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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    123 - Jimmy Lawrence (american football player) No, it's not over you just carry on as if the re-posted name hadn't happened.
  2. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    113 - Ronnie Barker
  3. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    106 - David Lloyd George 107 - Aristotle 108 - Gandhi 109 - Alain Resnais 110 - Dorothy Baldwin 111 - Bill Tarmey
  4. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    103 - Charles I
  5. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    100 - Jimmy Savile 0.01% there.
  6. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    98 - Dennis Thatcher
  7. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    78 - Pat Phoenix
  8. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    75 - Myra Hindley.
  9. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    73 - William Rees-Mogg
  10. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!! Did somebody poison your cheerios or are you generally this much of a windbag? No, you just irritate the shit out of me. Don't worry the feelings mutual after the arsehole you've been tonight.
  11. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!! Did somebody poison your cheerios or are you generally this much of a windbag?
  12. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently.. As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend." This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod. I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this. I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it. At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap. I was actually refering to the million dead thread. Obviously, I stuck the fucking post onto the wrong thread, never mind, I could have posted in on anything you "created" because, undoubtedly, it would be shit. Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader so there was nothing "obviously" about your post being in the wrong thread, and your entitled to your opinion on threads I start - using the word "create" to refer to internet threads demeans the very word, "create" is about the bringing into existence of something either a work of art, a cure for cancer or a deadly virus we shouldn't demean that.
  13. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently.. As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend." This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod. I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this. I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it. At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap.
  14. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands. 63 - James Callaghan In other words, this is an easy way to increase your postcount and gain more status around here. 69. Jackie Cooper 71 - Soulja Boy Genuinely didn't think of it like that; purely as a normal forum game, suppose at the least it could serve a semi-decent replacement for chat that nobody fucking uses.. Okay... now you're trolling your own thread........ *facepalm* I kind of thought he was dead, I didn't double check. 71 - Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin)
  15. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's been a bit quiet round here recently..
  16. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands. 63 - James Callaghan In other words, this is an easy way to increase your postcount and gain more status around here. 69. Jackie Cooper 71 - Soulja Boy Genuinely didn't think of it like that; purely as a normal forum game, suppose at the least it could serve a semi-decent replacement for chat that nobody fucking uses..
  17. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    67 Clement Attlee
  18. Deathray

    Fidel Castro

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fidel+castro+dead FYI he's not. That wasn't aimed at you. Never said it was, just thought most people could use google. You're being really annoying again. Did you forget to take your pills? How am I being annoying? Tell me
  19. Deathray

    Fidel Castro

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fidel+castro+dead FYI he's not. That wasn't aimed at you. Never said it was, just thought most people could use google.
  20. Deathray

    Name A Million Dead People

    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/. That way were not wasting DL data. I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands. 63 - James Callaghan
  21. Deathray

    Fidel Castro

    I don't get those is X dead yet sites, who wants to waste their money on that shit?
  22. Deathray

    The Deathlist Howto

    You could have just asked for the word "Prick" That would have covered all bases. And I'm assuming you'll be getting yours changed to "Massive Cunt" then? No, massive cock. No, I'm sure you wouldn't want a trade description filing!
  23. Deathray

    Fidel Castro

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=fidel+castro+dead FYI he's not.
  24. Deathray

    The Deathlist Howto

    You could have just asked for the word "Prick" That would have covered all bases. And I'm assuming you'll be getting yours changed to "Massive Cunt" then?
  25. Deathray

    Chapman Pincher

    Now, now, put the walking stick down and don't do anything crooked.

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