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Octopus of Odstock

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Everything posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Octopus of Odstock

    Ariel Sharon

    I doubt it. If, for once, you actually read an article, you'll notice the "no immediate danger to his life" statement. CNN report. For how long this will be the case, however, I do not know.
  2. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    Whatever. You've completely & utterly missed the whole point of this thread. You stick to your list, I really don't care. For those who are or might use the list, I've edited A-I with illnesses etc. J-Z to come.
  3. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Mako, who has appeared in virtually any Hollywood film featuring Japan or Japanese, in the last 30 yrs, has died. LA Times Obit IMDB Page
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    Opus Dei Financier Murdered

    Umm... I have a feeling that Gianmarino Roveraro's death was more down to shady business associates or people pissed off at his role in the Parmalat scandal than Opus Dei.... Ruth Kelly's Opus Dei but I don't see her tracking down people & killing them. Someone's living in a fantasy world, here, me thinks.
  5. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Whilst I'm still trying to sort out names and also on the back of stinging abuse by CP over the Barnard Hughes atrocity, Jack Warden, actor, is dead. IIRC, he has been mentioned before as he was one of the last surviving jurors from Twelve Angry Men (1957). Chances are most of you who watch movies will have seen him in something. Filmography here.
  6. Octopus of Odstock


    Yes it was. Keeping it deathward, Best drank heavily in many Dunstable bars during his short spell here. Keeping it even more deathward, Kerry Dixon lives there now & he is far more bloated than he used to be. Drink will do that. Financial problems too. Good man, great to know him, but he won't read this and I need to keep this thread as Deathly as possible. The team are still going by the way, despite the two successive relegations. If I think of any more living Dunstable linked suggestions, I'll add them. Gary Cooper went to school there (same as me - but some 80 yrs earlier) but he's long dead. Faye Tozer (Steps)... she seems too healthy to me
  7. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    You don't have to post anything. Quite a few DL'rs (but not all, as expected) would like to have some kind of guide or reference that they can either 1) Be less confused about what construes a near miss or a "Not Famous..." 2) See if a possible suggestion for 2007 hasn't already been mentioned 3) Have a guide for 2007 possibilities - whether it be DDP, whatever 4) Remind themselves of good candidates mentioned in January forgotten by the time it comes to the end of the year It's supposed to be an additional help, not a hindrance & a not a replacement. You can still post in the main I & P thread, and I'll update this one as need be. That's why I put 21st July up. You, Tempus Fugit, and anyone else, don't have to use it if you don't want to. But for those of you, who do, and I know that's a good few, I'm prepared to spend my time doing it, to aid them, and maybe the DL. Hope that clears things up. No-one even has to post or make it a sticky. I'll just keep updating it as & when. On other notes: 1) I must stress this is not MY Ideas & Possibilities. The bulk of these are suggestions from everyone bar me. In fact, my DDP list doesn't look anything like this one. 2) With the ailments - it's nocket as rocket science as Rotten Ali has done, but just trying to help people out so they don't have to search everywhere. Godot - give us a break! I've only done A. Timberlake will be removed. Of course, I'm not going to find the right balance, but I'll try & be as broad as possible. Give me the chance to try, eh? I thought you wanted the ailments listed... TMIB & BB, fine. There's a large list of people suggested in 3 years of DL history, so I'll work through the list & add your suggestions. CP, are you famous enough for a UK obit? And do you have any ailments you'd like us to know about? If I sound defensive, I don't mean to be, I'm just trying to clear things up.
  8. Octopus of Odstock

    UK Heatwave

    Well, all the old warhorses carry on but 55 year old woman dies sunbathing in Carlisle... It would BE Carlisle, eh?
