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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 38 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    The fact people can’t just sit down and enjoy a film these days.


    i have not yet seen the latest Star Wars films yet I see the super fans have decided to point out all the failures of plot holes etc. Just like the end of Games of Thones and all those wankers who complained endlessly about character arcs.


    Its all fucking fiction. There was dragons, resurrections and magic!  Just enjoy it!

    PS. I will accept Clone Wars was shite. 


    There better not have been dragons, resurrection and magic in the latest star wars as that would be pissing on the canon from a great height (haven't fixed an appointment with the cinema yet).

  2. 1 minute ago, Windsor said:

    I left the Labour Party when Corbyn was elected leader the second time. 


    If Keir Starmer is elected leader I may consider a return...if they convince me they can deal with the SNP.




    Surely your better off returning now to help vote him in? 


    There's tens of thousands like you - that could end up being the difference.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    You forget we live in the age of the nutters.


    It will transpire that when he was at university he dressed up as Hitler in blackface. Don’t forget he’s also a knight of the realm which probably means he’s too much of an establishment figure. 


    Going by the tone of your post you'd class me as a nutter (I voted in Jeremy Corbyn's favour in the 2015 leadership race, 2016 leadership race, 2017 and election, 2019 election.....), I and many of my fellow nutters will be throwing our weight behind the one man who can actually beat Boris at the next election.....


    Kier Starmer - pragmatism over purity.

    • Like 1

  4. Just now, Joey Russ said:

    Pretty sure Charon’s Crew is actually the forum member with the exact same name, not the twat who’s no longer with us


    Pretty sure the former member with the same name was a burner account of the twat who is no longer with us during one of his 'imposed holidays'

  5. 5 hours ago, Kinnock said:


    Your not.......


    Re - Top 10 I'd be glad if the blanks could be filled in as I think most are on here? (There's a reason mine is called Deathray's Kervorkian Clinic, if only everybody else would use the same naming convention.)


    Massive thanks  to @Death Impends for filling in some of the blanks....


    Thomas Jefferson Survives = Death Impends

    Pity da Foolz = Dr T

    Once You Go Black = An Fear Beag

    Carkers Convention = maryport (??)

    Heading Nowhere = CaptainChorizo

    Pan Breed = msc (??)

    Dead Ends = Sean the Irish Bastard

    John Key's Choices = John Key (see how useful this naming convention is.....)

    Day in the Death = Joey Russ 

    Bucket of Blood = (A Luker, if so say hello.... :P)

    GUN Fishing = Grim Up North (again, naming convention saved me here.....)



    Further down the list I see these obvious forum ones. (not paying much attention to theme teams)


    (not exhaustive - I may add B teams and theme teams when I can be arsed)....


    (12) Going Underground

    (14) deadsox (Deceased Hose)

    (16) Banana (Banana's Peel Slippers

    (16) Drol (Drollercoaster)

    (16) alt obits guy (Fade to Black)

    (20) The Dead Cow (Still Life)

    (21) gcreptile (The Love Boat)

    (24) Book (2020.... No Thank You I'll Leave Before)

    (22) GraveDanger

    (25)RadGuy (To Kill A Gabor Sister)

    (27) the engineer (Sovereign Reaper)

    (27) Clorox Bleachman (Bleaching the Bottom of the Barrel)

    (30) Cancel My Appointments (Sir Creep)

    (31) DevonDeathTrip (The Living End)

    (35) Skinny Kiltrunner

    (38) Eesti (DDP Tofoa)

    (36) FixedBusiness (Life Flies By So Fast)

    (42) charon (Charon's crew)

    (43) ethnic cleansing (Ethnic Cleansing)

    (52) The Unknown Man (The End of the World As We Know It)

    (54) Heef (The Heeflich Manouvre)

    (57) viGnoS (P@F Deathlist)

    (65) Dead Wait

    (67) Sean (Shaun of the Dead 69)

