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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. See this is exactly the kind of post you should stick to, you old mong. I will take that advice deep into consideration, fine young sage... Let me just write it in my invisible notebook here. Surely you recognise the vast majority of your posts are what can only be politely described as the bullshit ramblings of a moronicos cunt. No....... I'd say the "worst" of my thoughts are 10,000 times better than most of yours..... I actually thought you were improving and becoming a decent sort but now you've just made a serious relapse. I don't know what you hope to gain from this attack other than the approval of a certain poster who's closely associated with tedium, and is twice my age. Which would be rather stupidly ironic considering you called me "old"..... The difference I only express one in ten thousand of my thoughts on here, you instead appear to express every minuscule irrelevance on here and to set out to deliberately offend/upset people, furthermore failing miserably like the petulant sod you are. I don't even know who you're on about with regards to that certain poster. I have no desire to be liked by or to seek the approval of anyone to be honest. It was merely a pointing out of most of what you post is utter codswallop, not that makes you a bad person. I'm sure you are a jolly good fellow, maybe one day we'll get to affirm that assumption over a pint at a DL Meet, but you come across as a bit of a prick on here. Also, rockhopperpenguin - come back when you've found someone who we don't know already his dead. That blokes got his own thread for pity's sake. So you complain that I "set out to offend people" (which mostly I don't, and if I ever do you'd expect people on a forum called Deathlist to have a bit thicker skin about it. Also, I think a lot of people just wrongly think I was trying to offend them when I wasn't. That seems to happen a lot). And then 2 seconds later you say yourself "I have no desire to make people like me"? Wow. So I'm supposed to make an effort to be "nice" or whatever but you're not? Well anyway, looks like you don't have any idea what you hope to gain from it either........ You're talking shite. And the only reason I've mocked you in previous posts (most of them some time ago) was because you were talking shite and asking incredibly dumb questions. You're obviously just still angry about that because you're too thick to realise I had a legit reason to say you were talking shite. When you first signed up everyone just thought you were a troll who'd got bored of posting as a guest and decided to sign up. Then you got a bit better, most accepted you as a poster, including me. But now you're attacking me for absolutely fuck-all reason. You're just wrong. So shut up. I take all attacks against me in mostly in my stride, why can't you accept it if I said I didn't like your post, but you expect me to change the way I post cos you said so? What's with all the pointless "bad blood" on DL lately eh? Particularly towards me..... I blame the fact that it's such a slow year, mostly. It's perfectly possible not to care what people think about me and manage not to set out to offend them. I really don't understand what you mean by "asking incredibly dumb questions", you mean the kind of questions somebody young and new to the forum who doesn't know much about most of the third-rate celebrities we trade in and around might have been inclined to ask? I'm not angry at you for making snide remarks about me in the past, I'm angry at you for generally posting incomprehensible babble on a regular basis; it really does bring this forum down to the Zordian level. I'll also pass on some wise words a sage once said to me on "if one person hates you there a cunt, if two people hate you there both cunts, if everybody around yous got a beef with you you're the cunt and you need to sort your shit out quick." Just act like a normal human being on deathlist and it'll be all good in da hood that is our normally harmonious little haven for like minded people.
  2. See this is exactly the kind of post you should stick to, you old mong. I will take that advice deep into consideration, fine young sage... Let me just write it in my invisible notebook here. Surely you recognise the vast majority of your posts are what can only be politely described as the bullshit ramblings of a moronicos cunt. No....... I'd say the "worst" of my thoughts are 10,000 times better than most of yours..... I actually thought you were improving and becoming a decent sort but now you've just made a serious relapse. I don't know what you hope to gain from this attack other than the approval of a certain poster who's closely associated with tedium, and is twice my age. Which would be rather stupidly ironic considering you called me "old"..... The difference I only express one in ten thousand of my thoughts on here, you instead appear to express every minuscule irrelevance on here and to set out to deliberately offend/upset people, furthermore failing miserably like the petulant sod you are. I don't even know who you're on about with regards to that certain poster. I have no desire to be liked by or to seek the approval of anyone to be honest. It was merely a pointing out of most of what you post is utter codswallop, not that makes you a bad person. I'm sure you are a jolly good fellow, maybe one day we'll get to affirm that assumption over a pint at a DL Meet, but you come across as a bit of a prick on here. Also, rockhopperpenguin - come back when you've found someone who we don't know already his dead. That blokes got his own thread for pity's sake.
  3. See this is exactly the kind of post you should stick to, you old mong. I will take that advice deep into consideration, fine young sage... Let me just write it in my invisible notebook here. Surely you recognise the vast majority of your posts are what can only be politely described as the bullshit ramblings of a moronicos cunt.
  4. See this is exactly the kind of post you should stick to, you old mong.
  5. Deathray

