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Octopus of Odstock

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Everything posted by Octopus of Odstock

  1. Octopus of Odstock

    Lay Kenneth Down To Rest

    There are a few deaths that the only thing you can think of is "good riddance". This is one.
  2. Octopus of Odstock

    Alfredo Di Stefano

    80 years old today, I believe.
  3. Octopus of Odstock

    Lady Bird Johnson

    Martha Dandridge Custis Washington Age at Death: 70 Abigail Smith Adams Age at Death: 73 Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson Age at Death: 33 Dolley Payne Todd Madison Age at Death: 81 Elizabeth Kortright Monroe Age at Death: 62 Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams Age at Death: 77 Rachel Donelson Jackson Age at Death: 61 Hannah Hoes Van Buren Age at Death: 35 Anna Symmes Harrison Age at Death: 88 Letitia Christian Tyler Age at Death: 51 Julia Gardiner Tyler Age at Death: 69 Sarah Childress Polk Age at Death: 69 Margaret Smith Taylor Age at Death: 63 Abigail Powers Fillmore Age at Death: 55 Jane Means Appleton Pierce Age at Death: 57 Harriet Lane Johston-Hostess for Buchanan Age at Death: 73 Mary Todd Lincoln Age at Death: 63 Eliza McCardle Johnson Age at Death: 65 Julia Dent Grant Age at Death: 76 Lucy Ware Webb Hayes Age at Death: 57 Lucretia Rudolph Garfield Age at Death: 85 Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur Age at Death: 42 Caroline Lavina Scott Harrison Age at death: 60 Frances Folsom Cleveland Age at Death: 83 Ida Saxton McKinley Age at Death: 59 Edith Carow Roosevelt Age at Death: 87 Helen Herron Taft Age at Death: 82 Ellen Axson Wilson Age at Death: 54 Edith Galt Wilson Age at Death: 89 Florence Kling DeWolfe Harding Age at Death: 64 Grace Goodhue Coolidge Age at Death: 78 Lou Henry Hoover Age at Death: 68 Anna Eleanor Roosevelt Age at Death: 78 Bess Trueman - above. Mary "Mamie" Doud Eisenhower Age at Death: 82 Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Age at Death: 64 Claudia "Lady Bird" Taylor Johnson Date of Birth: December 22, 1912 Thelma "Pat" Ryan Nixon Age at Death: 81 Betty Bloomer Warren Ford Date of Birth: July 28, 1929 Rosalynn Smith Carter Date of Birth: August 18, 1927 Nancy Davis Reagan Date of Birth: July 6, 1921 Barbara Pierce Bush Date of Birth: June 8, 1925 Hillary Rodham Clinton Date of Birth: October 26, 1947 Laura Welch Bush Date of Birth: November 4, 1946
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    Not Exactly Famous...

    I can't help thinking that's a bad miss for you regards DDP, young Windsor. His local fame would've been enough for the local BBC pages, I would've thought. I vaguely remember when he signed up for university a few years back.
  5. Octopus of Odstock


    WOW!!!!!!!! What a match!! I don't think anybody could begrudge Italy their place in the World Cup Final. That was 120 minutes of electrifying stuff. Shame there had to be a loser. Fantastic game by the referee, and it affected the game. Sweeping moves all the time, constant attacking play, terrific. Let's hope France get through tomorrow - it'll be a cracker of a final. Great goal celebration by Grosso too. Oh.. and I get £700 for Italy reaching the final. If only my DDP selections were as good as my football betting selections.
  6. Octopus of Odstock


    I would expect Dunny, like most other people with eye problems have heard of the radio , MPFC.... (and I used to live near where he lives, they either have their own english language sports station or they can pick up BBC World Service, so he wouldn't have to listen in Portuguese.)
  7. Octopus of Odstock

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    True, but the hubby & kids would come first in the pecking order, I suspect.
  8. Octopus of Odstock