  9. Octopus of Odstock


    Well, whilst trawling the DL history to view potential candidates for the list, I've come across a whole host of interesting threads - but this one - is bizarre. I lived in Dunstable for 15 years - often went to Creasey Park to watch the lads play. Know Kerry Dixon (Ex Reading & England) quite well. They got relegated last season as well - that's two relegations in a row. The only DL link I can think of is George Best, Jeff Astle & Peter Sillett, all International players played for them. Trouble is, they're all dead. Hold on, Barry Fry also played for them! He's still alive (just)
  10. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    The disobeying was Iain related, not generally, sorry. Maybe you are right, TF, but if I am happy to take the time to do it (and continue doing it), and other DL'rs are happy to use it as a reference tool, then what's the harm in it?
  11. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    I'm not saying you have to do anything, TF. It's just a suggestion or rough outline that some people might like to follow. Geez, there's no pleasing some people
  12. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    She & all the others will go where I deem to file them. I may make an exception for her, but then again, I may not
  13. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    Godot, I can do that, yes. Again, not now. But obviously this comes down to the weening out of the non-starters re DL etc. candiacy . If there's a hell of a lot less names, then I can do a much more "detailed" list.
  14. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    Right, that'll do Although I have no intention of doing it right now, I am prepared to do the following:- If we make this thread THE definitive list for choosing candidates for DL, or DDP, HDP, WDP, RDP etc etc, then I can:- 1) Delete people on the lists who are not famous enough* 2) Delete people on the lists who are not serious candidates for death 3) Add the Current names on the DL 50 2006 not already listed 4) Add the names of all those survivors from past DL's not listed 5) Add the names of all candidates who are worthy enough of their own thread onto the lists *A bit contensious - but I'll use a broad a scope as possible & make it relevant to UK media. That's if everyone agrees. Then, to possibly solve another argument, anyone who is on these lists & dies - goes into Near Misses - anyone not on any eventual - Not Famous, but... Even if Iain disobeys this, it is easy for a mod/admin to put the post in the right thread. Obviously there will be some cases where they are famous enough (ie Pitney) & die unexpectedly, but I trust you can use your common sense with these folk. Thoughts on both, please. If enough of you agree on the above 5 pointers, I'll do it soon - maybe later today, just to get it done, or at least started.
  15. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    V Abigail Van Buren - pen name of Pauline Phillips, b. 1918. Currently in the middle stages of Alzheimers disease. UK obit might be a slight problem. Dick Van Patten - US actor, b. 1928. Suffered a major diabetic stroke in January, and still paralysed from that. However, a UK obit could be a big problem. Jack Vance - sci-fi author, b. 1916. Very frail, and completely blind, and a lifelong smoker, but still active. Chad Varah - b. 1911. Founded the Samaritians. Only retired, aged 92, in 2003. Reg Varney - b. 1916. Now resides in Dartmouth & Malta. Has been in failing health for some while, and is frail, but not ill enough to be in a home, so he might have some yrs left in him yet. Abe Vigoda - b. 1921. Killed off in 1982, and it did his career wonders. Still working. Sunny Von Bulow - a TF suggestion, they're usually wise ones. The only problem with v. Bulow is, is she 100% still alive, and now some time after her "fame", will she get a UK obit? My opinion, yes and yes.Oh... she's been in a vegetative state for over 