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En Passant

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Everything posted by En Passant

  1. En Passant

    Punt Pool

    And not a frenchman from Dublin. Ok.
  2. En Passant

    Punt Pool

    No, it actually isn't. To misquote either Edmund Burke or John Stuart Mill, depending on your view...'All it takes for bad men to triumph is good men to do nothing'. Sure, that's taking it to the extreme, but the point stands, if you allow people to simply insult all around them without check, they'll think it's ok. It isn't.
  3. En Passant

    Punt Pool

    I'm really not, I've jousted with your type too often to be. You are being (and yes, so does he on occasion, though often with more panache than you've exhibited so far, but trading insults is just trading insults). Inevitable insult, score.
  4. En Passant

    Punt Pool

    If it is, it's a pretty good sock really, only somebody of your undoubted intellect has spotted it. Bothered? Good god no. But you're being aggressive for no particularly good reason and I'm calling you on it since a fair few won't want the inevitable insults. I call SC on it too when he is, when I'm not him that is.
  5. En Passant

    Punt Pool

    Well, you've been here a year. Given SC's posting frequency (more often than raindrops in a thunderstorm) and online persona (he's American and if he were as combative IRL as he is in here somebody would have shot him by now) it's hard to imagine anyone hanging around here for 12 months and not having a clue who he is or that for most of that year he hasn't been Sir Cunto. It's inconsistent to claim that a) you don't really know who he is, yet also b) all his posts are puerile. The two are incompatible. That's an impressive hit rate of aggression from a total of 37 posts and they may not be the only 3 as I'm not bothering to look up the previous 34. There's something about being named Kenny maybe......
  6. En Passant

    Name Shame?

    Can I ask that when people's names are changed either they or the mod/admin with an edit, changes the request post to include the original name? 'Cause it confuses the living fack out of me when somebody clearly has a posting history but I'm wracking my limited brain power to remember as who before the change. It's bad enough when ppl change their avatar, I then spend absolutely minutes trying to remember what the previous one was. Names....argh.
  7. En Passant

    John Edrich

    An American, currently (or at least recently) in Scotland. Got to expect it really. Mind, the Union Carbide reference is a bit farther than I'd go. Length of the M1 farther actually.
  8. En Passant

    Brian Blessed

    BRIAN BLESSED! Somebody was going to. TQR's description is halfway there, but it really demands a bit more ooomph!!
  9. En Passant

    Deaths of The Silver Screen Deadpool II

    Quality post. There are posters hereabouts whose entire output hasn't reached these heights. Bit of self deprecatory humour always makes me smile.
  10. En Passant

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    And there was me dismissing those stories linking Covid to 5g masts as fuckwittery of the highest order indulged in only by complete cranks. Shows what I know.
  11. En Passant

    9. Linda Nolan

    I'm not saying it isn't. That wasn't the point at all. Others however.... In fact I know fack all about kobe bryant and not much more about the nolans, neither interest me in the slightest.
  12. En Passant

    9. Linda Nolan

    Do you search for a stick whenever you see a wasps nest?
  13. En Passant

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    Banned from what exactly? Having an opinion? Because it doesn't happen to match yours? It's been stated more than once, 'significant' is subjective. This: And this: Will absolutely get everyone with a differing opinion on your side in due course.
  14. En Passant

    The EU Referendum Hokey Cokey

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-55393076 This absolutely cracks me up. "Supermarkets try to calm food shortage fears amid border chaos" and "Sainsbury's saying it could face "gaps" in some of its fresh food supplies within days" So why say anything at all? This won't cause selfish fuckwits to panic buy and stockpile at all then? Causing the very shortages they say won't happen? It's not like we have any recent examples of this type of behaviour is it....? Good Grief. Ok not strictly brexit as such, but not really covid either so flipped a coin on where to put it.
  15. En Passant

    The Dead of 2020

    Let me think, what would a well intentioned and accurate but somewhat curmudgeonly master of brevity say here. The sort that inhabits say, Norfolk... Ah yes. Then don't watch it. I didn't ;), the idea that some already richer than some third world country individual needs another award for doing not very much more than they already do is indeed cringeworthy. Didn't Nigel Mansell win it once? If he can win a personality award....
  16. En Passant

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Can't really argue with that. They have the unbeatable argument that they won't soon be knee deep in lorry driver shit
  17. ^^ What they all said, but adding a post to see if we can roll another page of good wishes. Can never have too many.
  18. En Passant

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    And the roller-coaster continues even as we typed furiously in here, there's now a tier 4 (for London unsurprisingly since they didn't want to put it in tier 3 despite parts having a higher incidence than many areas that were in 3...) and apparently they are walking back at least some of the relaxation....
  19. En Passant

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    If it is a silly question, there's a lot of people asking it, including me. Politics presumably, having said some rules would be relaxed, they don't want to walk it back. Brazening it out and accepting the consequences that they can then blame on the public for being 'stupid', is less politically damaging than another U-turn. At least that's my guess. In my view it's similar to practically every tier or national restriction where amongst other rules they're trying to actually say 'you're not allowed to get pissed with other plebs because you'll act like idiots and because you're drunk social distancing will be the last thing on your mind'. But they don't have the balls to say it straight so they dress it up with (in no particular order) shorter opening hours, or an hour of drinking up time after an early closure, here they even had a brief period of can't buy alcohol post 9pm from a supermarket and so on. Then move on to that ludicrous 'must have a substantial meal' leading to the scotch egg fiasco. Everyone knows a pub full of drunks are never going to observe distancing, but politically they dare not say it outright.
  20. En Passant

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    Here's my list of the most significant deaths in 2020.
  21. En Passant

    Fort William Football Club

    As if 2020 isn't depressing enough without the resumption of the guaranteed heartbreak that is supporting Fort William.
  22. En Passant

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    Bernard is an institution. All that is good about British comedy. Kobe Bryant is a brand of wallpaper adhesive I think.
  23. En Passant

    Celebrity vaccination.

    I wonder what actual effect that will have? I'm sure it's bound to have some, but maybe, hopefully, not as much as we fear.. Those who've been breaking the rules all along would probably have done so anyway Those who isolate regardless of the rules taking responsibility for their own safety aren't suddenly going to all meet up because they are allowed to, they'll know its still unsafe That leaves... The people who's behaviour this will change because they believe the government knows what it's doing. Wonder how many that is?
  24. En Passant

    The Deathlist Christmas Special!

    Ah, ok, well it's well thought of, if you like that sort of thing, should go in the what to watch on tv thread....

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