a live one here.
  21. En Passant

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Thankyou that's quality, that's the best laugh I've had all week. I don't expect you are, but don't be even a little bit hard on yourself about it - when I make a balls up, which is often, it's rarely as amusing as that. Still sN-wording - with you, not at you. Edit: Sort the filter out..... sn ig gering? That's worse than Scunthorpe catching out a load of rubbish sites filters. How is anyone ever going to refer or explain Muttley properly then?
  22. En Passant

    Jacques Brel's Imitation Jelly Jewellery

    Thanks, had no clue who the first one was, and only recognised the second from his cameo in Game of Thrones. Seriously, I'm so out of touch. Available to be the resident old fart on quiz teams.
  23. En Passant

    Dying Bigots

    This is a bigot, dog. The argument all rests around the definition of reasonable/unreasonable and prejudiced/unbiased surely? Which is presumably why 'reasonable' is written into so many laws, so they can spend days attacking each other over whether it was or wasn't in court. It's a good living for some. Anyone can belong to a group. I belong to the group that thinks the KKK is an extremely unpleasant organisation. Most folks see that as reasonable, objective and unbiased. I suppose some don't and would call me bigoted. I can live with that.
  24. En Passant

    Nichelle Nichols

    Only from her parents.

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