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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    http://washington.cb...-ad-draws-fire/ The moron behind this PETA advert.
  2. Deathray

    World's Oldest

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4bTYcXZBuE She don't sound as good as she looks.
  3. Deathray

    Deathrace 2014

    He was given the all clear for his testicular cancer yonks ago and his chrohns is not going to kill him any time soon. Weird/stupid choice. Would you care to reconsider these comments? How was I supposed to know he was the most unlucky person to live? Also you didn't need him in the end anyway!!
  4. Deathray

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    http://www.bansmut.com/was-duchess-of-cambridge-kate-middleton-a-member-of-killing-kittens-sex-club-killingkittens-duchessofcambridge-katemiddleton/ Looks like Kate Middleton has a dodgy past.
  5. Deathray

    Rolf Harris

    Didn't he nick two little boys of some aboriginal people in Australia anyway, maybe he was up to it out there and some Australian compo claims will fly his way?
  6. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    The European Union.
  7. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Scarily they got over a million votes in the EU election. 1 in 60 people in Britain think there worth a vote... Maybe there are some people who will give the Lib Demsthe credit for being the only mainstream party to see that Europe has potential and it would be better if we took the decision to be one of the architects of the new Europe and creating Europe's place at the World's top table rather than be willing to be reduced to the 51st state. He also understood that by going into coalition which was the right decision for the country at the time he put the country before the party. In my mind he sold his support cheap and should not have signed up for the full five years. I do not think a change of leader would reverse the party's fortunes at this time. Before all this gets out of hand turnout at the Euro elections was just about half that at the last General Election. This is a key point. The right decision for the country was confidence and supply from lib dems to a minority Tory government on economic issues only, including clear red lines (like the acceleration of academies and handing over our disability assessment scheme to ATOS) and refusing to accept huge swathes of tory policy. Given that there has been numerous powers transferred to Brussels in the past four years and is a serious reform of powers coming up why hasn't Clegg held a referendum? Yes turnout is worth knowing 29% of an electorate that actually care about Europe, which is disproprtionately weighted towards the fuck the Europe crowd, voted for UKIP, if I was Farage that wouldn't fill me with confidence about the two thirds of the electorate who didn't vote suddenly flocking to the UKIP brand. The fact a party that previously pledged to privatise the NHS and boasts of keeping the flame of Thatcherism alive and is now talking about "protecting the NHS" and "tackling the cost of living" shows what a pointless outlet they would be in Westminster.
  8. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    They've got one that they literally stole of the Greens by 7k votes in London. Literally? Yes, I still maintain someone was syphoning Green ballots of to the rejected box on an industrial scale in Tower Hamets, only explanation for the delay, (which by the way means Bromley South and thus the overall council result - 18 all for Tower Hamlets first and Labour still hasn't been resolved.)
  9. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Scarily they got over a million votes in the EU election. 1 in 60 people in Britain think there worth a vote...
  10. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Would probably describe her as "the photographer best known for her work with Bette Page", but that's not really GuestGuest's style. Oh come off it you sanctimonious twat, let's call a spade a spade, In other news, Herb Jeffries, the only-now racist cowboy in America has died. Just waiting on a UK obit for my second centenarian hit of 2014 http://www.latimes.c...ory.html#page=1
  11. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    They've got one that they literally stole of the Greens by 7k votes in the South East. Edited to correct London to the South East, they're one and the same thing now though let's be honest. Just with getting progressively more racist and inbred the further you go from Westminster. Until you Watford or the rolling fields of wherever the fucks in the other direction.
  12. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    More interesting is that the pro-referendum parties took most of the votes when combined (Greens, UKIP, Conservative, English Democrats and those minority eurosceptic parties).
  13. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Points bonanza time, some little-known failed commie called Wojciech Jaruzelski passes away which provides 144 points to; The Unknown Man, Maryportfuncity, Rotten Ali and USFuneralDirector. Death Impends 708 points Captain Chorizo 410 points Rotten Ali 393 points the_engineer 297 points The Unknown Man 275 points US Funeral Director 154 points maryportfuncity 151 points Toast 130 points Estuarian Float 87 points Book 0 points Whoam 0 points msc 0 points
  14. Deathray