25 years. Now there's hope for Ariel Sharon.... Kurt Vonnegut - novellist, b. 1921. In failing health, since a fire at his home in 2000. Has attempted suicide twice, and has mental problems, nearly blind, a heavy drinker & smoker..... BUT still very active indeed. W Kurt Waldheim - Nazi, yet became Austrian President & UN Sec-Gen. b. 1918, and in frail condition. Recently hospitalised for internal bleeding. Roy Ward-Baker - British film director, b. 1916. Hardly heard of these days since he retired in 1992. Barbara Joyce West - the other living Titanic survivor, b. 1911. Lives in Truro. Gough Whitlam - b. 1916, ex PM of Australia. In failing health, he's now wheelchair bound, but generally doing okay & well enough to attend many parties this year. Richard Widmark - b. 1914. Seemed to be in good health, until recently. Certainly a lot frailer now. Earl Wild - pianist, b. 1915. Long retired, and little heard of lately. Will prob scrape a UK obit. Mary Wilson (Harold Wilson) - b. 1918, also a poet as well as PM's widow. Still seems well & active. Robert Anton Wilson - US novellist & thinker. Obese and ill, currently in a hospice. b. 1936. Anna Wing - Eastenders actress, b. 1914. Was in superb health until the last yr & a half, where she has become a bit more frail & has had health scares. Has to walk with a stick now, but only because she refuses to rely on a wheelchair. Willard Wirtz - US Sec of Labour under JFK, b. 1912 & 2nd oldest ex-Cabinet member. Despite this, he may not get a UK obit. Sir Norman Wisdom - beloved in the UK & Albania. b. 1915. Known for his good health, until very recently, when he had a pacemaker fitted. Currently recovering, but likely to return to work soon. Joseph Wiseman - b. 1918. Played Dr. No in James Bond. No longer working, but I'm not sure about his health. Herman Wouk - author, b. 1915. Now retired & living at home in California. Jane Wyman - b. 1914, and in failing health for years. Has arthritis and diabetes & is in a retirement home. Y Boris Yeltsin - b. 1931. Drunkard, overweight, frail & in failing health for yonks. But still alive, probably because he retired... Bo Yibo - b. 1908. One of two living members of the 8 immortals - elderly members of the Chinese Communist party. Will probably - but not definitely - get a UK obit. Maharisi Maresh Yogi - spiritual leader, b. 1911.
  16. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    T Dame Elizabeth Taylor - rumoured to be near death, until she went on Larry King's show & looked well. What she DOES have or has had are the folllowing:- congestive heart failure, broken her back, benign brain tumour, skin cancer, pneumonia. Often confined to a wheelchair. But also recently smooching with younger men & swimming with sharks!!!! Baroness Thatcher - b. 1925. Now quite frail after a series of strokes, but otherwise okay & still tries to keep as high-profile as she can. Jeremy Thorpe - has suffered from Parkinson's for some time. b. 1929, and now very frail & very ill from the disease. However he is writing, or at least dictating, a book, so how ill is he really? Paul Tibbetts - b. 1915. Pilot of the Enola Gay. Very frail chap now. Jane Tomlinson - is either terminally ill or a faker. Should've died yrs ago, according to her, but she could be here for yrs to come. Charles Townes - US Nobel winning scientist. b. 1915. Frail, and has had minor health problems, but otherwise doing okay. Tsien Hsue-shen Chinese scientist b. 1911, involved in the US & Chinese space programs, gaining a bit of controversy along th way, which will help with an obit. Now bedridden, frail & in ill-health. U Stewart Udall - politician, b. 1920, Interior Sec. for JFK & LBJ. Not in good health at the moment. Edward Upward - English writer, b. 1903. Will deffo get an obit. Apparently, doing "okay" for his age. Joern Utzon - Danish architect, b. 1918. Famous for the Sydney Opera House. In failing health for years, and unable to travel any more due to illness & fraility.
