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World War Three

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According to top conspiracy therory website 'Prison Planet', Israel are planning to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, like they did with Iraq's back in 1981 (naughty boys those Israelis). Now as Russia are helping to build these reactors, they would strike at Israel in defence of Iran, USA would then retaliate and Europe would be expected to join with the Americans which would mean we would be brown bread.


Still at least there will be a 100% record for the Deathlist eh?

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The entire planet would cop it with the notable exception of Andrea de Cesaris who has survived every DL since the first.


I started a similar thread to this a few weeks back. The thread copped it, quickly.

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Hmmm we could celebrate but 1 thing.



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I'd love to ask ITN or Sky News the question of whether they would cover the apocalypse, what would be the point?

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I think Itv would put an offer in to get it but Sky would go way over the top to get essential coverings.

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Since it wouldn't happen at once there would be a point. However, EVERYONE would cover it cos none of them would live long enough to be sued for infringement of copyright.

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Guest iain

Its more than possible that Israel will bomb Irans nuclear facilities,but i doubt the Russians will retaliate.

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The blueprint for the end of the world, a "strategic scenario analysis" called Joint Vision 2020 is available in .pdf format here.


The doctrine of this "final push" is quaintly termed "full spectrum dominance". This is the United States' Joint Chiefs of Staff's superb plan, whereby they eliminate any perceived threat with a "fight and win" mentality. Their victory, if it comes, will be a pyrrhic one because, in order to eliminate all threats, they must proactively destroy all possible threats. Can anyone think of a recent example of proactive US "threat elimination at all costs"? Hands up...


Strategically speaking, China represents the biggest threat to total US dominance of all global resources. Ergo, China, in or around 2020, will be the focus for the start of armageddon, because the political lap-dogs who claim to run the USofA will unswervingly heed their in-bred, ultra-xenophobic judaeo-christian military masters once more.


Some americans wonder why the rest of the world tires of their bullsh1t. I don't. Do you?


Oh dear, that turned into a bit of a rant, didn't it? Oh well... [cocky] I'm right, and anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. What's good for the goose... [/cocky]

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There are also a high percentage of Americans who believe


i - God will intervene directly in human affairs soon.


ii - The US government is concealing hard evidence of earth's contact with space aliens.


Both ideas which cast the plans of their country to remain the most powerful force on the planet into doubt.

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You do wonder sometimes that the neo-cons have some sort of deathwish. However one hope of avoiding armageddon is, ironically, the military. Apparently there have whispers of a 'coup', stoked by the dismissal of a four star General for rather dubious reasons.

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You do wonder sometimes that the neo-cons have some sort of deathwish. However one hope of avoiding armageddon is, ironically, the military. Apparently there have whispers of a 'coup', stoked by the dismissal of a four star General for rather dubious reasons.

Is that so...more details please.

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Guest Nobody

If you do some research you will notice that the Iraqi nuclear reactors were sponsored by France and I believe Brazil as well. I don't believe they attacked Israel afterwards.

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According to top conspiracy therory website 'Prison Planet', Israel are planning to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, like they did with Iraq's back in 1981 (naughty boys those Israelis). Now as Russia are helping to build these reactors, they would strike at Israel in defence of Iran, USA would then retaliate and Europe would be expected to join with the Americans which would mean we would be brown bread.


Still at least there will be a 100% record for the Deathlist eh?

I doubt that Russia would atack Israel in defense of Iran. When Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear facilities in 1981, Russia did not do anything, despite having a defense pact with Iraq.

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Even at the height of the Cold War the superpowers backed down from starting the Nuclear Apocalypse.

In short -there will be no World War Three. The most powerful countries are no longer interested in destroying one another-they are interested in a loose configuration of nations invading smaller nations and stealing their rescources though.

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Still, I suppose there is a well suppressed thought amongst the superpowers that, strategically speaking, what a relief it would be if both Israel and Iran were taken out of the picture...

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Guest Your Name Here
You do wonder sometimes that the neo-cons have some sort of deathwish. However one hope of avoiding armageddon is, ironically, the military. Apparently there have whispers of a 'coup', stoked by the dismissal of a four star General for rather dubious reasons.

someones been reading too many tom clancy stories :referee:

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I just wonder if the neo-cons were held enough as babies.

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I just wonder if the neo-cons were held enough as babies.

Held, but then dropped - on their heads! :referee:

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I just wonder if the neo-cons were held enough as babies.

Held, but then dropped - on their heads! :o


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