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    Oh no, I can see the appeal. She's got a lovely smile, she's funny, intelligent, nice figure and blond hair. I certainly wouldn't kick her out of the hypothetical bed. Not one of my all-time top girls, but fine nonetheless. Err.. to keep ON topic, I don't think Jane Tomlinson is very attractive at all. In more ways than one.
  9. Octopus of Odstock

    Birthdays, Births, Anniversaries Etc...2006

    Happy DL Anniversary, Windsor. It's been a unforgettable rollercoaster ride.
  10. Octopus of Odstock


    Nah. Before the tournament, I put shitloads of money on the Italians reaching the final. So, FORZA ITALIA!!
  11. Octopus of Odstock

    Norodom Sihanouk

    Worringly for you, Windsor, the king says age is the one thing stopping him getting involved in politics, not ill-health as was his old trump card for getting out of getting in trouble again.
  12. Octopus of Odstock

    Paul O'Grady

    O'Grady to make complete recovery However, he's had two attacks and he's not even 55. I can't help wondering if he's going to die early like Eric Morecambe or Peter Sellers, who, IIRC, also had a history of heart-attacks at a young age. (Well, certainly Sellers did)
  13. Octopus of Odstock

    Fred Trueman

    RIP Fred. One of the true greats of the sport. There can't be that many left from that era, now - Bedser, Close, perhaps? I'm surprised actually, despite his cancer prognosis, certainly with the speed of his demise, as I saw the same article TF posted and I thought the man would fight it as hard as he could, as he did during his playing days, but obviously not.
  14. Octopus of Odstock


    WHOOSH! That's a light-hearted barb that's gone over someone's head. Jeez, Guess someone missed the winky smiley at the end, eh? Oh and well done Portugal. Rooney truly is an idiot.
  15. Octopus of Odstock


    Not to mention penalty shots It makes me wonder, along with the fact he still seems to think that Mexico's first goal vs Iran, a tap in, was better than a sweeping team move (the third goal) if FF is actually watching the World Cup, or just copy & pasting from some North American site. as for the fight - Phantom - basically, Borowski gestured at the Argentines to shut up after he put in the 4th penalty. Cufre, of Argentina was furious, along with the rest of them, and surrounded the players, karate kicking Mertesacker. Bierhoff, the assistant manager then reliatated & it all went from there. Cufre was sent off, becoming the first player in World Cup history to be sent off whilst not actually playing!!!!!
  16. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Going back to Gianluca Pessotto, who is still fighting for his life after his suicide attempt, among the masses of news coverage, I had to laugh when I read the latest description of his health: The head of Molinette Hospital's intensive care unit, Dr Pierpaolo Donadio, explained that the operation was necessary because Pessotto's "biggest problem was this clot which was blocking the return of blood from the legs to the heart and thus exerting pressure on the kidneys". Although doctors only limited themselves to saying the operation was a "technical success", Pessotto's wife Reana told the press her husband was "better now". The ex-Juve and Italy defender suffered extensive damage after leaping from the top of Juventus headquarters here in an apparent suicide attempt on Tuesday . Police said Pessotto had climbed to a small, high window and threw himself out clutching a rosary. He landed on a car, bounced onto another one and ended up on the ground. Doctors later observed that he had probably survived because the car broke his fall, even if he hit the vehicle at an estimated 60mph. On Thursday, doctors said it may take as much as a month or more to know whether Pessotto will survive and how much permanent damage he suffered . Pessotto has already undergone surgery twice. The first time was immediately after his arrival in hospital to set some of his multiple fractures and stop extensive internal bleeding . The second operation took place Tuesday night, to try and clear the blood clot in his shattered foot, but was curtailed because the 36-year-old player risked dying on the operating table . That's the serious bit. Then there's the bit that made me laugh. Doctors observed that the fact that Pessotto was in stable condition was "positive" but so was the fact he was still alive. Nothing gets past these Italian doctors, eh. One, I'm glad they observed he was still alive. Two, I am also glad that they think being alive is a positive sign, as compared to a negative one. I know what they meant, but it's how I read it that made me chuckle, despite the seriousness of Pessotto's condition.
  17. Octopus of Odstock