  17. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    S J D Salinger - reclusive author, b. 1919. Not ill, but as he favours alternative medicine, if he DID have an illness, he might go quickly, a la Barry Sheene. Kurt Sanderling - German music conductor, b. 1912. Should get a UK obit, in a broadsheet. Now retired, but carried on working until he was 90. Ron Santo - despite the UK obit possible problem, Santo is a potentially decent choice. Both legs amputated, and has suffered from severe diabetes. Not only that, but he has been ill recently, as well. But still working... William Saxbe - US politician, Ford & Nixon's Attorney-General. b. 1916, little heard of lately. Maximilian Schell - German actor, in international films. Still acting, pancreatitis & diabetes. b. 1930. Arthur Schlesinger Jr. - US historian, critic & member of the Kennedy administration. b. 1917 . Was in fine health in 2004, not sure how he is lately. Sir Paul Scofield - legendary actor, b. 1921. Doesn't appear on film much, but when he does, he's excellent. Noticeably frailer in recent years. Sherwood Schwartz - US TV producer, b. 1916. Will probably scrape a UK obit, for the Brady Bunch, if nothing else. Miguel Serrano - b. 1917, Nazi loving Chilean author. Ex politician, and obit in UK deffo. No health news Mohammed Zahir Shah - Afghan king, b. 1914. In failing health for yonks, but still well enough to have ambassadors & president's visit him & to make speeches in the Afghan senate. Yitzhak Shamir - b. 1915. Ex-Israel PM. Now in a nursing home with dementia. Ravi Shankar - sitar player, b. 1920. Looks tremendously frail, but still continues to travel the world, performing. Has had problems with is heart & pneumonia though recently Ariel Sharon - still in a coma, and believed to be worsening. Could be near death? Sidney Sheldon - famous writer, b. 1917. Has been in failing health for some while, as is now reported to be seriously ill. Also suffers from depression. Shih Ming Teh Taiwanese politican, b. 1941, has liver cancer. May get UK obit, probably in the Guardian if nowhere else. Debra Shipley - former Labour MP, battling breast cancer. b. 1957 R. Sargent Shriver - politician, b. 1915. Member of the Kennedy family by marriage, amongst other notable things. Has suffered from Alzheimers for some while. King Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia - allegedly "cured" of all his ailments, recently, says he. But one well known for not telling the truth. b. 1922. Was in failing health, certainly, for years. Sir Cyril Smith - extremely obese ex-MP, b. 1928. Is thinner now (well, he couldn't be any fatter), but still obese, and collapsed & hospitalised earlier this yr. Ian Smith - ex Rhodesian PM, b. 1919. In failing health for some while, and very frail nowadays, but has fire in his belly to outlive Mugabe... Tom Snyder - US news & TV presenter, who has chronic lymphocytic leukemia. b. 1936, but may not get UK obit. Alexander Solzhenitsyn - b. 1918. Health has been failing for a while, but has overcome a stroke, whilst frail, looks healthy enough for a while yet. Brett Somers - US actress, b. 1922. Currently battling cancer, but may not get a UK obit. George Steinbrenner - b. 1930, owner of the NY Yankees. Overwright & in failing health for some time. Should just about scrape a UK obit. Elaine Stritch - actress, b. 1925. Ex-heavy drinker, now has diabetes. Gloria Stuart - actress, the old Rose in Titanic. b. 1910. Frail, in failing health and has had breast cancer, yet continues (3 yrs running) to annoy OOO by not dying to give him DDP points. Not only that, she still appears to get around & about. Levi Stubbs - Original, and long serving lead singer of the Four Tops. Now has cancer. b. 1936 Mollie Sugden - b. 1922. British sitcom legend. Now overweight, and in failing health. Suharto - b. 1921. Whenever he has a trial or prosecution or arrest immimment, he falls ill. So, watch this space. He has had strokes, heart probs, intestinal bleeding, diverticulosis & organ failure. But now resting at home again. Eric Sykes - blind & deaf - but otherwise doing okay. Has suffered a stroke in the past, amongst other minor ailments & is a lifelong smoker, but still active. b. 1923
  18. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    Dammit, you've ruined the perfect symmetry It may look like I've been doing this for the past four hours, but it is slightly misleading as that is not the case. But do not worry - I have eaten, read my post etc etc. No need to add me to the O section.