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Yeah, damn you'd think they'd somehow overtaken the Lib Dems as the third-most popular party in Britain or something..... As for the Greens they might be more palatable to TV viewers if they'd just.......... no wait, why am I gonna say that? Anyway, I heard a funny "Freudian" slip (for lack of a better term) from Caroline Lucas the other night on Newsnight, who was speaking from a remote studio, when she was talking about the subject of fracking in the UK , usually Snoozenight puts me to sleep in an instant but for once this was faintly interesting. I just caught something she said which made me laugh out loud - they were talking about whether fracking in the UK would ease energy prices, and the very last line she said before they handed back to Grant Shapps (or some other generic Tory twat I've got him mixed up with), it was "No, even the most ardent supporters of fracking admit it wouldn't actually make a difference to energy prices. It's obvious that if you want higher energy prices you have go down the renewables route." I'm fairly sure she meant to say lower......... I wonder if she realised what she said....... but we couldn't see her face they were just showing Shapps and Paxo. Funnily enough I was also watching that (flicked over from Vote 2014 iirc), the other guy wasn't a generic tory twat but a businessman with a vested interest in promoting the desolation of the British countryside and long-term higher energy prices. His name's Andrew Austin, Chief Executive of IGas. And yes I did have to go back to Newsnight on iplayer and check his name.
  15. Deathray

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    So did anyone watch Vote 2014 (BBC) or Decision Time (Sky) on Thursday night, the level of UKIP pandering was truly laughable. But the lack of coverage of the Greens in the media in the run up to these elections is much more worrying. If you purely watched the news you'd think it was UKIP who actually controlled a council rather than the Greens out of the two.
  16. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    First wildcard checks out as Wubbo Ockel launches into the unknown space one last time giving Death Impends some clear daylight from the rest of the field... [Knew some little punk would get a hit a couple of hours after I updated the OP in the hope of not having to worry about this game for a while] Death Impends 708 points Captain Chorizo 410 points the_engineer 297 points Rotten Ali 249 points The Unknown Man 131 points Toast 130 points Estuarian Float 87 points US Funeral Director 10 points maryportfuncity 7 points Book 0 points Whoam 0 points msc 0 points
  17. Deathray

    World's Oldest

    Given that the oldest man in Britain has chosen to remain anonymous (he's 109) will his death actually be reported?
  18. Deathray

    General Jaruzelski

    1 June
  19. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Louise Wilson, fashion designer aged 52. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27455906
  20. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Has anyone ever got twenty uniques (as in 20 unique choices, not hits) on the DDP?
  21. Deathray

    Jimmy Savile

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-27441510 Stuart Hall off suicide watch and a lot of wasted deathrace/hares death pool picks
  22. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Basically you go from No to EU - Yes to workers rights to An Independence from Europe to We Demand A Referendum to UKIP to British National Party and cover the majority of the political spectrum. Nobody has any need to vote for a mainstream party if they support independence really.
  23. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Do missing people need their bodies to be found in the same year the died to qualify for points?
  24. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Barring anything exceptional we're looking at at least 12-15 years before any of our former PMs cark it. No wonder they made such a fuss of Thatcher.
  25. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    To true. Very confusing, to those easily confused. What makes matters worse is that the top entry on the ballot reads "An Independence from Europe" with an EU flag that has been crossed through. Now I'm fairly sure that most people know about UKIP and those who wish to vote for them can do so in the alphabetically ordered list in the lowest position. But for those not fully "compost-mental" then this will wick away vital votes and depress the UKIP vote. Big question is (beyond the little know mad folk down at the English Democrats). Who put up these other mavericks? I think the Tories themselves have most to gain in acting to depress the UKIP vote. Crafty. I remember a trick from the Euro elections in 1994 when a "Literal Democrat" down in the south west got 10,000 votes and denied the Lib Dems a seat or two under the proportional representation system... Some guy did that in the 1997 Winchester election and subsequent by-election, not as if there wasn't already enough issues with that particular election.

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