    (73) JiromeonKimura (Cancerous Hatred)

    (74) Wormfarmer

    (81) Pedro (Pedro's Catacomb Dwellers)

    (90) Captain Hemlock (Captain Hemlock's Twenty)

    (92) Toast (I'm sorry for your trouble)

    (100) Youth In Asia (Todays the Day the Maggots Have Their Picnic)

    (100) JQW (You Dirty Rotten Swine, You Dead Them)

    (109) Predictor (Predictor's Predictions)

    (113) YoungWillz (12-Lords A Leaving 8 Ladies A Dying)

    (116) The Old Lady

    (127) Windsor (Windsor the Troll)

    (127) The Old Crem (The A Team)

    (134) drunkasaskunk

    (146) The Mad Hatter (Twenty Little Roosters)

    (155) Deathray (Deathray's Kervorkian Clinic)

    (157) Blueberry Crumble (Gooseberry Crumble)

    (165) Phantom (Phantom's Pick and Mix)

    (165) Exu (Life's too short)

    (214) Larrd Bazaar

    (239) YorkshireBanker (Roasting Bodies in Redcar)

    (262) time (Time's up)

    (279) dean1991 (Curse of Fame)

    (299) nantonian2013 (Funeral Furore)

    (329) Spade Cooley (Passing)

    (343) Mr Whit (Mr Whit's wonders)

    (350) Bibliogryphon (Bibliogryphon's Bookworm Food)

    (380) Gooseberry Crumble


    (I've missed your primary team let me know....)

    And these look as though they might be forumers?
    Also looks like Crowdsourced Deathlist (105) beat the actual Deathlist (176).....



    If I've missed you out let me know


    Updated with DIS picks and my efforts from wasting an hour or so scrolling through old DDP threads.....

    • Thanks 1

  6. 2 hours ago, Death Impends said:

    Pity da Foolz = Dr_T

    Once You Go Black = An Fear Bag

    Carkers = mpfc

    Pan Breed = msc

    Dead Ends = Sean the Irish Bastard

    Bucket of Blood is not a member to my knowledge (but very clearly a lurker)

    Cancerous Hatred = JiroemonKimura

    Going Underground = Going Underground

    To Kill A Gabor Sister = RadGuy

    The Living End = DDT

    I do not know who Norfolk & Good is, but they are not LFN

    Youth in Asia does participate but they aren't the team with that in the title. Rather, they're Today's The Day The Maggots Have Their Picnic


    Cheers, updated my post with that an some others from a cursory scan through last years DDP thread...

  7. 12 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Slept on this.


    How come I can watch Bradley Walsh host Cash Trapped and The Chase all year and still believe he is Graham in the show? Because tbh, he is awesome and inspired casting.


    The great thing about Who is its self-referential nods to keep the fans happy. So for example, when they all appear with a change of wardrobe, why not start with a close up of their bow ties and zoom out, rather than do a boots up pan? Bow ties are cool, remember?


    I agree with the dialogue comments and the story telling points above. You know, sometimes you need to go outside the Doctor and companions and give us the audience a little insight that the characters don't have. Currently, it's like looking over the shoulder of someone playing a first person shooter game for the first play through without having read the booklet. We are still firmly in the territory established with New Who that the best of the whole thing is the last 5 minutes.


    Whilst Bradley is a good actor, I think familiarity breeds acceptance, took me a few episodes to get past it's Bradley Walsh.....

    • Like 2

  8. 15 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    I may be the only one who doesn’t know the names of everyone’s main team, so it’s always a surprise to find out who is doing well.


    And lo, this year it’s Death Impends!  A grand podium for you, sir!  Well done!



    Your not.......


    Re - Top 10 I'd be glad if the blanks could be filled in as I think most are on here? (There's a reason mine is called Deathray's Kervorkian Clinic, if only everybody else would use the same naming convention.)


    Massive thanks  to @Death Impends for filling in some of the blanks....