  19. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    R Luise Rainer - twice Oscar winning actress, b. 1910. When's she appeared recently on Tv, she's looked very sprightly & healthy. James "The Amazing" Randi - magician etc. Underwent emergency coronary artery bypass surgery earlier this year. b. 1928, but UK obit not certain. Nancy Reagan - widow of Ronnie, b. 1921. Since his death, she's not been the same, but is healthy enough, albeit more frail. But she clearly pines for her late husband, and you have to wonder if she does get ill, whether she'll fight... Lord David Renton - b. 1908. Oldest member of the House of Lords. But.. ridiciously healthly, active and sprightly for his age. Phil Rizutto - baseball star, b. 1917. Now very frail & ill. Will he get a UK obit, though. Hmmm.. probably just, yes, but don't bank on it. Oral Roberts - US TV evangelist. b. 1918, in failing health for a while, but UK obit is a problem. Robert Robinson - UK TV presenter, b. 1927. Was quite ill in 2004, but seemingly better now & still working. Sir Bobby Robson - still working in football, despite three cancer scares. Tumour was removed from his lung recently, and the cancer is in remission. However, he was hospitalised again in Aug 2006, after falling ill with (rumoured) cancer again, and a brain tumour (since removed) was found. b. 1933 David Rockefeller - US businessman, b. 1915. Still active & well, at present. Mickey Rooney - two schools of thought here - he'll either live to 100+ or go soon. b. 1920. The only negative thing, health wise, is he's a little overweight. Edmundo Ros - b. 1910, musician & band leader. Retired & living in Javea, Spain, which is a lovely place & serves nice, healthy food. He certainly looks well for his age.
  20. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    N Yasuhiro Nakasone - ex Jap PM. b. 1918. Frail, but still politically active, and has outlived some of his successors. Hassan Nasrallah - head of Hezbollah. Need I say more? Roy Neuberger - author, financier & art collector. May get obit in the UK for art links, but don't bank on it. Oscar Niemeyer - DL candidate, whose thread contains 1% of current health info. b. 1907, and still very active & healthy. Saparmurat Niyazov - President of Turkmenistan. Has heart disease & certainly ailing, but nr death? Uncertain. b. 1940 O Vincent O'Brien - legendary horse racing trainer, b. 1917. Frail, but still involved in the sport on occasion. Paul O'Grady - recently had his second heart-attack. b. 1955. Lifelong smoker. Teodoro Obiang Nguema - Pres of Eq. Guinea, has prostate cancer and heart problems, and may stand down soon. Al Oerter - US athlete, 4 times Olympic discus champion. Famous enough for a UK obit, I should think, specially considering Peter Norman's coverage. Oerter has major heart probs. b. 1936 P Anita Page - actress, b. 1910. Only adult star of the silent era left. Retired in 1933, and keeps a low profile. Rev. Ian Paisley - In 2004, he was VERY ill, and his family prepared his funeral & for his death. But he overcame it, (prob cancer), and is now much aged, frailer & gaunt. But, despite scaling back, he is still very much active. b. 1926 George Palade - Romanian Nobel Prize winning biologist, now living in the US. b. 1912 Maurice Papon - b. 1910. War criminal. Has been in failing health for yrs, and is very frail. Looks like a corpse already. But still hanging on in there, the swine... Marguerite Patten - chef, b. 1915. Low profile recently, but a TV interview a month back saw her looking quite well. Les Paul - b. 1915, guitarist. Bar arthritis, he appears to be very healthy. Luciano Pavarotti - has pancreatic cancer. Will either recover (he hopes) or die (we hope). Venetia Phair - aka Venetia Burney, the person who came up with the ex-planet Pluto's name. b. 1919. Still well, but frail. Chapman Pincher - one of the more interesting past DL candidates, b. 1914. Spy journo & novellist, but no current health news. Augusto Pinochet - another DL death-tease. Has had more strokes than an Olympic rower, in failing health & increasingly frail. But yet he carries on breathing. b. 1915. Harold Pinter - in failing health for yrs. b. 1930, has had cancer of the esophagus for some time, and is much aged, in failing health & very frail. But not someone who refuses to give in, so he may just be here for a while yet. Suzanne Pleshette - actress, b. 1937. Has lung cancer, but it may've been caught in time. Then again, it may not.... Jesus Polanco - Spanish Businessman, media mogul. Now very ill with cancer. Steve Prescott - rugby league player, b. 1973. Now suffering from stomach cancer. One, like Paul Hunter, where your conscience decides whether you pick them or not. Erich Priebke - Nazi war criminal, b. 1913. The oldest prisoner in Europe, he's been in failing health & fraility for yrs.
