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Dr Hackenslash

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Everything posted by Dr Hackenslash

  1. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Dennis, can't remember his surname. When I was working for a local paper near there, we almost published an obituary for him because lots of people phoned in the say he was dead. There was no answer on the phone, but when I went round there to check, he was asleep in bed. A knock on the window woke him up and he gave me a free pint!
  2. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Hog and Donkey map The above link will take you to a map of the Hog and Donkey.
  3. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    No, this pic was taken behind the hedge. It's down lane that can't be seen easily. He has a lot of cars. The pub is near to the former RAF/USAF Manston airfield, where the USA kept nuclear bombers during the 1950s. The owner used to buy cheap cars, flog them to the US officers, take them back when they went home and sell them to the next lot. Suffice to say, he has still got a load of 50 year old cars in the garden, the radiator grills are behind the bar. Apparently, so he says, he hasn't turned a profit since c1968 but he was a millionaire when he moved down from London to take the pub on.
  4. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I've found some pictures of the said pub:
  5. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Stop it, you're making me feel sick. More of a smoothie person then? I prefer men to gorillas. Get Pete Burns to wear his coat and then everybody's happy!
  6. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    Yes, it's the Hog and Donkey in Marshside. How did you know?
  7. Dr Hackenslash

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I have noticed that Betty's hotpot dosen't seem to be served in the Rovers anymore, it seems to have been phased out by sandwiches, maybe thats so when she actually does retire, no one will miss her, as there wont be anyone to make the hotpot, or will it be a case of a stranger wandering into the rovers and asking for a Betty's and getting a Fred's instead and then commenting on how things ain't what they used to be, will her hotpots live on after her, or will she just be forgotten? You'd be amazed. There's a pub near where I am at the moment (let's just say east Kent) that has had the same landlord since 1948. He's in his late 80s now. His bed is around the corner of the bar, he doesn't believe in pumps so the beer comes from a tap in the barrell, the till is his pocket and the prices always change. If you drink there late he leaves the keys and asks you to lock up and pop them through the door when you leave. It's kitted out in genuine 1960s furniture, with 1970s glasses. Oh, nobody ever goes there because the only sign that there is a pub is a handpainted bit of cardboard saying "ReAl aLE --- thIS wAy" It's known as the pub you take somebody else's wife to...
  8. Dr Hackenslash

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Vile. But not as vile as Pam St Clement (Pat from EastEnders) in the nude. There are a selection of shots at her at the bottom of the page. Pat Butcher stark naked WARNING - FULL FRONTAL NUDITY
  9. Dr Hackenslash

    Death List Had Made It.

    It's all the more impressive as DL members have abused Wikipedia, mainly by killing off Clive Dunn, etc. It was the Sun what done it!
  10. How, oh how, would you prepare a hedgehog? Wouldn't it hurt a bit. And when they get run over, all their guts are hanging out. They look like the centre-page spread of Grannies Leg Spreads Weekly.
  11. Dr Hackenslash

    Cadaver Shortage

    Well, I'll happily donate part of my body. But I can't decide which part. Although I would consider leaving my corpse to medical research. The thought of medical students poking around at me when I'm dead is slightly arousing,
  12. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Not By Choice

    I believe you answered it she's dead........... Obviously she's dead, but how? Was there ever a ruling relating to suspected foul play, etc?
  13. Dr Hackenslash

    Max (In A Grave) Bygraves

    Will Himler, if he's warned that we'll happy-slap him if he doesn't sign-up but ignores us and it goes too far be a suicide?
  14. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Of My Country

    As Winston Churchill said at the end of World War One: "Kill the Bolshie, kiss the Hun."
  15. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Of My Country

    The commies only got all of Eastern Europe because old Harry Truman bent over and let Comrade Stalin have his way. Worst President ever was Harry T, he could have liberated those areas under Stalin's control, he had the bomb uncle Joe didn't, but no, old Harry preferred to get shafted. True. Harry Truman could best be described as a gimp. Although how many bombs did the USA actually have at the end of the war? I've heard it was only two or three - ie they couldn't have continued the a-bombing of Japan for much longer. Then again, a-bombs are pretty crap compared to H-bombs - hiroshima was only about 30kt, was it not? Biggest H-bomb tested by Soviets in 1960s was 50MT, and it said they had an untested 100MT too. Then again, look at the UK's current Trident system - the satellites that would guide the missiles are controled by the USA - ie they could switch them off...
  16. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Of My Country

    Then again, we've still got a few more years to go before we have finally paid of the American World War Two loans. And they get to keep the use of our bases (Diego Garcia, etc.) Should have surrendered at Dunkerque. At the end of the day, we joined in to preserve the independence of Poland and they were taken over by the Soviets, so what was the point.
  17. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Of My Country

    Is that 20million USD or 20million CD? Either way, you can't do much with that little. Our lot would waste in on the NHS in seconds. Oh, for private health care and patient passports. Oh, for the return of a proper Tory Party with a real leader.
  18. Dr Hackenslash

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Am I the only person to read it as an obscene username? Mind you, I always get my words mixed up. I've avoided W.H Smith's after asking about a "stunt kite" ten years ago. Like the skateboarder who can perform cunning stunts. Or the person who can use numerous languages for clever plans - a cunning linguist.
  19. Dr Hackenslash

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Or a Chelsea smile. Oh for the days when Chelsea were nothing but a bunch of thugs.
  20. Dr Hackenslash

    Clive Dunn

    One hopes not, but gain strength from Sir John Mills. Eyesight really started failing early-mid 80's. Died aged 97. In that case, old Dunny has bout 15 years yet. Very true about Sir John. But 15 years for Dunny? Perhaps the cheap wine is preserving him.
  21. Dr Hackenslash

    Name Shame?

    I never thought I would use this sentence. Can somebody put an apostrophe in Mother Theresa's Dildo please. Thanks.
  22. Dr Hackenslash

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Sorry, but that is one of the best names I've seen on a board. Sick, but classic - the perfect combination. Because she must have had one, surely... Then again, given the height of her, it probably touched her lungs at the same time.
  23. Dr Hackenslash

    Death Not By Choice

    Sorry to revert to a wrestling-based question...but... What happened with Miss Elizabeth, former wife/manager of Randy Savage? I know she died a fews years ago while with WCW and heard that Lex Luger was implicated? Something to do with a car boot. Any ideas?
  24. Dr Hackenslash

    Charles Kennedy

    Does this not just sum it up?
  25. Dr Hackenslash

    Gerald Ford

    I do the same when Lib Dem MPs S**t on me... But back to Gerald Ford... if your sums are right I think he'll make it. And, although he's got a decade or so to catch up, I think Jimmy Carter will break the record too. The next former president to die will be, IMHO, George HW Bush (snr). And what's Dan Quayle up to now, GHWB's VP? He's only in his 50s, surely. He was great - almost a Yankee Duke of Edinburgh.

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