    Thomas Jefferson Survives = Death Impends

    Pity da Foolz = Dr T

    Once You Go Black = An Fear Beag

    Carkers Convention = maryport (??)

    Heading Nowhere = CaptainChorizo

    Pan Breed = msc (??)

    Dead Ends = Sean the Irish Bastard

    John Key's Choices = John Key (see how useful this naming convention is.....)

    Day in the Death = Joey Russ 

    Bucket of Blood = (A Luker, if so say hello.... :P)

    GUN Fishing = Grim Up North (again, naming convention saved me here.....)



    Further down the list I see these obvious forum ones. (not paying much attention to theme teams)


    (not exhaustive - I may add B teams and theme teams when I can be arsed)....


    (12) Going Underground

    (14) deadsox (Deceased Hose)

    (16) Banana (Banana's Peel Slippers

    (16) Drol (Drollercoaster)

    (16) alt obits guy (Fade to Black)

    (20) The Dead Cow (Still Life)

    (21) gcreptile (The Love Boat)

    (22) GraveDanger

    (24) Book (2020.... No Thank You I'll Leave Before)

    (25)RadGuy (To Kill A Gabor Sister)

    (27) the engineer (Sovereign Reaper)

    (27) Clorox Bleachman (Bleaching the Bottom of the Barrel)

    (30) Cancel My Appointments (Sir Creep)

    (31) DevonDeathTrip (The Living End)

    (35) Skinny Kiltrunner

    (38) Eesti (DDP Tofoa)

    (36) FixedBusiness (Life Flies By So Fast)

    (42) charon (Charon's crew)

    (43) ethnic cleansing (Ethnic Cleansing)

    (52) The Unknown Man (The End of the World As We Know It)

    (54) Heef (The Heeflich Manouvre)

    (57) viGnoS (P@F Deathlist)

    (65) Dead Wait

    (67) Sean (Shaun of the Dead 69)

    (73) JiromeonKimura (Cancerous Hatred)

    (74) Wormfarmer

    (81) Pedro (Pedro's Catacomb Dwellers)

    (90) Captain Hemlock (Captain Hemlock's Twenty)

    (92) Toast (I'm sorry for your trouble)

    (100) Youth In Asia (Todays the Day the Maggots Have Their Picnic)

    (100) JQW (You Dirty Rotten Swine, You Dead Them)

    (109) Predictor (Predictor's Predictions)

    (113) YoungWillz (12-Lords A Leaving 8 Ladies A Dying)

    (116) The Old Lady

    (127) Windsor (Windsor the Troll)

    (127) The Old Crem (The A Team)

    (134) drunkasaskunk

    (146) The Mad Hatter (Twenty Little Roosters)

    (155) Deathray's Kervorkian Clinic

    (157) Blueberry Crumble (Gooseberry Crumble)

    (165) Phantom (Phantom's Pick and Mix)

    (165) Exu (Life's too short)

    (214) Larrd Bazaar

    (239) YorkshireBanker (Roasting Bodies in Redcar)

    (262) time (Time's up)

    (279) dean1991 (Curse of Fame)

    (299) nantonian2013 (Funeral Furore)

    (329) Spade Cooley (Passing)

    (343) Mr Whit (Mr Whit's wonders)

    (350) Bibliogryphon (Bibliogryphon's Bookworm Food)

    (380) Gooseberry Crumble


    (I've missed your primary team let me know....)

    And these look as though they might be forumers?
    Also looks like Crowdsourced Deathlist (105) beat the actual Deathlist (176).....



    If I've missed you out let me know

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  9. 22 minutes ago, msc said:


    I liked the one in some 80s episode.


    Doctor: So you escaped from the planet of evil? (Made up, I know)

    (X): Oh Doctor, you have been naive.


    And thats the entire explanation. On with the plot.


    End of The King's Demons, pre-cursor to Five Doctors, wasn't so much on with the plot given it formed the story cliffhanger, more 'now we're talking come back for the good one'........