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Have a look inside or contribute to the human brain cloud http://www.humanbraincloud.com/
  6. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Never mind.
  7. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    What were you saying? Also, I can't see any deaths but if you've got a goner let us know.
  8. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Surely given the recent heat we should be due a water break any minute now.
  9. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Is the other update of a different sort we've been waiting for the last week? Hurry up, me lad. Are we finally sponsoring Fort William Football Club? Are you giving up the ghost-logging? Are we being shut-down? Is it a donation-drive? Have the old bill shut us down? Sorry for the mindless speculation, I crawl back in my cave. Re: getting shut down.... probably not! However if the trend of people stuffing their teams with young cancer (and other similarly horrible illnesses) victims (who weren't even remotely famous before they got told it was terminal) continues and grows, and next year half the top forty picks consists of that said-type of person, maybe that day won't be as far off as you might think? I mean seriously. Especially female, UK-based ones - they're the ones that are really asking for trouble from certain..... outrage-based outlets which most DLers and DDPers generally tend to despise. Do I really have to spell it out any more? Just a thought, guys (and girls...), maybe use your brains a bit next time? I suppose one way of dealing with that particular issue would be the DDP admin of the time (I'm convinced the announcement is TMIB's retirement, he's hinted at it in the recent past) emailing each of the proposed picks/their press manager (probably not Max Clifford these days) and asking for their permission to be included. The outrage factor would disappear fast if we were deadpooling by consent. You didn't have your Weetabix this morning did you..... I don't see the problem, obviously you'd have to close entries a bit earlier than we do currently but we'd have a clear conscience and be able to plough ahead.
  10. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Is the other update of a different sort we've been waiting for the last week? Hurry up, me lad. Are we finally sponsoring Fort William Football Club? Are you giving up the ghost-logging? Are we being shut-down? Is it a donation-drive? Have the old bill shut us down? Sorry for the mindless speculation, I crawl back in my cave. Re: getting shut down.... probably not! However if the trend of people stuffing their teams with young cancer (and other similarly horrible illnesses) victims (who weren't even remotely famous before they got told it was terminal) continues and grows, and next year half the top forty picks consists of that said-type of person, maybe that day won't be as far off as you might think? I mean seriously. Especially female, UK-based ones - they're the ones that are really asking for trouble from certain..... outrage-based outlets which most DLers and DDPers generally tend to despise. Do I really have to spell it out any more? Just a thought, guys (and girls...), maybe use your brains a bit next time? I suppose one way of dealing with that particular issue would be the DDP admin of the time (I'm convinced the announcement is TMIB's retirement, he's hinted at it in the recent past) emailing each of the proposed picks/their press manager (probably not Max Clifford these days) and asking for their permission to be included. The outrage factor would disappear fast if we were deadpooling by consent.
  11. Think this is definitely a file under what the fuck story: www.buzzfeed.com/alisonvingiano/not-a-classic-rapist
  12. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Is the other update of a different sort we've been waiting for the last week? Hurry up, me lad. Are we finally sponsoring Fort William Football Club? Are you giving up the ghost-logging? Are we being shut-down? Is it a donation-drive? Have the old bill shut us down? Sorry for the mindless speculation, I crawl back in my cave.
  13. Deathray

