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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 55 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    That’s the second year my wildcard went in January. Darn. ;) 

    I did have Roger Scruton on my team, so I think I should also have points for him? 


    Not just you that one passed me by.... 8 teams score..... starting to look a bit more competitive than those early leaderboards now....



    First big hit of the year is Terry Jones for 13 teams.... and WC for Joey


    Joey Russ (51 points) (2 hit)  {Roger Scruton / Terry Jones WC}

    CaptainChorizo (41 points) (3 hit) {Terry Jones / Tom Belso/Roger Scruton}

    The Mad Hatter (31 points) (2 hit) {Terry Jones/ Roger Scruton}

    Etushispushingupdaises (31 points) (1 hit) {Roger Scruton / Terry Jones)

    Banana (30 points) (2 hit) {Terry Jones / Tom Belso}

    RadGuy (23 points) (2 hits) {Terry Jones / Tom Long)

    The Quim Reaper (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    The Unknown Man (20 points) (1 hit {Terry Jones}

    An Fear Beag (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    Pedroo67 (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    GraveDanger (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    Whoaml (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones)Sean (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones)

    markb4 14 points (1 hit) (Christopher Tolkein)

    gcreptile 13 points (2 hit) (Karen Simpson and Danny Oosthuizen)

    Prophet 11 points (1 hit) {Roger Scruton}

    Nantonian2013 11 points (1 hit) {Roger Scruton}

    the engineer 11 points (1 hit) {Roger Scruton}

    drol 11 points (1 hit) {Roger Scruton}

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hit) (David Stern)

    Everyone Else 0 points 0 hits


    • Like 1

  2. First big hit of the year is Terry Jones for 13 teams.... and WC for Joey


    Joey Russ (40 points) (1 hit)  {Terry Jones WC}

    CaptainChorizo (30 points) (2 hit) {Terry Jones / Tom Belso}

    Banana (30 points) (2 hit) {Terry Jones / Tom Belso}

    RadGuy (23 points) (2 hits) {Terry Jones / Tom Long)

    The Quim Reaper (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    The Unknown Man (20 points) (1 hit {Terry Jones}

    The Mad Hatter (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    An Fear Beag (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    Pedroo67 (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    GraveDanger (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones}

    Whoaml (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones)

    Etushispushingupdaises (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones)

    Sean (20 points) (1 hit) {Terry Jones)

    markb4 14 points (1 hit) (Christopher Tolkein)

    gcreptile 7 points (2 hit) (Karen Simpson and Danny Oosthuizen)

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hit) (David Stern)

    Everyone Else 0 points 0 hits

    • Like 2

  3. 3 hours ago, grobler said:

    Just listened / watched the tv interview. Once you cut through both of their tears/attention seeking etc.....ok...I get he is a bit poorly...but no need to check the obits for a few years IMHO .


    It's not attention seeking, he's giving up something he's dedicated his entire life too and not out of choice.... 

    • Like 2

  4. 31 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

    Billy Connolly said he had Parkinson's years ago and still going on. Then again he wasn't a crazy rocker with drug issues and Sharon for a wife.


    The issue isn't so much his death (which is likely at some point). It means the tour dates he's put back multiple times are likely never going to happen. Whilst he hasn't outright said that. Also he currently can't fly abroad (he didn't come over with Sharon for panto season, which he normally does). I think someone on here had tickets for him; they're unlikely to ever see him live now....


    Glad I saw him a few years ago (although left early, I might regret that....)


    All though there's no doubt a billion other issues with Ozzy that could kill him long before the parkinsons.... 


    As he points out himself though - it ain't terminal any more than life is terminal...


    "There's so many different types of Parkinson's," she said. "It's not a death sentence by any stretch of the imagination, but it does affect certain nerves in your body. And it's like you have a good day, a good day, and then a really bad day."

    Ozzy added: "It's been terribly challenging for us all. I did my last show New Year's Eve at The Forum in 2018. Then I had a bad fall. I had to have surgery on my neck, which screwed all my nerves."



  5. 8 minutes ago, runebomme said:

     ( lung, skin, blood, colon, breast, bone, prostate, ovarian, kidney and cervical cancer cells) the cells have very different nature and this seems a sledge hammer approach.


    to fully deal with it we have to understand it on the gene level but attempts like this are better than waiting for a bit of science which we don't yet have


    Regardless of it being a sledge hammer approach, to my untrained eye it looks like a mechanism that would if they found it worked be a breakthrough for medicine in general. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, runebomme said:

    is it about the cell emitting enzymes to destroy the cancer


    I think that's the jist of it... basically take the cell out, and inject the cells back in modified to kill off cancer in other cells..... (am I right thinking in theory this could also be used for other immune disorders?)



    T-cells have "receptors" on their surface that allow them to "see" at a chemical level.

    The Cardiff team discovered a T-cell and its receptor that could find and kill a wide range of cancerous cells in the lab including lung, skin, blood, colon, breast, bone, prostate, ovarian, kidney and cervical cancer cells.

    Crucially, it left normal tissues untouched.

    This particular T-cell receptor interacts with a molecule called MR1, which is on the surface of every cell in the human body.


  7. Just now, runebomme said:

    I have not read the headlines but the only way you can beat cancer is by gene manipulation sure you can destroy some cancers by other methods but once you can start manipulation the the genes in a cancer cell we have beaten it 


    This is immune cell manipulation, don't think it's quite gene manipulation but it's scientifically sound (in theory). 

  8. 1 hour ago, torbrexbones said:

    Why don't they invest in something worthwhile like how to stop your nose running in cold weather and just let cancer kill the people that it was meant to do in the first place?


    We will never save the planet from dying if we keep on saving people from dying.


    That's a ridiculous argument. Most disease we treat with medicine are meant to kill people, but some found a cure, that's how medical science works.

    8 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    Saw it being discussed on Reddit yesterday. The headlines are more eye-grabbing than the research suggests. It's basically an idea, needing research, years away from fruition.

    Cancer cures, and the news about them, are an industry on their own.



    The headlines are more eye grabbing yes, but it's the first one of these I've ever seen that looks remotely likely to come to fruition. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    Chicory Tip?

    the fuck?


    In all seriousness....



    The band formed in 1967, their name having been chosen by Barry Mayger who saw a coffee bottle (probably Camp Coffee) which contained chicory and this was shown on the label. He offered up the name Chicory Tip and it was accepted by the rest of the band. They were signed to CBS Records. They were originally known as The Sonics. The first few singles flopped, although "Excuse Me Baby" (a remake of a minor UK hit for The Magic Lanterns in 1971) secured the band its first appearance on the BBC Television pop music programme, Top of the Pops.


    Sounds like they but about as much effort into that process as their songs.....

  10. 1 minute ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Because us dregs should stick together!!


    Well there's no other fucking species left on the planet when your dregs. So of course your sticking together.....


    And I'd find it quite easy to believe you'd spent your entire life breathing in carbon dioxide rather than breathing it out, would explain your brain being starved of oxygen....

    • Haha 1

  11. 1 minute ago, msc said:

    There's two basic DL timelines. Normality, where most of us are, and Sir Creep's Timeline, which a confusing alternate reality of facts and times. (Also, it's where someone with Stage IV pancreatic cancer is an unwise pick for a deadpool, so clearly their medical science is fucking awesome...)


    Nope there's two DL timelines


    - The one account one where we turned up and remember back to when we got here.

    - The 5th/6th account @Sir Creep one where you eventually get caught out. Just use your original fucking accounts cowards.


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