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Military commanders

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Israeli Generals are a tough bunch, usually.



Eli Zeira (1928) Major General. Disgraced director of Aman, Israel's military intelligence, during the Yom Kippur War. Allegedly leaked the identity of Ashraf Marwan, Mossad's most useful informant in Egypt, and assessed that Egypt and Syria would not attack Israel before the Yom Kippur War, despite receiving a telegram warning of imminent war.

Amos Horev (1924) Major General, former Chief Scientist of the IDF.

David Ivry (1934) Major General, former Deputy Chief of the IDF, Commander of the Israeli Air Force 1977-1982 and one of the commanders during the 1982 Lebanon War. Initial National Security Advisor 1999-2001, longtime Vice President of Boeing International and also served as Ambassador to the United States and Director of the Israeli National Security Council.

Ori Orr (1939) Skilled IDF General and later Knesset Rep. for Labor Party. Removed from his political positions for remarks on Moroccan Jews. Obese.

Avner Shalev (1939) Brigadier General more known for serving as Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate of The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority for nearly three decades.

Amnon Reshef (1938) Major General, co-founder of Commanders for Israel's Security.

Dov Tamari (1936) Brigadier General and initial Chief Intelligence Officer of the IDF.




Dan Tolkowsky (1921) Major General, WWII RAF pilot. Relic, but doing well for his age.

Yaakov Turner (1935) Brigadier General, also served as the head of Israel's Police Force. Mayor of Beersheba 1998-2008 representing the Israeli Labor Party. Founded the Israeli Air Force Museum.

Avihu Ben-Nun (1939) Commander of the Israeli Air Force between 1987 and 1992. Diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1995 and has been in very poor health for more than a decade.


Israeli Navy:

Ze'ev Almog (1935) Commander of the Israeli Navy 1979-1985. The other 1982 Lebanon War commander still living.

Avraham Ben-Shoshan (1940) Almog's less notable successor, Commander of the Israeli Navy 1985-1989.



Nahum Admoni (1929) Director of Mossad 1982-1989.

Efraim Halevy (1934) Director of Mossad 1998-2003. Described a hard-headed pragmatist.

Haim Eshed (1933) Brigadier General of the Military Intelligence Directorate.

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Director of Mossad Nahum Admoni is going strong and soon 95.

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