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Everything posted by Sean

  1. Sean

    Tom 'DFS Leatherette Sofa' Jones

    Going to guess it just a nasty virus and he will be beck to normal in a few weeks
  2. It was them lol.They were still pulling those faces too
  3. Sean

    John McCain

    Does Hvorostovsky have glioblastoma?
  4. I mean the mad hatter sent me an explicit images of two playdo men fisting and I just laughed it off.I am individual member not a mod though.
  5. I didnt take offence just loooked at the cartoon of a woman defacating out a skeleton and thought eww that is weird as hell.I am not casting judgement on mods either way.To be honest I don't care either way.It doesn't offend me but weird stuff clogging up feeds that bears no relevance to the topic is something I dont care about being deleted by mods.If mods deleted opinions they found objectionable then I might agree but irrelevant crap is fair game for deletion.
  6. Sean

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    He wont make 2018.On his Facebook 4 weeks ago he said the cancer has engulfed his left lung is surrounding the heart as well as being in the liver and there wereno treatment options left.
  7. Cheers for the support guys.Have had clinical depression for many years and seriously suspect my medication is not working.I will try to sort it out though as I start a new job next week so need to be in a better state than I am now.The horrible thing at the moment is those around me are unaware what is going on so assume I have stopped keeping on top of things through idleness which is not the case.It is easy for one to blame a lack of motivation on idleness.
  8. After todayI thoroughly hope not to see DL 2018.I am not dying or suicidal but just realise I cannot achieve happiness so may as well go down the slow self destruct mode.Sure I can in my professional life pretend I havd a purpose but emotionally I have nothing and see no way things will improve.Just hope I do not make a good age.
  9. Sean

    ALS/MND/other degenerative diseases

    Many people have survived cancer.No one has survived ALS.
  10. Sean

    ALS/MND/other degenerative diseases

    Steve Gleason Augie Nieto Stephen Hillenburg Jeff Capel II Fernando Ricksen Steve Smith O J Brigance Neale Daniher Nanci Ryder Stephen Hawking Paul Shrubb Doddie Weir Noel Conway Pete Frates Jason Becker
  11. Sean

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    Nabeel Qureshi stuck in his Houston home which could flood soon.He is seriously jaundiced has a few days of formula left for his feeding tube and admits he can't get to a hospital if something goes wrong.
  12. Sean

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    Wishing you luck SC.
  13. Sean


    I thought it was odd.My Grandad wouldnt see me for ages when he had shingles.
  14. Sean


    According to his Facebook and Twitter Simon Ricketts has been ill with shingles for the past week or two.In pain but well enough to travel to Italy tomorrow.He says the shingles is the result of chemo damaging his immune system.
  15. Sean

    Georgian Deadpool

    https://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/36872792/1970s-french-screen-siren-mireille-darc-dies-at-79/ Mireille Darc dead to help continue your losing streak.
  16. Sean

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    She has one book published with two others awaiting release so you could also argue she is a. proper writer and not just a cancer Mum/ Blogger.Of course the books are about her cancer but it sets her apart from other bloggers.
  17. Sean

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    https://www.sophiesabbage.com/living-a-thousand-lives/ :Found the blog post mentioning her Dad.Looks old but ok in pic from last year.He retired from the Lords recently though.
  18. Sean

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    He is and I seem to recall her saying he had cancer too although I think she said he was now in remission.83 now though. https://www.sophiesabbage.com/bitter-sweet-health-update-29-sep-2017/ :New cancer blog reveals Sophie has had a bery good response to a cancer drug but that her Dad has a tumour in his shoulder and lung cancer too.
  19. Sean

    Name Shame?

    Many thanks.
  20. Sean

    Name Shame?

    Fair enought can I have Sean then please?

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