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Cat O'Falk

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Everything posted by Cat O'Falk

  1. Cat O'Falk

    Union People

    So he's not dead yet; isn't that extra extra-curricular?
  2. Cat O'Falk

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Two gay guys thrown to their deaths off a 100 feet high building by ISIS.
  3. Cat O'Falk

    Fort William Football Club

    Probably; looking at the weather forecast for the next 10 days.
  4. Cat O'Falk

    Fidel Castro

  5. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    I'm pretty certain that the segment of a circle was there before and the blue box, as I said previously, is needed by Time as it's his mode of transport.
  6. Cat O'Falk

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    She'll live forever, just like Scotsman.
  7. Cat O'Falk

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Her condition has deteriorated-she's now said to be 'fighting for her life' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2911356/Crime-writer-Ruth-Rendell-fighting-life-stroke.html She should get the Gordie Howe 'serious stroke' cure and the two can be on Dancing With the Stars next season.SC I....... don't think you're really familiar with how our NHS works, are you? Not only am I deficient with a few things here (yet) I've no idea what you just asked me lol :-| SC PS: but I'm trying. I'll catch on Britain and America: two nations divided by a common language.
  8. Cat O'Falk

    Remaining In A Standing Position After Death

    I'm guessing that not one bovine out of the hundreds of millions that have been slaughtered has been left standing in the abattoir.
  9. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    Looks like I did it. Please check if things have changed for the worse. regards, Hein Get that man a drink! He's a star!
  10. Cat O'Falk

    Chuck Berry

    He's obviously got no particular place to go and perform a gig. It's funny you should say that because on e of Chuck Berrys soings was titled No Particular place to Go ! Nothing gets past you, does it. Johnny, be good and bugger off, there's a good chap.
  11. Cat O'Falk

    Muhammad Ali

    Except death and taxes because they are a certainty.
  12. Can I get an anthrax ripple during the interval?
  13. Cat O'Falk

    The Dead Of 2015

    Old age is bad for you.. Given that fewer than 50 per cent of deaths are caused by smoking and thereby greater than 50 per cent of deaths are caused by not smoking, it's safer to smoke.
  14. Only a thousand? I see Lord Auto-Asphyxiated Fellatio Nelson has come out of hiding to go suck himself. If only I could! Im not as supple as I used to be Deathtwat. If we started a needless thread to mock LFN we could call it Fellatio's Going Down Not that we'd ever dream of such, like. I shall always bow to your greatness Mary. It's easier on the back if you are on your knees. Trust me.
  15. Cat O'Falk

    Political Frailty

    Surely political frailty is if they've died; this thread is extra-curricular.
  16. Cat O'Falk

    Death In The Family

    Bene decessit. Requiescat in pace.
  17. Why? I think this "thread" should be locked by now. Basically, if the admin team starts allowing people make topics that single out individual members, then it will set a bad precedent for thread-makers. What will stop someone from making a "Top 100 Reasons why Predictor Sucks" in the future? I may be a bit biased because I think Zorders is cool and all, but my comment applies to whomever this thread would've been aimed towards. Guys, guys. Stop giving the doctor ideas!
  18. Cat O'Falk

    Political Frailty

    Rumour has it he puts lard on his toast rather than low fat spread.
  19. Cat O'Falk

    The Dead Of 2015

    Yeah, we know.
  20. Cat O'Falk

    Chuck Berry

    He's obviously got no particular place to go and perform a gig.
  21. Cat O'Falk

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    Good for you! More seriously, the link that GossipGabe posted references this article. While I fail to see why insulting royals should be punishable by law separate from the one banning insulting all other people, the measures handed out are effectively similar. I have no reason to insult a slag, so why should I call her a queen? regards, Hein Wouldn't describing to the Queen as "slag" be quite complimentary in Dutch? Is Willem-Alexander gay?
  22. Cat O'Falk

    The Dead Of 2015

    Are you an actual, you know, human being? Possibly the forums most "robotic poster" or a human with the personality characteristics of a well used blow up doll. We are certainly attracting some high quality posters nowdays, aye. Now, there's a decent question. Could a bot post here without detection and - if so - for how long. And, how long before those of us keen on a bit of dead pooling start considering packing up and going home because we're thrashed in all competitions by specially written software? "We believe that when you create a machine to do the work of a man, you take something away from the man." - Sojef. Haha, Trekkie! In other news, tell us more about this "hypothetical" future world where we all get thrashed at deadpooling by a robot, MPFC....... Well, with all the talk of putting everyone's medical records on a central database, if one had access to said database, one could theoretically write a programme to extract the names of those most likely to croak it. Given the sophistication of the contraption, one could get it to do the postings as well.
  23. Cat O'Falk

    The Dead Of 2015

    Are you an actual, you know, human being? Possibly the forums most "robotic poster" or a human with the personality characteristics of a well used blow up doll. We are certainly attracting some high quality posters nowdays, aye. Now, there's a decent question. Could a bot post here without detection and - if so - for how long. And, how long before those of us keen on a bit of dead pooling start considering packing up and going home because we're thrashed in all competitions by specially written software? "We believe that when you create a machine to do the work of a man, you take something away from the man." - Sojef.
  24. Cat O'Falk

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    I'm not so sure about the 'very big turd' bit, so I would never write such a thing, but yes, by law they could. I have no idea if Dutch authorities are monitoring this forum (in case they do: goedemorgen!) but I imagine that nicking me for posting such an insult here is not their highest priority. Many years ago I was indicted for blasphemy, but the case was dropped after the public prosecuter realised that he had little to gain and much to lose in publicity if he didn't. regards, Hein Hein, in the British system, if your are guilty (in law) of a crime and a jury of your peers think you are not, then you walk. It's not what the judges think, it's what the person in the street thinks. The real judge in a British trial is the jury.
  25. Cat O'Falk

    The Deathlist Howto

    ik wil hebben je baby

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