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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 4 hours ago, Banana said:

    My pick Tony Pena died, however turns out he is a high school senior and not a college senior, my apologies.


    Errr.... obit for Tony Pena names him as 17-year old Tony Pena high school footballer .........


    My masterlist has him as a 62 year old dominican baseball player. 


    Obviously a discrepency...


    Either way.....


    1) 2)All picks must be human beings aged over 18 on January 1st of the game year..


    Actual Leaderboard....

    markb4 14 points (1 hit) (Christopher Tolkein)

    Banana and CaptainChorizo 10 points (1 hit) Tom Belso

    Radguy 3 points (1 hit) (Tom Long)

    gcreptile 3 points (1 hit) (Karen Simpson)

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hit) (David Stern)

    Everyone else 0 points 

    • Like 1

  2. 8 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    I’d love to re-examine the history of just how THAT happened?  Juxtaposed and vis-a-vis just where the hell @Magere Hein is.


    I’ll wait. 


    Not sure what you're getting at but if I've read this right....


    There's nothing to re-examine. PB was an admin when I first started posting here iirc - a year before you decided to bring the forum down a few notches and post here....


    Hein fucked off a week after Johan Cruyff carked it, either a death that hit too close to home (he was dutch) or shit happening (forum members aren't immune to life's cycle) . Also a little while after setting a Dead Pool that no-one could realistically run which would have been a typically Hein thing to do a month before fucking off. 


    Either way if Grobler can just randomly turned up after a decade and get a warm welcome, I'm sure if Hein ever wishes to return (if he's well)  he'll get a warm welcome...


    So stop shit-stiring and have some decorum, given many forum members still wonder what the fuck happened to Hein..  (users dissapearing is fairly normal, admins not so much...)

  3. Just now, Windsor said:

    The problem in London could easily be solved by suspending the rule of law.


    They have knives. They think they’re soldiers. They think they have territory to hold in many cases. Most important of all is the fact that the law can’t touch them as even conviction is a badge of honour which - in their mind - elevates their status in their ‘armies’. They don’t care if they are convicted. Conviction is no deterrent. 


    As for the solution I referred to: I say shoot them. Treat them like the soldiers they think they are. If you don’t have grounds for shooting them, kick the living shit out of them and leave them in the gutter.


    The sad thing is I suspect the Met know the key figures in gangs who need dealt with but they can’t do anything due to procedure and due process.


    Forget suspending the rule of law. A bit of mass deportation could solve London and every other UK inner cities problems..


    They can't do anything about it because gangsters infiltrate police forces and have done since time immemorial....

    • Like 1

  4. Just now, Phantom said:

    You are in a pissy mood.


    No, I am not. I'm in the same mood I always am, I'm just ditching the convivial formalities generally offered in my posting on this site as an undue courteousy to the various self absorbed cunts who inhabit this place, permanently I might add. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Phantom said:

    Sorry you happen to be in a pissy mood.

    Hope you get a good night's sleep at some point.


    I'm not in a pissy mood, just pointing out that every fucker on the planet is getting old. That's hardly a bonafide reason to add them to a deadpool team...

  6. Just now, Phantom said:

    Judith Chalmers is getting up there in years. Could be worth a long shot


    Every fucking person on the planet is getting up their in years. So I guess every fucking person on the planet is worth a long shot by your stupid logic.


    Your better than this Phantom you really fucking are.....

  7. 1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Speak for yourself, but go on...


    Well, judgement of whether I'm having a pissy fit lies with me not you. And as I said you only joined in 2016 so you've never witnessed a proper fucking good old meltdown on here by a member. Go luck at some of the Zorders/Phantom shit.... or a bit of old Banshees Scream. You're a mere imitation twat, even Bladan is a sane poster compared to you, and ten times entertaining for that matter - and he's a pound shop version of either of the former....


    1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:



    This did make me LOL :lol:



    Trust me the idea that anything I say makes you laugh, makes me fucking sick.... i'd rather provide entertainment to fucking Nazi soldiers, at least they had they excuse of following orders for being cunts? I mean whats yours besides a bang to the head as a kid and  poor parenting?


