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Cat O'Falk

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Everything posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Cat O'Falk


    Apparently a well known site (that I've never heard of) changed their logo for a while the other day.
  2. Cat O'Falk


    Fucking hell, have you had a brain transplant in the last 24 hours? If he has, it's now malfunctioning.
  3. Cat O'Falk

    Deathlist On The Net

    There was nothing strange about it, sadly Paul Hunter, who was a very young man and prolific snooker player died of cancer at the age of 27. It was a tragic end for such a young man and many of us on here respected that and many of us mourned him. In those days the DL was on the Google search engine. I found my way here in 2004 by googling Fay Wray. Unfortunately people were googling 'Paul Hunter death' and we were one of the top hits on Google. It escalated from there, there was a thread about him and his death and it got to the stage people were seeing the thread and tracing the DeathList to the Grim Reaper and finding out his real name, occupation, phone number and address, It got pretty bad for a while. After that the DL changed it's settings on Google to not be searched by the famous names we discuss, I believe some have slipped through the net. We are not a site that wishes death on anyone at all, that is not our raisons d'ĂȘtre we are a site that respects death and primarily is a social area. Guessing who might die next year? well plenty of people do, they talk about it in workplaces all over the word, we use this website to do so. Also the first post in the thread was along the lines of "that many tumours he's snookered", the spelling of his name had to be changed to let things calm down. The same was done for a Ms c a r before I joined. It's a cracking good read. It starts about here and gets much better over the following pages.
  4. Cat O'Falk

    Fort William Football Club

    Fort William 0 Huntly 2
  5. Apparently it's a photoshop perpetrated by the cunning Aer Lingus themselves. https://twitter.com/AerLingus/status/722162956319002625
  6. Cat O'Falk

    Death Anniversary Thread

    I thought he was a party-pooper having died on his birthday but it seems his exact date of birth is unknown.
  7. Yeah, I'd get on the plane but would you fly Ryanair, especially at Christmas?
  8. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    Fluff wasn't into fluff; he was into the boys.
  9. Cat O'Falk

    Deathlist On The Net

    We ain't morbid (well apart from the Kid).
  10. Cat O'Falk

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    You're fucking the Kid?
  11. Cat O'Falk

    How Old Are Dl Users?

    Yup, http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8377
  12. Cat O'Falk


  13. Oi, Phantom, can you get the local authorities to clean up the lakes and remove all the shopping trollies, bikes, prams and er planes. https://www.google.com/maps/@44.9214753,-93.3053005,66m/data=!3m1!1e3
  14. Cat O'Falk

    Elton John

    What are the odds on someone opening up a David Furnish thread this afternoon?
  15. Cat O'Falk

    Boxing Clever?

    Thai hotel? It was probably just his dick that was unresponsive.
  16. Cat O'Falk

    Bruce Forsyth

    I think it is more significant that Lady Forsyth went by herself which mean he wanted someone to be at Ronnie funeral but he himself was not up to it. Until now I have thought he was going to go on and on but I did also say that when he gave up being on telly we should pay more attention to him. Are you sure she didn't just go herself. You'd assume if Corbbet and Brucie were such great friends, then Lady Forsyth would have known him well? Brucie and Ronnie were golfing buddies, she might have just stayed home and shagged the gardener. Thereby they fucked a flame into being.
  17. Cat O'Falk

    Donald J Trump

    If you're stuck for ideas regarding a tattoo design ... http://motherboard.vice.com/read/trump-baby-dick-tattoo?utm_source=mbtwitter
  18. Cat O'Falk


    Another Leicester City fan takes an early settlement on a wager; 62 grand out of a 100. http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/Punter-cashes-62-000-Spurs-close-gap-Leicester/story-29139158-detail/story.html
  19. Cat O'Falk

    Boxing Clever?

  20. Cat O'Falk

    The dead of 2016

    Your hopes are shattered. http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8495&page=5#entry262520
  21. A toddler just down the road from me is named Tallulah.
  22. Cat O'Falk


    I was just out on the patio having a tab when I heard a massive roar.

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