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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Leonard Nimoy

    That headline must have took hours to write.
  2. Seen as we're doing this metaphorical cock-waving of the celeb I might is better than yours I'll through my proverbial one inch warrior into the debate: I once walked past Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen in an art gallery. Discounting seeing players walking around the venue or in the stands (which is normal at snooker events and would be beyond tenuous to include - especially as I normally go to cheap early rounds), I also had a piss next to a z list snooker player I didn't recognise at the UK Championships. I realise neither of these are actual meetings, but they are encounters.
  3. Deathray

    Inverse Dead Pool 2K12

    Yay, I scored in a deadpool this year! Finally
  4. Deathray

    Deathlist Drought

    Really thought he'd live long and prosper. Guess I was wrong
  5. Sir Creep get a grip. Had no fucking clue who she was either.
  6. Deathray

    Jimmy Savile

    If we're talking about the same thread, I think I closed it because posters were speculating who might be arrested next for child abuse, whereas this one doesn't. Suppose it hasn't directly (at least for the last few pages - cba to check further back). It has however involved people suggesting several dead politicians with absolutely no recourse for self defence were in some way implicated in child abuse which is arguably more beyond the pale than hinting at living celebs whom rumours have circulated about for decades?
  7. Deathray

    Jimmy Savile

    May I ask the mods a question? Giving the thread about alleged members of the jimmy savile posthumous fan club in DL extracurricular was closed how come this thread has been left untouched? Did a person mentioned in that thread but not this one threaten a lawsuit or summat?
  8. Deathray

    Toms Official Death List 2015

    The bloke in the middle looks familiar. regards, Hein I think I know who it is... (Apologies if this isn't recognised on the continent) Unfunny tosser that heshewhatever is should be banned? You know Ireland completely shat on the show when they saw it and then our turds lap it up.
  9. Deathray

    Ask A Deathlister

    Yeah but... They're young, raging with hormones, capable of monumental sexual athleticism and provided with computer games and other levels of entertainment (including freely available weed at - relatively - affordable prices). Who wants a job? a) those games consoles are often utilised to obssessive it's hard to be happy with any percieved sexual athletism you may have when the main beneficiary is a kleenex tissue c) you still need a job to pay for that weed and like anything the consumer percieves enjoyment from (alcohol, sport, spending hours online, eating) it'll have serious long term health effects. d) The society we live in these days doesn't enforce socialisation the way the pre internet era which makes easier to withdraw into borderline hermitship. Which is fine if you can accept thats how you like it but dangerous if you can't. Then there's the people aren't prepared for the real world schtick which holds some weight.
  10. Deathray

    Ask A Deathlister

    It's the economy, stupid. 16-25 year olds are experiencing lower standards of living than pensioners for the first time in generations, on the extreme margins you'll get more jumpers.
  11. Deathray

    Dead Pool Ethics

    Did you ask him whether he had any objection? Also could you name him so those of us not related can pick him free of moral issues? Yeah, good points above. There are those - like Keith Richards - who appear happy to be picked hereabouts. EH? I must have missed him say that? On topic - does anyone have certain people to whom they have absolutely no familial connection, no work or friendship etc connection and is not a famous for being ill type who they won't pick out of admiration and or it just feels wrong?
  12. Deathray

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Was allegedly deep in children's shit to be more precise. Although this has already been posted in the cliff richard thread and the saville thread... EDIT: Added allegedly.
  13. Deathray

    Sir Cliff Richard

    Cliff Richard inquiry expanded. Be interested to see where this goes given the long standing rumours about him...
  14. Deathray

    Stephen Hawking

    By that logic he should have died back when they made Hawking.
  15. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

    However seriously you take it, the prize has a £10 limit, right? If you want to get more money - find a sponsor! Dignity is worth more than money and you'd have to be one hell of a Cunt not to give the prize to charity.
  16. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

    When I take this contest seriously next year you'll all look like amateurs
  17. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    But it would clash with the cricket season. God job crickets an English sport then..
  18. Deathray

    Room 101

    Inconsistencies in soaps treatment of children's mental capabilities. We're supposed to buy that a ten or eleven year old wouldn't recognise a dead body and be capable of deducing that the music box he just whacked off her head while she was fully mobile was responsible for that dead body yet believe that a seven year old is capable of conspiring to and being an active participant in murdering her own grandmother purely so her dad can inherit some money?
  19. Deathray

    Stranger Than Death

    How the fuck is Bostons archbishop in any position to know gods gender? God being female would explain why theres so many fucking rules in the bible!
  20. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

    The OP seems to indicate two champions in 2011, was there a time or something?
  21. Deathray

    Deathlist Drought

    They've got the number #1 spot at the minute.
  22. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    First mass google of the year done. Maths done by spreadsheet rather than me so should hopefully be more trustworthy than last years back of a crisp packet attempts: 6/234 have ceased to be so far. Little Jimmy Dickens demise on Jan 2 was worth a measly 1 points to Death Impends Ethel Langs demise on Jan 15 brought 14 points to Toast, mpfc, deadsox and the engineer Jerry Tarkanians demise on Feb 12 brought 41 points to Death Impends Louis Jordain's demise on Feb 14 brought 43 points to Eesti Pamella Cundells demise on Feb 14 brough 43 points to Shaun of the Dead Heinrich Windelins demise on Feb 15 brought 44 points to gcreptile Leaderboard gcreptile 44 points Shaun of the Dead 43 points Eesti 43 points Death Impends 42 points Toast 14 points mpfc 14 points deadsox 14 points the engineer 14 points Everyone else 0 points
  23. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    They'll be playing three days a week when the sun comes out just to complete the season in time. They'll never be playing one day a week let alone three. This is Scotland were on about.
  24. Deathray

    Room 101

    Thanks for that mental image of down the back of your bed mate... In all seriousness I haven't laughed that hard for ages. Or stubbing your little toe, and then doing it again an hour later on the exact same toe. treading on a lego brick in the middle of the night while barefoot is no joke either. Nout compared to stepping on a K'Nex rod. That only hurts if you step on it with your heel. Personally I'd rather step on a K'Nex rod than a Lego brick. The little grooves down the side can hurt just about anywhere and if there's a connector attached you've really had it. At least with a lego brick you know what you're getting, the K'Nex connectors turn it into a bit of a lucky dip. A while since I've had either though...
  25. Deathray

    Room 101

    Or stubbing your little toe, and then doing it again an hour later on the exact same toe. treading on a lego brick in the middle of the night while barefoot is no joke either. Nout compared to stepping on a K'Nex rod.

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