It's Chico's time. Jazz drummer and bandleader Chico Hamilton dies aged 92. His brother was Capt Dobie in Starsky & Hutch. And here's Chico and the chaps in the great Sweet Smell of Success.
Just like Nelson Mandela.
many people subscribe to the view,and increasingly I am one of them, that Nelson Mandela may allready be dead,and his death is being covered up till after the South African elections, so Zumas chances won't be damaged. Jaruzelski on the other hand is of no importance to anyone so when he dies we will be told of it I'm sure. That could come any day now. watch this space...
Fortunately I've been out of circulation since this message was posted so have not wasted eight days watching this space.
Facing the Other Way: The Story of 4AD - interesting, even if, like me, you consider most of their 80s output dreadful 'foundation and flangers' stuff.
Bob Stanley's Yeah Yeah Yeah - well, The Sweet were better than Led Zeppelin, obviously.
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