    1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Go on then, go for it doll. We both know you're so much easier to wind up so you go first :lol:



    Doll. Who you fucking calling doll? Is that the best insult you can fucking come up with? 


    1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:





    Just fucking do one.


    1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Because that would, by definition, be unoriginal and pathetic. Come on, don't contradict yourself, you're a better keyboard warrior than that.


    But it would be equally as unoriginal and fucking pathetic as your own fucking name.... so why not go for the much more amusing one.

    • Haha 1

  8. 6 minutes ago, DeathClock said:

    Wait, this person is a...he? :o


    He's one of these modern sit-on-the-fence cunts. The sort of luxury that can only be afforded to arty farty types with mental spasticity.  What has the world come to when we sanction fucking non-gender shit. God gave you a cock or a cunt and if he gave you neither you're a hermaphrodyte there's no other fucking choices okay? So stop wasting everybodies time telling them how special you are cos there's a a screw lose in your fucking brain.


    Neil is a fucking he, whatever he fucking calls himself and whatever he fucking dresses up in. His poor fucking family having to put up with his Queenie drama bollocks.

    • Like 2


    Oh fuck core fans aren't warming to the Doctor.....


    Let's get him/her looking all weepy as he watches Gallifrey burn and do a load of retconning!




    Anyway reckon the master's 'the timeless child' was a lie and 'founding fathers was a lie' stuff is opening up the door to canonise the time lords as test tube babies?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Perhaps said:

    Take some ADHD pills and stop ruining this queens thread.




    I ain't ruining no fuckers thread, I'm using a discussion forum for it's fucking intended purpose - discussion.


    Can't handle it fuck off and this place will be a better place.....


    You've been a here? Can't say I'd fucking ever noticed you to be honest.....

    • Sad 1

  11. 2 minutes ago, Perhaps said:

    Jesus, I've been on this forum since last year but the way I've seen old men fly off the handle over the smallest thing is... interesting.


    From an outsiders perspective deathray gives off the vibe of being an absolute mental case


    If I'm fucking old then in all likehood your fucking geriatric even if you've just had your first child you cuntstick....

    • Angry 1

  12. 1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    I always wondered in previous Deathers pissy fits whether they’d ever get boring, given how mercifully quickly they were nipped in the knackers.


    Not yet :lol::lol:


    Given I'm still fucking here you and I both know I'm not having a pissy fit you fucking cunt - I'm being reasonable fucking polite by the way (I see you weren't around in the days of Zorders so don't know what it looked like when two people really fucking lost it with eachother. on here - so shiut up alright ...) . By the way your name is an utterly unoriginal and pathetic fucking wordplay joke - why don't you pop over to Name Shame and rename yourself 'Boring Cunt'

    • Haha 2

  13. 3 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

    Only Scatton and Frates (although he has kind of transcended that fame) could be considered FFBI picks. That you also consider Nugroho FFBI just on a worldwide basis kinda is just kind of strange. Would that make someone like, say, Spanky Manikan FFBI? No, it wouldn’t...


    No because Spanky Manikan is known outside of France.


    No-one outside of india has a fucking clue who Nugro is...


    The rest are high-ranking professionals, that doesn't make them fucking famous.

  14. 1 minute ago, Deathray said:


    It would save the families of these stupid picks the fucking heartbreak and stress of the site coming up when they google their fucking loved ones while grieving them. I get most people on here have the emotional acuteness of Rain Man but that's the whole fucking reason for this bloody discussion. It has fuck all do with whether these picks offer anyone a competitive advantage, it's about the fucking morally right thing to fucking do......


    Anyway all of the following are FFBI under the definition I'd like to see used on the DDP and all hits for Top 10 teams.:


    Fatima Ali

    Gerard Basset

    Billy Clayton

    Sutupo Nurgro (on a worldwide basis)

    Pete Frates

    Marieke Vervoot

    Kieth Cass

    Dana Scatton


    Oh fuck do you get offended by someone elses fucking opinion.


    Being generous to a lot of other 'hits'


    That lot from the hits last year for top 10 teams could all do with being banned in future....


    A few more dubious ones went without obits or didn't die.....


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