  21. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    M Magnus Magnusson - Scot/Icelandic TV presenter in UK, b. 1929. Has cancer, but an article a day before this said he looked "immortal". We shall see.. King Malietoa Tanumafili II of Samoa - b. 1913. Overweight, but seems to still be active & healthy. Sir Anthony Mamo - first president of Malta, b. 1909. Lives in a nursing home. Oldest living former head of state in Europe. Nelson Mandela - DL candidate, who is without a doubt, v. frail, but not currently ill. Fought & beat prostate cancer, but health, although failing, is solid now & has plenty of fire in his belly to keep going. Gabriel Garcia Marquez - b. 1928. Has lymphatic cancer, and in failing health in the last few years. Tony Martin - the singer, that is. b. 1912. I have no idea how he is still alive & healthy. Mindy McCready - b.1975. Singer. Serial drug abuser & suicidal, whilst her ex-boyfriend has tried to kill her twice. She's tried suicide 3 times, and was arrested last week for drink-driving. Gave birth to a baby this year, but it's the ex's. Not a good thing in her troubled mind, I think.. Uk obit.. probably Shane McGowan - Pogues frontman, who is just as famous for his hard living as his music. Now bloated, pale, on all drugs bar heroin, no teeth and is an alcoholic. And yet Kirsty McColl died first.... Robert McNamara - US politician, ex Secretary of State. Has been v. low profile since 1995, but re-married in 2004 & was at a White House meeting in 2006. b. 1916. George Melly - fat, has everything wrong with him, lung cancer, emphysema, dementia, heart probs, you name it, he's got it. b. 1926, and v. unlikely to make it to 2009, if not before. Gian Carlo Menotti - Italian-American composer, b. 1911. Little heard of lately. A homosexual, if that counts for anything.. Ayatollah Ali Meshkini - Iranian science expert, now very ill with cancer. UK obit? possibly, but not certain. Tammy Faye Messner - b. 1942. Believed to be suffering from terminal lung cancer. But she said she was terminally ill before, and she wasn't. One way or another, she's clearly not well at the moment. Might have probs with a UK obit, but should scrape through. Brooks Mileson - businessman & chairman of Gretna FC. b. 1947. Has only one kidney, his diet is "100 cigs & Lucozade", has had two heart-attacks, has ME & on top of all this, has just been in hospital with internal bleeding. Mitch Miller - musician, b. 1911. Little heard of lately, and I think he's in a nursing home. Dom Mintoff - DL candidate, ex-Maltese PM. b. 1916. Health has been failing, but still swims weekly & still ranting on about all things Maltese. Rita Levi Montalcini - b. 1909. Oldest living Nobel Laureate, who will be the all-time oldest if she makes the 2nd week of 2007. Judging by the fact she still makes public appearances, that's more than likely. Sir Patrick Moore - overweight Sky at Night presenter. b. 1923, fitted with pacemaker earlier this year. Harry Morgan - beloved film & TV actor, b. 1915. Lifelong smoker, and now very frail, but appears to be healthy & is still as active as he can possibly be. Sir John Mortimer - author, now in a wheelchair. b. 1923, and in failing health for some time. Robert Mugabe - b. 1921. Again, could be assassinated, but also in failing health. Has fought and beat cancer at least twice.
