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Everything posted by TLC

  1. TLC

    The Deathlist Howto

    Much more of a general 'howto' rather than a DL one, but if anyone can pm me an answer (and remove this post if deemed neccessary) then great. I wish to make a t-shirt with the 'hoover' logo on it. But, I can't find one big enough on the net for T-Shirt purposes. Therefore does anybody know: - 1) if there is a place where I can find a bigger jpeg, gif etc. of the hoover logo? 2) if there is already such a t-shirt available? 3) if not, is it easy to 'upscale' an image without it going horribly blocky, even if a bit of basic art work is required? I'm next to useless with art packages as I never use them, but I've got photoshop CS if that's any good? This is as good as I can find on the internet: - Sorry for putting this on here, but I know alot of you are pretty computer literate (give me a nesting of excel formulae to do and I'm on less shaky ground!) and I've run out of ideas; it's beginning to get rather urgent. Regards, TLC
  2. TLC


    I have the immense pleasure of being able to share with you all the fact that my home town (and current place of residence) is now available on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. My work computer has no audio, but if the video is anything to go by the house prices will soon be rocketing due to an upsurge of interest. Maybe I don't go out as much as I used to, I didn't think it was that bad. Oddly, the smuggest replies I've had from the friends I've emailed this link to are those that have never lived there or have moved away... no accounting for taste I suppose.
  3. TLC

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    And Ireland have just beaten the Pakistanis by 3 wickets. Absolute class, finished it with a 6 too when only needing 1 to win... Pakistan are out, Ireland are through on St. Patrick's day!
  4. TLC

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    And 5 hours later both still look like doing it; Bangladesh looks like a formality (23 from 53 needed at the moment) although Ireland are struggling to score runs, though they do only need 67 from 28 overs. Would have been worth a flutter at the bookies today....
  5. TLC

    Death Of My Country

    Looks like it eh? Unless England finds some of its own oil reserves on the meantime... Seriously though, from what I remember of studying Political statistics, voting in Scotland & England was almost indistinguishable until the 1970's (yes, there really were Scottish Tories) when the natural gas discovery off the Scottish coast lead to a huge upsurge in SNP voting and a call for independence. And 'Conservative' became a dirty word (citations needed for all of the above). I don't claim to know a huge amount about the more in depth pro and anti independence arguments, but I do know that under the current system, Scotland and Wales are both over represented in parliament and over funded in terms of tax paid compared to benefits received. I guess though that independence is about much more than facts & figures, plus once you remove England's dreadful bureaucratic system & red tape you could probably run Scotland for about half the current cost. Here ends the party political broadcast for the fence-sitting party, surprisingly comfortable as long as you have a nice cushion and a good view.
  6. I see your point, but on the other hand SC's main gripe seems to be post-whoring and off-topic posting; again I choose to sit on the fence regarding the rights and wrongs of this point of view despite being a major perpetrator of off-topic posting, including this one. So by that, er, logic SC would most likely be happy to chat about the sort of stuff most of us talk about in other topics when we start to drift off topic, but in the chat room which is designed for it. That's my guess anyway, I'm not trying to speak on SC's behalf; I'm sure he's more than capable of doing that for himself if he so chooses. Chat is a bit like a neutral territory sometimes; I've happily chatted to BS in there on a couple of occasions despite my tendency to loudly disagree with a number of his posts. And quietly disagree with the rest. Maybe that seems hypocritcal of me but there it is. Can't remember if I was trying to make a point here, oh well.
  7. TLC

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Unfortunately I had to go out this evening when it was about 100-4 in the NZ innings; I figured England would lose because we'd have to get New Zealand all out, but I at least expected to find out we'd got a few more wickets after such a promising start with the bowling; perhaps even made a game of it? I forgot that other countries aren't contractually obliged to provide either a middle order or tail end collapse though... Nixon and Plunkett would never get those sort of scores if they had a decent total to build on. I went out for a fag break today at work with the England score at 130-3, apparently the same time that England took a cricket break.
  8. Seems more like SC has the desire to be confrontational with anyone he thinks deserves it (whatever your opinion of who does or doesn't deserve it is), but that's not the same as hating everyone. I imagine the hilarious reworking of his and other people's login names would be enough to annoy him even if you hadn't done so up until now.
  9. An off-topic post in the Paddy Moore thread ought to do it... Even I'm not volunteering for that one. Chances are I'll do it by accident eventually....
  10. TLC

    Room 101

    Wise words indeed. I presume that 'tuppy' is the shortened version of 'tuppence' (or possibly tuppence is the extended version of tuppy?) due to the phrase 'tuppence licker' referring to the same special secret ladypart. So as i understand it, women have a tuppence, two threepenny bits and either a 5p or 50p depending... I'll stop there.
  11. TLC

