Well it was here anyway. I've only caught a couple of moments and it was usually at dead o'clock in the morning on Channel 4. But the media reaction to it was out of proportion to it's audience. It was a niche show. Now that isn't to suggest that 'The X-Factor' is better because it had more viewers. far from it. But the thing that put me off watching it (and other supposedly greatest shows ever like 'The West Wing') was this constant carping about how great it was, how it was "as good as Shakespeare" and this general sense of the media elite thinking they know what's good for us and forcing down our throats with the bare implication that if you didn't tune in, you were some sort of potato-headed philistine.
So I never watched it. Nor have I watched 'Arrested Development' or '24' or 'Homeland'. I saw the first series of 'Mad Men', which I thought was very good but I didn't watch the rest of it. And then there's the latest piece of box-set wankery, 'Justified'...
I read a blog about it and the comments were all "oh why is it on a shitty channel, this should be watched by like, everyone" and the teeth-grinding "oh, I forced persuaded my poor sap girlfriend/boyfriend/partner to watch the entire series in one evening, she/he likes it now". Ugh! Makes me vomit...
/rant over