  22. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    L Frankie Laine - singer, b. 1913. Generally doing okay, despite two major heart-bypasses. Kept working until 2001, and since then has been semi-retired. Had a stroke in 2005. Jake La Motta - another DL candidate. Ex-boxer and drinker. b. 1921. Danny La Rue - b. 1927, suffered stroke this year & is known to have a heart condition. Wiki says b. 1917, but there's nothing to support that. Willis Lamb - physicist, b. 1913. Won Nobel Prize, which means a obit. Still active, but frail. Charles Lane - actor, b. 1905. Will get a UK obit (just) & looks very frail - but has done for yrs. Claude Levi-Strauss - b. 1908, DL candidate so all his "exciting" discussion is in that thread. Jerry Lewis - b. 1926. Has battled prostate cancer, diabetes, pulmonary fibrosis and had a h/a in 2006. Also very overweight & suffers from major back pain. Art Linkletter - US TV presenter, b.1912. Still active and looks well, but slightly overweight. Greg Louganis - legendary diver. Has full-blown AIDS, and has since 1998. b. 1960 Sir Bernard Lovell - b. 1913, astronomer. Quite frail now. Obit definitely. Dame Vera Lynn - b. 1917. WW2 "Forces Sweetheart". Seems in good health.
  23. Octopus of Odstock

    Near misses 2006

    Yes. I think there's a way of amending the new suggestions thread eve more, but I'll finish the names first.
  24. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    I Josefa Iloilo - great name, ilo ilo sounds like the 80's comedy starring Gorden Kaye. Iloilo (b.1920) has Parkinson's. John Inman - comic actor, b. 1935. Currently very ill with Hepatitis A. J Wojciech Jaruzelski - former Polish communist leader. b. 1923. Was in serious ill-health in early 00's, but seems sharp as a tack now, although he's a little frailer than before (in-laws are Polish, so we get to see him quite often on TV) Lady Bird Johnson -former 1st lady. b. 1912. Was in excellent health until the last 10 yrs, when she has gone blind, had two strokes & bronchitis. Now in a wheelchair, and "not in very good health" according to her daughter in Feb 2006 Van Johnson - actor, b. 1916. Not known to be ill, but is now very much retired. Jack Jones - the Trade Union leader, b. 1913. Much frailer now, but still "around" if you know what I mean Dr Joseph Juran - engineer & philanthropist, b. 1904. No doubt v. famous in his field, it depends on his thinking on "quality management" being significant enough for the UK obits. Still lives in his own home. K Robert Kee - author, journalist, TV presenter & ITN newsreader - obit assured. b. 1919 John A Keel - author, ufologist , journo, b. 1930. In ill health for some while & suffered massive h/a in 2006. UK obit? Probably... David Kelly - Irish actor, who has always looked older than his age. b. 1929, but looks like he was born in 1909, very frail, indeed, but seemingly healthy. Likes a drop of the Irish drink too. Roles in Fawlty Towers & Charlie & The Choc Factory give him his fame. Barbara Kent - actress, b. 1906. Silent movie star. Has been a recluse for 40 yrs & has been a long-time resident in a nursing home. Joan Kennedy - ex-wife of Ted Kennedy. Fighting breast cancer (successfully) & alcoholism (unsuccessfully). Obit not 100% guaranteed, but she is a (ex) Kennedy, after all. Sir Ludovic Kennedy - b. 1919. Broadcaster & author. Wife Moira Shearer died this year, and Kennedy looked much frailer at the funeral. Ray Kennedy - footballer, b. 1951 - has had Parkinson's Disease since 1983. Now almost immobile from the disease & needing of full-time medical care. Deborah Kerr - clean living movie actress, b. 1922. Now suffering from Parkinson's Disease. Dr. Jack Kevorkian - b. 1928. Will be in prison till he dies. Cos of this, it's not easy to say how ill he is. His Lawyer says that he is terminally ill with Hepatitis C, and will not live out 2006. But that's what they said about Ronnie Biggs in 2001... Abdul Qadeer Khan - nuclear expert, who has prostate cancer. Leaked nuclear secrets & his illness (and death?) may help him avoid trial. BBC mention for sure. BB King - b. 1925. No longer touring abroad & has diabetes, however he