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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Just a reminder that this is open for entries which currently stand at 0.
  2. Deathray

    Who Should Be On The Deathlist 2014

    You mean the 2013 list set to break the record!
  3. Deathray

    Vera Lynn

    Nice idea, but can't see her crouching next to a DL mug and giving us the middle finger salute. Well, she was a good sport when she dropped by to chat to us (if that really was her) so maybe she would! That clearly wasn't her.
  4. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2014

    Ozzy Osbourne should be our new mascot as an 87 survivor. Him or Lemmy Kilminster.
  5. Deathray

    Deathrace 2014

    He was given the all clear for his testicular cancer yonks ago and his chrohns is not going to kill him any time soon. Weird/stupid choice.
  6. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Just a reminder there's only 15 days left to get your entries in by PM or posting on this thread.
  7. Deathray

    Billy Graham

    Why can't he just die?
  8. Deathray

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-25367040 Colin Wilson has died aged 82.
  9. Deathray

    Kim Jong-Un

    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea. Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea... oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned. So this gibbering sub-GCSE man-child has the political nouse and economic vision to re-imagine his famine-ravaged fiefdom as a full-blown economic power-house with gigantic growth potential and the infrastructure to re-tool and compete within the global economy, right? Well, that or he sees killing his own uncle as akin to mastering another level on Grand Theft Auto. For our sake I hope he doesn't but radical change does need to be implemented in South Korea and an idiot as leader might be the instigator for radical change. Deathray, I hope the above is a slip and not the truth about your opinions because if this nouseless mental non-event of a national leader seeks to re-start hostilities with the south...well, on the bright side, I suppose it'd be theme team gold for the DDP as we picked leading Koreans from both sides of the disputed border, eh? A bit like the flagman at last years olympic football I appear to have confused two unmistakeably different countries.
  10. Deathray

    Kim Jong-Un

    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea. Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea... oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned. So this gibbering sub-GCSE man-child has the political nouse and economic vision to re-imagine his famine-ravaged fiefdom as a full-blown economic power-house with gigantic growth potential and the infrastructure to re-tool and compete within the global economy, right? Well, that or he sees killing his own uncle as akin to mastering another level on Grand Theft Auto. For our sake I hope he doesn't but radical change does need to be implemented in South Korea and an idiot as leader might be the instigator for radical change.
  11. Deathray

    Ronnie Biggs

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-25111035 Glamourisation of crime here we go again...
  12. Deathray

    Kim Jong-Un

    Political experts believe he is getting rid of all the military first politicians (older generation) and replacing them with economic politicians to take north korea in the similar direction as china has gone. So in the not so distant future you maybe wearing shoes made in north korea. Except the reality is no self-respecting western company would buy goods made in north korea... oh sorry, they said that about china as well look what hapenned.
  13. Deathray

    Dead Pool Ethics

    I think accessing private data (i.e Ariel Sharon's doctors notes or terminally ill list at well known celeb hospital) not available to other competitors should be cheating. Not because your intruding on the celebs privacy but because it gives you an advantage other other entrants, a bit like murdering your celeb. If it's Robert Mugabe/Ian Brady murdering him could be morally sound depending on your outlook but killing him still gives you an advantage!
  14. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    All three teams sent and locked stupidly early but nevermind. Already realised I forgot one dead cert As I've been having trouble with emails can you confirm you've recieved my three teams; Deathrays Kervorkian Clinc, Serving Heads of State and Centenarians?
  15. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2013

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25356034 Did any of the terrorist orientated DPs pick this guy?
  16. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2013

    He'd been struggling with cancer for five years, not if but when!
  17. Deathray

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/entertainment&id=9356237 4,500 donated to her for a waste of space party, I'll laugh if she cops it before the big do.
  18. Deathray

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2013/11/23/zsa-zsa-gabor-plans-on-giving-away-200-turkeys-to-westside-needy/ Is she even mentally capable of making this decision?
  19. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    Jo Bryant got an obit in the UK's Huffington Post which seems to have gone unnoticed by the list of the lost page for most of the year. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/01/14/team-bryant-cancer-jo-prince-harry-_n_2471856.html
  20. Deathray

    Pensionable Presidents (And Other Leaders)

    "due course" may be a while. There's a lot of dead ex-leaders. Why can't they all die in office?
  21. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    The "Red Devils" theme team of 1958 were high performers, I think. Though Bill Foulkes' survival ruled out a clean sweep! Derby dead pool existed in 1958?
  22. Deathray

    Who Should Be On The Deathlist 2014

    Sam Simon should definitely be on.
  23. Deathray

    Billy Graham

    Yes. If you're a supporter/believer of his then because in his current ill state it's best to pray for him to be in the next life than his current state in this life. Or just because you have no time for him and it might work.</p>
  24. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    What's the highest hit rate ever recorded for a team in one year?
  25. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Well, I can think of one chap, in his 50s, terminally ill, BBC obit almost guaranteed, chances of seeing 2015 about 0.5%. He'll certainly be on the Drop Forty if he is breathing on the 1st. Wilko J will definitely be a top 20 pick but I don't think he'll have the #1 spot. I think the Drop 40 will be led by either Zsa Zsa or Prince Philip next year. Think Carla Laemmle might beat old Phil to it..

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