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Hopefully he's still well enough to stop his Holy Hand Grenade falling into the wrong hands.
  12. TLC

    Heather Mills

    Certainly, I've lost count of the amount of times I've known this oh so predictable sequence of events to happen. Actually, now I recall. Once.
  13. TLC

    Heather Mills

    I'm a Kentish man, I've just found out. Oddly the only pub I personally know of that refers to either is the Man of Kent which is in Gravesend, which apparently is also in Kentish Man territory. I'd never even heard of either expression until I was a student, when a northener asked me which I was. I remember thinking 'surely they're the same thing?'
  14. TLC

    Heather Mills

    Speaking from bitter experience, there's no such thing. Full of mouth-breathers and spoon-feeders, the lot of 'em. I was educated in Kent. I'll leave it to others to decide which side of the argument that statement supports.
  15. TLC

    Ernest Borgnine

    um.. yeah. i was thinking exactly the same myself.... If he gets wind of this forum will we be assimilated? It would certainly be futile to resist if this extremely likely situation transpired.
  16. TLC

    Bit Of A Gareth

    Just a thought, d'you think that as a teenager his bedroom floor was covered in coffee beans? Or maybe he only gained his special powers later in life when he could be trusted to be more responsible with them, like making sure there was an empty coffee jar or two close to hand, literally.
  17. TLC

    Brian Harvey - E17 to 6 Feet Under?

    Was I born on the wrong side of the Irony Curtain to fully appreciate this remark? Same side of the curtain as me I think, or I would have already passed comment. I sincerely hope I have failed to pick up the sarcasm/irony in the post, I'm not sure I have the imagination to fully consider the alternative.
  18. TLC

    Room 101

    I was about to agree but quite literally mid post someone interfered with your q**m, although mine is touched up (now) and only one moderator was online I think I know the culprit... Once a waffle filter or double-entendre filter is invented most of my posts will just have their punctuation left. I see the rogue quim-trimmer has struck again, mine was pristine last time I looked. Erm, struggling for more double entendres... recently touched up?.... fiddled with?.... No sorry, I just can't keep it up under pressure for prolonged periods. Tee hee.
  19. TLC

    Heather Mills

    Really? Me too. What school was it? St Stumpys. Isn't that a school that caters for prosthetic wearing stutterers?
  20. As well you might be; without the apostrophe and hyphen you see it everywhere.
  21. TLC

    Bit Of A Gareth

    I guess that demonstrates breathing coffee beans isn't good for you. Did he choke to death?
  22. TLC

    Room 101

    An interesting point of view from a Deathlist member.
  23. TLC

    Heather Mills

    Voting now closed, I eagerly await the results this Friday. As 3 of the Spice Girls and Patsy Kensit were also on the list, my cynicism makes me think that the real vote is for 'Female Celeb with most appearances in Hello! magazine this year who happens to have at least one child'.
  24. If that's 'The Learning Channel' then I must presume when you say 'better' you mean 'more interesting' as against 'more informative'. Either way, I'll take the compliment! Used to be a TLC channel in the UK but is now called Discovery Real Time (via Discovery Home & Leisure), don't know if it's a rebranded version of TLC USA or completely different. Even further off-topic, there's a company in the UK called TLC Lifts, as in elevators. I have considered buying their domain name and then just putting loads of pictures of myself on there lifting various objects; the only reason I didn't is the poor effort-amusement ratio of the project i.e. days of design to make me giggle for about 5 minutes. Veering wildly across the road and back on to topic, it may be my sort of posting that doesn't exactly encourage TF to post here as often as he used to, although even at his most prolific we rarely posted on the same threads or commented on each other's posts, so hopefully not. A constant recurring attitude on this site does remind me of the running gag in Viz magazine though; it's never as good as it used to be.
  25. Neither my married nor maiden name turned up. Oh yeah - wait. Right. I don't live in England. That's California outside of my window. [whine] I want to go back to Texas!! [/whine] Don't worry, my surname didn't come up either, and I'm English. That said, the fact that my surname has a 'Le' prefix meant I'd have been pretty surprised if it had have shown up, because as far as I know the only people with my surname on this island are my immediate family and my Dad's brother's family. It's a bit more common in France (not very surprisingly) although my Dad's side of the family is from Jersey. The non tax-exile community, unfortunately. In fact, he no longer even has the right to live there, he'd have to qualify by the size of his bank account like everybody else.... As far as I'm aware, no-one else on the planet shares my exact first name/surname combination.

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