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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    where is the line between massacre and terrorist attack?
  2. Deathray

    Deathrace 2015

    So I entered my group back in August and ttbomk they are all still kicking. Infer what you will when the lists are made public...
  3. Deathray

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    minecraft is worth the money on that front
  4. Deathray

    So, How's Your 2015 Shortlist Looking?

    I'm just gonna roll over my DDP teams this year and switch anyone who's died to a newbie so I'll only need a couple of names. In terms of serving heads of state, those who've left office will be switched out as well.
  5. Deathray

    Who Should Be On The 2015 Deathlist?

    Mary Wilson (Harold's wife) Clarissa Eden (Anthony's wie)
  6. Deathray

    Room 101

    It's a total shitstain on this foresaken cunthole isn't it.
  7. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    This game is still alive, and will run on into next year. *Entries officially open, PM me them or post them here* The current scores for this year will be released before the end of the month (probably next week). If you are entering this competition you agree to the fact it is ran by an incompetent imbecile and it may take several months for points to be accredited but that it will always be accredited by the end of the game year. You also agree to abide by the post 1 rules with all instances of 2013 replaced wiith 2014 and all instances of 2014 replaced with 2015. So basically everything contained in this thread chain with the years amended where appropriate: Just to clarify please: Does this mean that Wikipedia IS allowed as a source? Are you able to elaborate (for the purposes of clarification) what is meant by "Celebrities are disqualified if they are a celebrity because of their impending death" I assume that this is there to rule out "my last six months on this planet" bloggers and baby X who is dying of cancer, but what about folk who have been in a coma for years (such as the Jewish Tv Ariel repairman) Thanks No Wikipedia doesn't count. It can be edited by anyone and has been used in the past to fake deaths so erm best not to include it. However there's a very high likelihood the verifying article used by wikipedia would count. Your Snooker Weeklys and This Month in Croquet type of magazines/sites count here, and almost anyone of reasonably notability will get an obit somewhere. Obviously your great granny doesn't qualify because she got put in the under the local newspaper's recently deceased lists that would be bonkers, it has to be in the main body of the site or paper. If your great granny happens to be the old person in Madeupshire and get's a arcticle (even just a few paragraphs in the main section) in the Madeupshire Times she'll qualify. The second part of your query is a bit more difficult and I should have really thought it through more. I think it's best to stick to famous because of their impending death equalling disqualification, long term resistance in the face of probable death raises people's profile enough that they'd be consider "on the fringes of fame". However you need to balance their resistance to illness with whether it's obit-worthy. Also to clear up another issue right to die campaigners will be accepted because they not famous because of their impending death but the campaigning they've done. Hope this clears things up, if anyone wants to update their teams in light of this clarification or just want to update for the hell of it you can do so until entries closing at 1600 on the 31st. Good luck.
  8. Deathray

    Jimmy Savile

    There's probably quite a few national treasures who like Saville the truth will only be known after there deaths.
  9. Deathray


    Does this mean we can't listen to AC/DC anymore or does that moral backlash thing only apply to nonces?
  10. Deathray

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Predictor, presuming you have a workplace or a mate you could have just got a USB dick and copied the program file onto your own computer of anothet browser. Simples.
  11. Deathray

    So, How's Your 2015 Shortlist Looking?

    1 definite. A handful of possibles and fourteen blank spaces. Probably gonna be diwn on Christmas day this year.
  12. Deathray

    I Miss Badegg

    OoO needs to release his rejects I need an epic list of ideas like that.
  13. Deathray

    Queen Elizabeth II

    To be honest I'm starting to think her majesty is immortal. At 86 she's still passable for a 70 year old.
  14. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    very real potential that both leaders will be challenged directly after the election or even before. Green-Lab-SNP-Lib-UKIP coalitionis my bet on the government after the election.
  15. Deathray


    so the mail might in the right circumstances, no?
  16. Deathray

    Ask A Deathlister

    You probably don't care anymore but it's the bacon bonfire. Piece of White bread, two slices of bacon, a smothering of mustard and another piece of white bread. A fried egg then two jalapeno chiles and some tomatoes, followed by two slices of bacon, some bbq sauce and the final slice of bread ir a cheese, ham and pickle sandwich will do.
  17. Deathray

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Look at narcissistic MPs Wikipedia edits http://www.buzzfeed.com/jimwaterson/embarrassing-edits-made-to-politicians-wikipedia-pages-by#qhlqmw
  18. Deathray

    Deathlist Under 45

    She ain't going to obit though.
  19. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    We could just run them simultaneously in this thread.
  20. Deathray

    Mikhail Gorbachev

    I'm guessing Putin would probably consider him a traitor for dissolving the empire all those years ago, and therefore he won't get one. Would you honor your dad if his greatest legacy was giving away the family allotment and you had to traipse over there with a rusty sabre you found in the loft and threaten Jill and Bill to give it back or else? Interesting reading of the situation, I'd have rather though Putin would be indebted to Gorbachev for opening up Russia to sham democracy crony capitalism and would ensure he at least had a full state funeral. To be fair, a lot of the people you'd expect to be at Gorbachev's funeral are dead - Thatcher, Reagan etc.
  21. Deathray

    Old Folkies Home

    Surely, Other Lives isn't point-scoring?
  22. Deathray

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    World Wars require a human enemy, otherwise the AIDS epidemic could have probably been considered WW3. Unless your suggesting Ebola has been let loose by a human deliberately?
  23. Deathray

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    It's certainly scary that some of these doctors/health workers are catching it from the patients despite the fact that they presumably would have had tons of layers of protective clothing. Or at least they would have been working with the knowledge that it wasn't a good idea to go licking a puddle of the patient's vomit. However 8,000 is still a lot smaller than it could be when you consider how bad healthcare/general awareness is in the major epicentral African countries. I'm not quite ready to panic yet. 8000 in a matter of a months, and that's just confirmed cases. It's a realistic possibility that the number in rural areas of West Africa is double. triple maybe even quadruple that and they haven't been accounted for? So yes I'm ready to panic, especially as there's no cure. It only takes one health worker/family member of a health worker/tourist to contract it over here and we're doomed to eternity.
  24. Deathray

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    As if to back up my point, a US health worker who was treating the guy who died in the US has caught the disease? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-29587803 Are we really staring down the barrel of the end of civilisation, is this the biggest threat to humanity since the Cold War?
  25. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    It'd do no favours for your bike or bollocks either (apologies ladies, the last one only relates to some of your fellow posters). Isn't there only one (or possibly two, I can never work out Toast's genre) women on this forum anyway? It'd probably not be good for the vaginal/backsidal area though, I'd presume? Well, it's not Pornogrind. I, of course, meant Gender.

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