    Absolutely the way to do it.....


    Also regards you're currently discussing whether the throwaway 'I've had an upgrade' joke at C's expense was an an uber-feminist social justice warrior line that is indoctrinating kids and will make white male children feel inferior, some people really haven't took the gender change well...... :lol:

  10. 2 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

    I think it's bad on purpose.


    I get that but it's so bad it distracts from the point the meme is trying to make.....


    rather than going 'yes people should really stopped airbrushing instagram photos' you go 'fucking hell that's a bad airbrush job. Prince Philip being normally airbrushed would still make the point they were trying to make.....'


    It's about time memes were held to the same critical standards as high art......



  11. 9 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    I was left baffled in its own self-indulgence. Slapping a few guest stars in only works if they are truly talented actors who can make you forget who they are. Lenny Henry and Stephen Fry are not those guys, with all due respect. Couldn't see beyond them...what was this, I said, fucking Comic Relief? And that bloody accent on Whitaker is broader than ever.....how American watchers can bear it without subtitles I have no idea, but I lived in 't North for 3 sodding years and I'm struggling.


    I'd like to know how (spoiler) survived their last appearance, however, historically there's always been an unexplained comeback with them.


    Who dem baddies? It better be better than previous attempts, yet to be seen. And I have a horrible feeling we are in for more story arcs which last the series and perhaps beyond. It's a device I absolutely despise, because the Doctor is timeless and mere blips in his story blown up to huge proportions (like fucking Bad Wolf) obscure the grand design of the show.


    I actually liked most of the last series. This opener was parody heavy to the extent of piss-taking the show itself.




    Re - the stunt castings, I thought Stephen Fry did well but was too obvious, Lenny Henry came across is if he would up there with the kind of supporting actor Doctor Who could pull in regularly (not exceptional, not shit) if he wasn't Lenny Henry - but I didn't find it anywhere near as distraction as the utter third wall breaking clumsy lines of dialogue..... (is he just here for the running commentary?). 


    Proper spoiler territory here but there's no way of proposing this theory without revealing the twist......



    Theory floating around mscs favourite site :P - good old Gallifrey Base (yes  I'm an account holding, relatively frequent poster, you can all judge me for the absolute sad bastard I am - but don't until you've read the missing episode thread comedy fucking gold sadly hidden behind an account creation wall, apparently every episode of Doctor Who exists and two parties are curently engaged in legal battles, bidding battles and rights battles galore over them and that's why they haven't been released.... as someones hoarding them but the BBC Worldwide division are trying to get them back..... any I massively massively digress) is that the Dhawan incarnation falls between the John Simm incarnation and the 'Missy' incarnation'; as they never explicitly ruled that possibility out..... )


    Also I thought him choosing the name 'Oh' was utterly brilliant and dare I say masterful and those silhouttes monsters were bloody brilliant, just wish I could work out who the Master is working for - I've got a niggling feeling O is not actually the Master, but the alien race behind that we know can shapeshift taking his form as a way of comprimising the Doctors ability to neutralise them - we know O had files thick as bookshelves on the Doctor, and there'd be stuff about the Master in there - allowing him to build a persona to inhabit to fool her.........


  12. 2 minutes ago, Sir Creep said:

    Next you’ll tell me there’s a device....no.. No not a device but a cyber place where this excel spreadsheet can be stored and accessed from.... from, well... ANYWHERE!   


    Yes, and this wonderful website that lets you share a live version of that spreadsheet from a burner email account on these sites where people talk to eachother or even bet on dying celebrities.... 


    so those people can tell you in real time you've not awarded points for their picks rather than wait until there points aren't included in the update.....


    Come to think of it that was a fucking stupid way to do the masterlist.....

  13. 7 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    The new series was preachy shit which spent more time tut tutting at the British Empires wrong doings ( like we didn't fucking know already) than doing what Dr Who used to do so well, entertain us with Daleks, Cybermen and that utterly filthy Camille Couduri.

