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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Sean

    Covid passports

    I am pro-vaccine but not pro-passport domestically.
  2. Sean

    Covid passports

    Nay Although my response is slightly more nuanced. Internationally they are an inevitability so internationally yes. The threat of new variants is another reason why as much as I don`t like the idea feel it is necessary. Domestically no way. The scheme can only work when the vaccine has been offered to everyone and as take-up is so high by the time they would be introduced we would almost certainly have herd immunity.I have had both doses of the vaccine and am more than comfortable with that. If I am in a public place and others haven`t been vaccinated it is unlikely to make a difference to me. The scientific data on vaccines is extremely encouraging in terms of, efficacy preventing infection, lessening the severity of infection if you do contract it, and is even better at preventing hospitalizations and death. The collective effect of such a high take-up so far which I only imagine will stay pretty high as we go down the age groups combined with the efficacy of the vaccines means they (domestic vaccine passports) are disproportionate. In the meantime they are looking at testing people before and after they go into venues. The logistical minefield of getting businesses to police that which would require extra staff to check the tests and process them whilst finding space to put people while they wait for their results (30 mins) when they are already on their knees is difficult to quantify. This is a classic case of policymakers coming up with policies based on theory, not practicality. You will also get fake passports on the black market and some venue owners who won`t check for whatever reason or if they do won`t stop fraudulent documents. It will never work domestically. Plus as stated above the level of abuse those enforcing this will get will be substantial.
  3. Sean


    Glad I am not the only one.Never heard of the guy.I looked him up and do remember "up in here" being a hit when I was very young but would have guessed it was Ja Rule who sang it.
  4. Sean

    Rolf Harris

    My Grandmother used to live near him and would see him in the supermarket every so often.The consensus was he was very charming but Nan always said he came across as creepy and that she couldn't stand him.By the time he was outed as a peado she was in the final stages of dementia so she never knew how right her instinct was.
  5. Sean

    David Gulpilil

  6. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Crikey today`s death toll is 10. Wales isn`t reporting until the 5th of April but still 10 crikey.
  7. Sean

    Thoughts and Opinions on the 2021 Deathlist

    James Lovelock is definitely famous enough both in his field and media presence in the past. June Spencer from the Archers is another centenarian name that strikes me as meeting the DL threshold.She is certainly better known than Clarissa Eden.Over 70 years (with a few breaks) playing the same character.Also the last original cast member of the Archers still in it.I think only her and Ysanne Churchman are the only living original cast members from the very beginning.Not sure if Pamela Mant the original Christine Archer is still alive. Both Lovelock and Spencer will get widespread coverage when they go.So will Clarissa Eden but not as much.
  8. Sean

    Thoughts and Opinions on the 2021 Deathlist

    He was in Trainwreck with Amy Schumer a few years ago which I am surprised didn't finish him off.I remember him Best from the Dead Poets Society.He was also in The Age of Innocence so he is known for some work after the 40 s and 50s.
  9. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    It is over.The game not the pandemic sadly.
  10. Sean

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    Wouldn`t say he is purely famous for being ill. Regarded as one of the top neurosurgeons in Europe.CBE for his work two published memoirs multiple appearances on mainstream Television related to his work even was a guest on Desert Island Discs.All this before he had terminal cancer and came out in favor of assisted dying.He is not a celebrity as such but not purely FFBI either although that is heightening his profile from I would say an acceptable level of notability for most dead pools around. He is certainly different from the likes of Paul Lamb Tony Nicklinson and Noel Conway who had no public profile before they started campaigning.
  11. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Wednesday 39
  12. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Working with the elderly has its advantages!
  13. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Must be my second vaccine yesterday that aged me.Definitely aching today.
  14. Sean

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    A terrible miss for the DL Committee . I am of course joking but hey Bill Gates Dad made it on. I find it odd how she is referred to as Obama`s Grandmother when she is his step-grandmother.They did the same since 2008.
  15. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Saturday 93
  16. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Thursday 80
  17. Sean

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    B J ?What a name.
  18. Sean

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    Watching HardTalk on BBC News.Billy Bragg is on and looks unrecognisable.Looks an odd colour thinner and a lot older than he is now.Doesn't sound Ill at all but the sheer change in appearance is shocking.
  19. Sean

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Wednesday 75

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