    Brinsworth House and Denville Hall

    Thanks for this. Is there anyone else famous there and how is their health? Maybe you could give us a list of current "inmates". As to dicky O, a question, what paper does he buy? I don't care, but I know people on here will......
  18. Octopus of Odstock

    Frosties Kid

    Well, MPFC's interest in his welfare meant I have been intrigued enough to Google around. it seems: 1) The brat is not dead. Apparently, someone of the same name & nearly the same age as the kid actor committed suicide. Cancer? Pah.. as someone else said on the surprisingly high amount of thread time to this ad - "who in their right mind would want to star in a Frostie's advert as their dying wish?" 2) Who is dead is the man in the Elephant insurance adverts, who had an asthma attack a week after filming. F**k knows who this man is, but apparently he's the "blond one" for all those TV ad-dicts on here. 3) as another fellow on a forum noted, the brat sings "I like frosties on my plate". Weirdo. I have cornflakes on a bowl, like anyother sane person. The milk will go everywhere. Silly sod, no wonder everyone hates him.
  19. Octopus of Odstock


    Not only that, but MPFC has failed to disclose that the Carlisle assistant manager, the one man who DID want the job, has also left the club to gain alternative employment.
  20. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Not at all. I've got about 230 on my list who refuse to die and 18 of them are on my DDP list, and another 17 of them are/were on my reserve list for "prime replacements" Oh, I suppose that is bad luck in a way, but still.... I have 50 names I want to put in to 20 spots next year. I'd be far happier if I had to choose 20 from 30, at the very least.
  21. Octopus of Odstock

    Room 101

    I thought of another one. All those stupid studies, like this one announced yesterday, Short-term memory loss "may be" a sign of Alzheimers NO?!?!! Memory loss a symptom of Alzheimers? Well, that is news to me! I would have never linked the two otherwise. I mean these studies cost a fortune, and, generally, do one of two things 1) tell us what we already knew years ago when our mother told us as a child 2) contradict what the last study said about a health matter. Not that I listen to these studies, anyway. I do, eat & drink what I want. Not all studies are bad & a waste of time, but there are a hell of a lot of pointless ones, and people being paid a hell of a lot of money to be pointless.
  22. Octopus of Odstock

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    A few of you, and not just footy fans either, will be aware of the match-fixing crisis that is going on in Italy. Things took an even more sinister twist today, when former Italian footballer Gianluca Pessotto, now general manager of Juventus, who are at the centre of the scandal, fell out of a window & is an serious condition in hospital. It's been suggested it might've been a suicide attempt, as it's been alleged he was seen with a rosary in his hands before jumping. Considering what might happen, Pessotto might not be the only one taking such measures.
  23. Octopus of Odstock

    Jill Sinclair

  24. Octopus of Odstock

    World War I Veteran(s)

    I think that's the best solution. Otherwise you'd have people coming out of the woodwork saying such & such was a veteran and we'd have loads of state funerals. Allingham & Patch, who have as good a chance as any of being that last one were against a state funeral anyway.
  25. Octopus of Odstock

    Room 101

    Hmmm.. I run the risk of sounding like a Grumpy Old Man if I go on & on & on. Besides it is late and I need to do other things, like sleep. So, for now, I will keep this short & say one of my hates (not just irritants, but hates), that I will not miss at all if they disappear forever:- Pigeons. They're mucky & spread diseases. So do rats, but at least they can be tested on in a lab, I guess. How dare a common pigeon defecate on one of our finest ever Britons, not just on one day, but every day. In particular, I would like to shoot the pigeon who broke our TV aieral this week. Besides, the pigeon was a cocky little sh*t in Dastardly & Muttley. How I always hoped they'd catch him. I see that this is the 1st anniversary of the death of the voice of Dick Dastardly. In tribute, I will kill as many pigeons as possible tomorrow.

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