     That's the Beeb all over, bunch of preachy left wing cunts that are so far off of the pace it is embarrassing.

     We just wanna be entertained FFS!!!!!!!

     The fact that there are so many bastard Star War films to choose from says that the owners of the franchise milked it considerably more than even you have done with your cock.

     I'd even go as far to say that you cock is probably more entertaining, well a sock told me it was.:D


    Either you were a kid when the classic episodes aired and didn't spot the political themes and political satires that have always run through the show or your fucking dense.......


    Yes, they could do with toning down some of the 'preachy left wing' stuff as you put it...... but the overall show is still good. And I suggest you go and watch the first episode of the new series the silhouttes are a bloody good monster. And a time honoured favorite villain dating back to the old  is back....


    Also if Gridlock or The Lazarus experiment didn't entertain you  there's no hope......


    Oh and yes Disney are milking Star Wars the same way EON milk James Bond or Disney milk Marvel.... it sells.....


    And talking to socks? We've always though you were bonkers not clinically insane? :lol:

  14. Anyone else think the New Years Episode was a decent step up from the Series 11 farce (Rosa excepted), seemed to be something resembling character development, genuine suspense and a brilliant twist (I've got a feeling everybody here who cares has seen it but I won't say more in case)..... awesome monsters by the way - the in your face bluntness of the political themes still needs toned down a bit, but we're getting closer to Doctor Who not Chibnall does sci-fi.... (a lot of the sci-fi satire in Spyfall was tremendous though). 


    And a two parter as well..... and for the first time in years I'm genuinely looking forward to the next episode  to the point out I wish it was sooner rather than 'i'd like to see it'

  15. 2 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    A fine example of a shit thread.

    What next? The Best Alien Film?

    The Best choccy in a Celebrations tub?

    Utter bollocks.



    Would you prefer we did some chatting about good old Doctor Who? The new series is an improvement after all, hang on i'll go and bump that thread the Who haters started.....

    • Like 1

  16. 8 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Too many shit posters and too many shit threads of late.

    Fuck all worth posting about/interacting with.

    As for Deathers missing me, I would have assumed, by the look of the mutual masturbation love shared between himself and *Billericay Dickie that life had moved on somewhat.

     It just shows you how far this place has sunk,  even my shit posting is missed!

     * The only Political commentator on here that makes Kate Garraway look as good as Andrew Neil.



    You're alive and not in clink, so you've not done a Hein then, you can kindly fuck off for another two months now..... :lol:


    I haven't got the foggiest who Billericay Dickie is though. :scratchhead:


    And yes quality has somewhat gone down the toilet here, which is why we wonder where the good posters have gone quicker..... 


    5 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    No, I'm not dead yet, although I may well go before you coz I'm older than you.

    Mind you, if you keep wanking into socks you will, eventually, run out of all energy and zest a die surrounded by your own sperm.

    Take that into account, the poor people who will find you and have to clean up after you.:)


    To be honest I've just about reached the age where E.D is starting to hamper that obsession, if it gets better with age let me know.....


    • Haha 1

  17. 20 minutes ago, Cat O'Falk said:


    He has his own missing thread in which you posted half a dozen times. Do you have Alzheimer's? Are you obitable? Answer the second question first.  :duck:



    P.S. Yeah, I miss him too.  :(


    No and no.,


    Also I posted in that thread to say this thread existed, I'm following my own advice.


    That thread was for a separate disappearance.... it appears he's turned up again now though... 



    On 01/01/2020 at 09:45, Bibliogryphon said:

    People in glass houses should not throw stones.  All the NFL, baseball and basketball players have zero resonance across the pond. Test Cricketers, even those from other nations can be household names in the UK.


    In his defense most people would recognise olympic basketball players like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan etc if they were named. But there's very few of that generation old enough to feature in Deathlists.

    • Like 1

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