has never smoked or drank and seems very fit. Will either drop suddenly soon or go on to 100. Thomas Savig Kleppe - wins the award for most suggested name in the 2006 I & P thread. b. 1919, US politician, has Alzheimers. Distinguished US political career, but that may not mean an UK obit, so be warned Jack Klugman - b. 1922. Famous for Quincy ME, and now the last surviving juror from 12 Angry Men. For years he was a heavy smoker, which is probably why he had, but beat, throat cancer a while back. Now also has prostate cancer. Evel Knievel - stuntman, b. 1938. All his stunts are coming back to haunt him now, as well as his drug habit. Has had Hepatitis C for a while, and his lungs & liver are slowly packing it in. Likely to be dead within 5 yrs. Teddy Kollek - Israel politican, b. 1911. Long-time Mayor of Jerusalem, until beaten by current PM, Ehud Olmert. Now a frail chap, and life-long smoker. UK obit? Could be a problem, but the Olmert link might help
  25. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas & Possibilities - The Names

    H Larry Hagman - Star of US TV, b. 1931. Heavy smoker & drinker led to liver transplant. Better, but still majorly struggling with health. Abu Hamza al-Muhajir - Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, so might go same way as al-Zarqawi did. Tom Hamilton - bassist in Aerosmith, who has throat cancer. b. 1952. Sir John Harvey-Jones businessman, b, 1924. Now retired, but liked smoking, drinking & rich food & is overweight. Prof. Stephen Hawking b. 1942. In truth, shouldn't be on the planet as he has lived far longer than anyone should with Lou Gehrig's Disease. Now completely paralysed but yet still travels & works Lee Hazelwood - US Songwriter/singer etc. b. 1929. Terminally ill. Should scrape a UK obit for Nancy Sinatra links. Denis Healey (Baron Healey) - b. 1917. Not ill, but much frailer & thinner these days. Wife is still alive - due to their devotion, you wonder if she dies, whether DH might do a "Callaghan". Johannes Heesters - ancient entertainer, b. 1903. Still active, but obviously quite frail. Obit might be a problem, but if Carrell can get one, so could Heesters.. Jesse Helms - b. 1921. US politician. Controversial enough to make a UK obit. Not only has dementia, but a whole host of other illnesses & is very frail. Now consigned to a rest home. Charlton Heston - now believed to be in the last stages of Alzheimers. b. 1924 Alex Higgins - ciggie loving, drink guzzling snooker player. Looks gaunt & terrible these days. If he carries on smoking & drinking, he'll go the same way as George Best. Phil Hill racing driver, b. 1927, becoming increasingly frail & in ill-health. Gordon B Hinckley - Mormon head, b. 1910. Recently had colon cancer, but overcame it. However, is travelling less. Significantly, he has said he'll never go to Chile again. As they have a huge Mormon thing there (ex-girlfriend was a (very) lapsed Mormon, that's how I know), that could be more significant then most people think. Albert Hofman - LSD guru - b. 1906. Still quite active for his age, but that age is 100, after all... John Hogan - UK father who killed his son, tried to kill his daughter and himself in a suicide attempt on holiday. Not famous at all, but the publicity surrounding the tragedies mean if he did kill himself in his cell, he might well get a UK obit. Dolores Hope - widow of Bob, and philanthropist, b. 1909. May have problems with obit, but longetivity of marriage & Bob's fame should help. Very frail, but still independent. Lena Horne - singer, b. 1917. No longer makes public appearances. Whitney Houston - although NOT suffering from a brain tumour, it is clear Whitney has a MAJOR drug problem. Due to play Lena Horne in a new movie, but at the moment, Lena Horne looks younger! An outside bet. Ian Huntley - British child-killer. Known to be suicidal, and not a favourite amongst other inmates... Saddam Hussein - ex-President of Iraq. Given the death penalty, but as recent events have shown, could die before that.. Should be dead in 2007, along with two others due to hang - but you never know.....

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