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9 hours ago, ladyfiona said:

For those into coin collecting, you might like this. We found a load of old/foreign coins in the loft which must have been my grandfather's collection.


Some I took pictures of to show you:


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We're not sure what language/country the first coin comes from.

















Really interesting selection of eras and regimes represented there. The 'État français' is Vichy France. The South African Republic was one of the independent Boer states that fought the British in the Boer Wars. The rentenmark and rentenpfennig were introduced in 1923 as a means of combating Weimar hyperinflation and replaced by the reichsmark only two years later.


The one with the stylised crossed wheat(?) and 1924 looks familiar, but I can't find anything from a brief search. Has a Soviet feel to it.

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10 hours ago, prussianblue said:



The one with the stylised crossed wheat(?) and 1924 looks familiar, but I can't find anything from a brief search. Has a Soviet feel to it.


German 5 pfennings from between the wars


I was throwing out an old computer carcass from the loft the other day and I was at the tip and been a good recycler I removed the EPS blocks and was just about to take the cardboard box away when I noticed two dark discs at the bottom of the box. It turns out it was two coins from my collection which must have fallen out of their album. One is a 1898 10 cent piece from France and the other a 1 cent from Malta. 


Close shave




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