    Jimmy Savile

    To be honest this whole cultural of destruction of art because it was produce by insincere individuals is annoying. What these guys have produced is outstanding and should be regarded as such, having said that as a former massive fan of Lostprophets who listened to their album Liberation Transmission at least one a fortnight, I've been unable to listen to it (and eventually chucked it away) because of Ian Watkins actions. So maybe it is truly impossible to seperate act from artists. The difference probably lies somewhere around the fact Bill Wyman had sex seemingly consensually on both ends with Mandy Smith - the fact she lives to think she wasn't ready is a life learning lesson rather than Bill's fault - whereas Ian Watkins and Rolf Harris were depraved predators of extremely young victims.
  14. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing. Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now. Who the fuck is Big Ron?
  15. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    Well, unless he has given up his Australian citizenship,I doubt very much whether the Aussies would be able to turn away their bastard son. It COULD be a case of us revoking his citizenship and deporting the c**t, however,Im pretty sure that there will a shit load of human rights laws which would prevent us from sending him back. He's still an Aussie I think so we could deport him once he's served his sentence (probably to avoid the aussies letting him off), wonder if it'd be worth the effort though.
  16. Deathray

    DL's Video Vault

    I don't think I've laughed so much for a long time.
  17. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    He'll get 10 years and 3 months if they make his sentences non-concurrent.
  18. Deathray

    Christopher Lee

    If he makes 8 more appearances he deserves a Clive Dunn Memorial Award.
  19. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    Good shout, should've got double really. There's a chance he might even get out now.
  20. Deathray


    *Rubs you off on the whiteboard* *Bookmarks this thread for 2035 in phone calendar* 'Whiteboard' alone marks you as a young shaver................ Edit to add............. he thinks he will still have the same phone in 21 years time It'll be retro gold by then, probably still work as well. If it still works on 1st Jan 2037 I'll be having stern words with Samsung about there calendar feature.
  21. Deathray


    *Rubs you off on the whiteboard* *Bookmarks this thread for 2035 in phone calendar*
  22. Deathray


    The only thing this thread confirms for definite is me and predictor might be able to put a couple of you on our deadpools and see success. Anybody famous on the boards, I'm particular interested in the guy who ticked 70+ on that age survey? We know harrymcnally writes program descriptions for BBC4; that's probably a outside chance. How old is he? I vaguely remember RA saying he might be obit worthy depending on how he dies and if he's in he's current job. How old is he?
  23. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    This has been brought up far too many times in this thread.
  24. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    You must have a short memory, Liam Fox and Adam Wetherity was blatantly and extramarital type situation. This was not what the media storm was about. It was about inappropriate access and blurring of politics and business. If there was anything more than a platonic relationship between the two (I don't believe there was) then if the media had chosen to focus on this he might have been able to hang on because he could have tried to claim a homphobic witch hunt. David Laws' resignation in 2010 obviously had an element of sexual content but it was because he lied to prevent prying into his private life. If he had not made the false claims about his abode then I do not think a newspaper would run a headline in the current climate saying "Minister lives with another man shock!" I'm aware that the media storm was about the inappropriate use of taxpayers money accommodating a lobbyist. However my cynical side thinks that there's cheaper ways of appeasing a lobbyist than taking a close friend all over the place on business trips. Also he was married, it doesn't matter whether the other in question is male or female extra-marital affairs are still morally objectionable to the vast majority of society. Accomadating your extramarital affair with anybody through taxpayers money and providing MoD access would sell newspapers anyway if it could be proven. It couldn't be proven or didn't happen, so it wasn't ran that doesn't mean to say there was no extramarital element. This did flare up around the period of super injunctions, phone hacking and general panic of offending or libelling anyone in the news industry.
  25. Deathray


    Best not mention my first World Cup was 2002 then! This one has been a cracker so far. Probably best not to mention the first I watched any of or as aware of on a conscious level was 2006 and the first I paid a lot of attention to was 2010.

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